--- title: (Un)quotation in layered pub/sub networks --- Tony Garnock-Jones June 2020. ## Introduction There's potential for confusion whenever *patterns* are drawn from the same set that the *values to be matched* come from. In layered pub/sub networks like [Syndicate](https://syndicate-lang.org/), publisher-subscriber relationships are set up using messages carried over the publish-subscribe medium itself. Subscribers build messages containing patterns describing other messages they are interested in. But in general, these messages travel across multiple layered pub/sub dataspaces. To avoid confusion, we have to be very clear about when a piece of data denotes a pattern and when it is just a piece of data. In this post, I'll describe the approach I want to take to solve this problem for Syndicate in the general case. ### What's the problem? Consider regular expressions. The regex `ab*c` matches `ac`, `abc`, `abbc`, and so on; but what if we wanted to match the literal string `ab*c`? We have to escape the star in the pattern, writing the pattern as `ab\*c`. #### Quotation If we want to use a regex engine to search for a literal string supplied by someone else---perhaps a user, perhaps an API client---we have to take care to *quote* the literal string, in order to avoid confusion caused by metacharacters:[^racket-regexp-quote] | Literal string | Quoted form | | --- | --- | | `no metachars` | `no metachars` | | `ab*c` | `ab\*c` | | `...` | `\.\.\.` | | `(hello \$\ [world])` | `\(hello \\\$\\ \[world\]\)` | [^racket-regexp-quote]: Racket supplies [`regexp-quote`](https://github.com/racket/racket/blob/5bb837661c12a9752c6a99f952c0e1b267645b33/racket/collects/racket/private/string.rkt#L38-L51) ([docs](https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/regexp.html?q=reg%20quo#(def._((lib._racket%2Fprivate%2Fbase..rkt)._regexp-quote)))) for this purpose: ```racket (check-equal? (regexp-quote "ab*c") "ab\\*c") (check-equal? (regexp-quote "...") "\\.\\.\\.") (check-equal? (regexp-quote "(hello \\$\\ [world])") "\\(hello \\\\\\$\\\\ \\[world\\]\\)") ``` #### Invariant The invariant we want to rely on is > every string, after quotation, becomes a regular expression that matches > exactly and only the original string.[^racket-regexp-quotation-invariant] [^racket-regexp-quotation-invariant]: Expressing this in code is straightforward: ```racket (define (regexp-quotation-invariant original-string some-other-string) (equal? (string=? original-string some-other-string) (regexp-match? (regexp-quote original-string) some-other-string))) ``` We could use Racket's [random data generation](https://docs.racket-lang.org/data/Enumerations.html?q=data%2Fen#%28mod-path._data%2Fenumerate%29) tools to perform randomized testing of this invariant. Of course, this same problem crops up in any pattern language where embedding of values in patterns makes sense, so let's generalize accordingly: > every value, after quotation, becomes a pattern that matches > exactly and only the original value. ### Quotation of pub/sub patterns. In [Syndicate](https://syndicate-lang.org/), we want patterns over assertions (and thus over messages) to be able to match arbitrary [Preserves](.) atoms, sequences, and records. However, to date, there have been special exceptions. The special records `capture/1` and `discard/0`, embedded in patterns, have been interpreted as defining pattern variables and wildcards, respectively. There has been no way to construct a pattern that matches `capture/1` or `discard/0` records themselves. Previously, I tried adding a `quote/1` record to the set of special record types. Experimentation [demonstrated](quoting.rkt) that patterns with `quote/1` were able to escape the limitations of patterns without `quote/1`. Also, it's [a theorem](quoting.v) that quoting is "sensible": that unquotation after quotation of a pattern always equals the original pattern. In this post, I'll explore an alternative I think might be better: letting patterns match anything except a *single* special record, `unquote/1`. Patterns use `unquote/1` to escape into a *metalanguage* where special operators like capture, discard, and so on can be discussed. ## Definitions We'll work with a simplified data language. Instead of full Preserves, which includes lists, maps, records, a variety of atoms and so forth, we'll stick to just records and atoms. `Value`s are the things our `Pattern`s are to match. `Value`s that are `Lists` denote records: the first `Value` is the label of the record, and the remaining `Value`s are its fields. ```racket (define (record? x) (and (list? x) (positive? (length x)) (andmap value? x))) (define (record-label x) (car x)) (define (record-fields x) (cdr x)) (define (record-arity x) (length (record-fields x))) (define (record-field x n) (list-ref x (+ n 1))) ``` Atoms, then, are the non-`List` `Value`s. ```racket (define (atom? x) (or (string? x) (symbol? x) (number? x))) ``` `Value`s are the records and the atoms, and nothing else. ```racket (define (value? x) (or (atom? x) (record? x))) ``` We will frequently need to decide whether a `Value` is a record with a particular label and arity. ```racket (define (record/class? x label arity) (and (record? x) (equal? (record-label x) label) (= (record-arity x) arity))) ``` A `Pattern` is a `Value` with certain additional constraints on the `Operation`s that appear within an `unquote/1` record. ```racket (define (pattern? x) (and (value? x) (or (atom? x) (if (record/class? x 'unquote 1) (operation? (record-field x 0)) (andmap pattern? x))))) ``` A valid `Operation` is either a `capture/1`, containing another pattern; a `discard/0`, denoting wildcard; or `quote/1`, which promotes an *arbitrary* `Value` to a literal-matching `Pattern`. This last one is what allows us to write patterns that match `unquote/1` values without tripping over ourselves. ```racket (define (operation? x) (cond [(record/class? x 'capture 1) (pattern? (record-field x 0))] [(record/class? x 'discard 0) #t] [(record/class? x 'quote 1) (value? (record-field x 0))] [else #f])) ``` **Examples**. ```racket (check-true (pattern? 123)) (check-true (pattern? "Hello")) (check-true (pattern? 'capture)) (check-true (pattern? 'unquote)) (check-true (pattern? '(Present "Tony"))) (check-true (pattern? '(Says "Tony" "Hello, world!"))) (check-true (pattern? '(Says "Tony" (capture (discard))))) (check-true (pattern? '(Says "Tony" (unquote (capture (discard)))))) ``` Since `pattern?` subsumes `value?`, we see that each of these is both a `Value` and a `Pattern`. However, the following term is a `Value` but not a `Pattern`, because it does not conform to the definition of the `unquote`d `Operation`s. ```racket (define non-pattern '(Says "Tony" (unquote (noise)))) (check-true (value? non-pattern)) (check-false (pattern? non-pattern)) ``` We may use `quote` in conjunction with `unquote` to specify a pattern that will match our `non-pattern` example: ```racket (check-true (pattern? '(Says "Tony" ((unquote (quote unquote)) (noise))))) ``` We may also abuse the Lisp notation for quotation and quasiquotation when writing such patterns, which helps make them a little shorter and perhaps easier to read: ```racket (check-true (pattern? '(Says "Tony" (,'unquote (noise))))) ``` Finally, this term isn't even a `Value`: it includes an empty list within it. ```racket (check-false (value? '(Says "Tony" ()))) ``` ## Pattern matching Let's call our matching operator `Match`, with a capital `M` to distinguish it from Racket's own `match` syntax. `Match`, given a `pat`tern and a `val`ue, should answer either a `List` of the captured values in depth-first, left-to-right order, if the pattern matches the value, or `#f` if the arguments do not match. ```racket ;; ;; Precondition: (and (pattern? pat) (value? val)) ;; (define (Match pat val) ;; ;;; First of all, let's take care of matching atoms. ;; (cond [(atom? pat) (if (equal? pat val) '() #f)] ;; ;;; Next, the special pattern record `unquote/1` and the operators it ;; ;;; contains. ;; [(record/class? pat 'unquote 1) ;; (define op (record-field pat 0)) ;; ;;; A `capture/1` should prepend the current `val`ue to a succeeding ;; ;;; submatch, and should propagate a failing submatch. ;; (cond [(record/class? op 'capture 1) ;; (define r (Match (record-field op 0) val)) ;; (and r (cons val r))] ;; ;;; A `discard/0` should accept any `val`ue, yielding a success result ;; ;;; containing no captures. ;; [(record/class? op 'discard 0) ;; '()] ;; ;;; Finally, a `quote/1` should match exactly its argument and nothing ;; ;;; else. ;; [(record/class? op 'quote 1) ;; (if (equal? (record-field op 0) val) '() #f)] ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ```racket ;; (struct DISCARD ()) ;; (struct CAPTURE (p)) ;; (define (q p) ;; (match p ;; [(DISCARD) `(discard)] ;; [(CAPTURE p) `(capture ,(q p))] ;; [`(discard) `('discard)] ;; [`(capture ,p) `('capture ,(q p))] ;; [`(quote ,p) `('quote ,(q p))] ;; [`(,pa . ,pd) `(,(q pa) . ,(q pd))] ;; [a a])) ;; (define (uq p) ;; (match p ;; [`(discard) (DISCARD)] ;; [`(capture ,p) (CAPTURE (uq p))] ;; [`(quote ,p) p] ;; [`(,pa . ,pd) `(,(uq pa) . ,(uq pd))] ;; [a a])) ;; ;; Goal: (uq (q p)) === p ;; ;; (define (m p v k) ;; ;; (match* (p v) ;; ;; [(`(discard) _) (k '())] ;; ;; [(`(capture ,p) v) (m p v (lambda (bs) (cons v bs)))] ;; ;; [(`(quote ,p) v) (and (equal? p v) (k '()))] ;; ;; [(`(,pa . ,pd) `(,va . ,vd)) (m pa va (lambda (bs) (m pd vd (lambda (cs) (k (append bs cs))))))] ;; ;; [(p v) (and (equal? p v) (k '()))])) ;; (define (m p v k) ;; (match* (p v) ;; [((DISCARD) _) (k '())] ;; [((CAPTURE p) v) (m p v (lambda (bs) (cons v bs)))] ;; [(`(,pa . ,pd) `(,va . ,vd)) (m pa va (lambda (bs) (m pd vd (lambda (cs) (k (append bs cs))))))] ;; [(p v) (and (equal? p v) (k '()))])) ;; (module+ test ;; (require rackunit) ;; ;; (define (M p v) (m p v values)) ;; (define (M p v) (m (uq p) v values)) ;; (check-equal? (M `(capture 1) 1) '(1)) ;; (check-equal? (M `(discard) 1) '()) ;; (check-equal? (M 1 1) '()) ;; (check-equal? (M 2 1) #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(capture 2) 1) #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture (discard))) `(record value)) '(value)) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture (discard))) `(record 'value)) '('value)) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture (discard))) `(record (capture (discard)))) ;; '((capture (discard)))) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record ('capture (discard))) `(record (capture (discard)))) ;; '()) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture ('capture (discard)))) `(record (capture (discard)))) ;; '((capture (discard)))) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture ('capture (discard)))) `(record value)) ;; #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture ('capture (discard)))) `(record 'value)) ;; #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture ('capture (discard)))) `(record ('capture (discard)))) ;; #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record '(capture (discard))) `(record (capture (discard)))) ;; '()) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture '(capture (discard)))) `(record (capture (discard)))) ;; '((capture (discard)))) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture '(capture (discard)))) `(record value)) ;; #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture '(capture (discard)))) `(record 'value)) ;; #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture '(capture (discard)))) `(record '(capture (discard)))) ;; #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record ('quote value)) `(record (capture (discard)))) #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture ('quote value))) `(record (capture (discard)))) #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture ('quote value))) `(record value)) #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture ('quote value))) `(record 'value)) '('value)) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture ('quote value))) `(record 'notvalue)) #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record ('quote value)) `(record 'value)) '()) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture ('quote value))) `(record ('quote value))) #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record ''value) `(record (capture (discard)))) #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture ''value)) `(record (capture (discard)))) #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture ''value)) `(record value)) #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture ''value)) `(record 'value)) '('value)) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture ''value)) `(record 'notvalue)) #f) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record ''value) `(record 'value)) '()) ;; (check-equal? (M `(record (capture ''value)) `(record ''value)) #f) ;; (check-equal? (q (CAPTURE 1)) `(capture 1)) ;; (check-equal? (q (DISCARD)) `(discard)) ;; (check-equal? (q `(capture 1)) `('capture 1)) ;; (check-equal? (q `(discard)) `('discard)) ;; ) ```