"""The [preserves.text][] module implements the [Preserves human-readable text syntax](https://preserves.dev/preserves-text.html). The main entry points are functions [stringify][preserves.text.stringify], [parse][preserves.text.parse], and [parse_with_annotations][preserves.text.parse_with_annotations]. ```python >>> stringify(Record(Symbol('hi'), [1, [2, 3]])) '' >>> parse('') #hi(1, (2, 3)) ``` """ import numbers import struct import base64 import math from .values import * from .error import * from .compat import basestring_, unichr_ from .binary import Decoder class TextCodec(object): pass NUMBER_RE = re.compile(r'^([-+]?\d+)((\.\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?)|([eE][-+]?\d+))?$') class Parser(TextCodec): """Parser for the human-readable Preserves text syntax. Args: input_buffer (str): initial contents of the input buffer; may subsequently be extended by calling [extend][preserves.text.Parser.extend]. include_annotations (bool): if `True`, wrap each value and subvalue in an [Annotated][preserves.values.Annotated] object. parse_embedded: function accepting a `Value` and returning a possibly-decoded form of that value suitable for placing into an [Embedded][preserves.values.Embedded] object. Normal usage is to supply input text, and keep calling [next][preserves.text.Parser.next] until a [ShortPacket][preserves.error.ShortPacket] exception is raised: ```python >>> d = Parser('123 "hello" @x []') >>> d.next() 123 >>> d.next() 'hello' >>> d.next() () >>> d.next() Traceback (most recent call last): ... preserves.error.ShortPacket: Short input buffer ``` Alternatively, keep calling [try_next][preserves.text.Parser.try_next] until it yields `None`, which is not in the domain of Preserves `Value`s: ```python >>> d = Parser('123 "hello" @x []') >>> d.try_next() 123 >>> d.try_next() 'hello' >>> d.try_next() () >>> d.try_next() ``` For convenience, [Parser][preserves.text.Parser] implements the iterator interface, backing it with [try_next][preserves.text.Parser.try_next], so you can simply iterate over all complete values in an input: ```python >>> d = Parser('123 "hello" @x []') >>> list(d) [123, 'hello', ()] ``` ```python >>> for v in Parser('123 "hello" @x []'): ... print(repr(v)) 123 'hello' () ``` Supply `include_annotations=True` to read annotations alongside the annotated values: ```python >>> d = Parser('123 "hello" @x []', include_annotations=True) >>> list(d) [123, 'hello', @#x ()] ``` If you are incrementally reading from, say, a socket, you can use [extend][preserves.text.Parser.extend] to add new input as if comes available: ```python >>> d = Parser('123 "he') >>> d.try_next() 123 >>> d.try_next() # returns None because the input is incomplete >>> d.extend('llo"') >>> d.try_next() 'hello' >>> d.try_next() ``` Attributes: input_buffer (str): buffered input waiting to be processed index (int): read position within `input_buffer` """ def __init__(self, input_buffer=u'', include_annotations=False, parse_embedded=lambda x: x): super(Parser, self).__init__() self.input_buffer = input_buffer self.index = 0 self.include_annotations = include_annotations self.parse_embedded = parse_embedded def extend(self, text): """Appends `text` to the remaining contents of `self.input_buffer`, trimming already-processed text from the front of `self.input_buffer` and resetting `self.index` to zero.""" self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer[self.index:] + text self.index = 0 def _atend(self): return self.index >= len(self.input_buffer) def peek(self): if self._atend(): raise ShortPacket('Short input buffer') return self.input_buffer[self.index] def skip(self): self.index = self.index + 1 def nextchar(self): c = self.peek() self.skip() return c def skip_whitespace(self, skip_commas = False): while not self._atend(): c = self.peek() if not (c.isspace() or (skip_commas and c == ',')): break self.skip() def comment_line(self): s = [] while True: c = self.nextchar() if c == '\r' or c == '\n': return self.wrap(u''.join(s)) s.append(c) def read_stringlike(self, terminator, hexescape, hexescaper): acc = [] while True: c = self.nextchar() if c == terminator: return u''.join(acc) if c == '\\': c = self.nextchar() if c == hexescape: hexescaper(acc) elif c == terminator or c == '\\' or c == '/': acc.append(c) elif c == 'b': acc.append(u'\x08') elif c == 'f': acc.append(u'\x0c') elif c == 'n': acc.append(u'\x0a') elif c == 'r': acc.append(u'\x0d') elif c == 't': acc.append(u'\x09') else: raise DecodeError('Invalid escape code') else: acc.append(c) def hexnum(self, count): v = 0 for i in range(count): c = self.nextchar().lower() if c >= '0' and c <= '9': v = v << 4 | (ord(c) - ord('0')) elif c >= 'a' and c <= 'f': v = v << 4 | (ord(c) - ord('a') + 10) else: raise DecodeError('Bad hex escape') return v def read_string(self, delimiter): def u16_escape(acc): n1 = self.hexnum(4) if n1 >= 0xd800 and n1 <= 0xdfff: if n1 >= 0xdc00: raise DecodeError('Bad first half of surrogate pair') ok = True ok = ok and self.nextchar() == '\\' ok = ok and self.nextchar() == 'u' if not ok: raise DecodeError('Missing second half of surrogate pair') n2 = self.hexnum(4) if n2 >= 0xdc00 and n2 <= 0xdfff: n = ((n1 - 0xd800) << 10) + (n2 - 0xdc00) + 0x10000 acc.append(unichr_(n)) else: raise DecodeError('Bad second half of surrogate pair') else: acc.append(unichr_(n1)) return self.read_stringlike(delimiter, 'u', u16_escape) def read_literal_binary(self): s = self.read_stringlike('"', 'x', lambda acc: acc.append(unichr_(self.hexnum(2)))) return s.encode('latin-1') def read_hex_binary(self): acc = bytearray() while True: self.skip_whitespace() if self.peek() == '"': self.skip() return bytes(acc) acc.append(self.hexnum(2)) def read_base64_binary(self): acc = [] while True: self.skip_whitespace() c = self.nextchar() if c == ']': acc.append(u'====') return base64.b64decode(u''.join(acc)) if c == '-': c = '+' if c == '_': c = '/' if c == '=': continue acc.append(c) def read_hex_float(self): if self.nextchar() != '"': raise DecodeError('Missing open-double-quote in hex-encoded floating-point number') bs = self.read_hex_binary() if len(bs) != 8: raise DecodeError('Incorrect number of bytes in hex-encoded floating-point number') return struct.unpack('>d', bs)[0] def upto(self, delimiter, skip_commas): vs = [] while True: self.skip_whitespace(skip_commas) if self.peek() == delimiter: self.skip() return tuple(vs) vs.append(self.next()) def read_set(self): items = self.upto('}', True) s = set() for i in items: if i in s: raise DecodeError('Duplicate value in set: ' + repr(i)) s.add(i) return frozenset(s) def read_dictionary(self): acc = [] while True: self.skip_whitespace(True) if self.peek() == '}': self.skip() return ImmutableDict.from_kvs(acc) acc.append(self.next()) self.skip_whitespace() if self.nextchar() != ':': raise DecodeError('Missing expected key/value separator') acc.append(self.next()) def require_delimiter(self, prefix): if not self.delimiter_follows(): raise DecodeError('Delimiter must follow ' + prefix) def delimiter_follows(self): if self._atend(): return True c = self.peek() return c.isspace() or c in '(){}[]<>";,@#:|' def read_raw_symbol_or_number(self, acc): while not self.delimiter_follows(): acc.append(self.nextchar()) acc = u''.join(acc) m = NUMBER_RE.match(acc) if m: if m[2] is None: return int(m[1]) else: return float(acc) else: return Symbol(acc) def wrap(self, v): return Annotated(v) if self.include_annotations else v def unshift_annotation(self, a, v): if self.include_annotations: # TODO: this will end up O(n^2) for multiple annotations in a row v.annotations.insert(0, a) return v def next(self): """Reads the next complete `Value` from the internal buffer, raising [ShortPacket][preserves.error.ShortPacket] if too few bytes are available, or [DecodeError][preserves.error.DecodeError] if the input is invalid somehow. """ self.skip_whitespace() c = self.peek() if c == '"': self.skip() return self.wrap(self.read_string('"')) if c == '|': self.skip() return self.wrap(Symbol(self.read_string('|'))) if c == '@': self.skip() return self.unshift_annotation(self.next(), self.next()) if c == ';': raise DecodeError('Semicolon is reserved syntax') if c == ':': raise DecodeError('Unexpected key/value separator between items') if c == '#': self.skip() c = self.nextchar() if c in ' \t': return self.unshift_annotation(self.comment_line(), self.next()) if c in '\n\r': return self.unshift_annotation('', self.next()) if c == '!': return self.unshift_annotation( Record(Symbol('interpreter'), [self.comment_line()]), self.next()) if c == 'f': self.require_delimiter('#f'); return self.wrap(False) if c == 't': self.require_delimiter('#t'); return self.wrap(True) if c == '{': return self.wrap(self.read_set()) if c == '"': return self.wrap(self.read_literal_binary()) if c == 'x': c = self.nextchar() if c == '"': return self.wrap(self.read_hex_binary()) if c == 'd': return self.wrap(self.read_hex_float()) raise DecodeError('Invalid #x syntax') if c == '[': return self.wrap(self.read_base64_binary()) if c == ':': if self.parse_embedded is None: raise DecodeError('No parse_embedded function supplied') return self.wrap(Embedded(self.parse_embedded(self.next()))) raise DecodeError('Invalid # syntax') if c == '<': self.skip() vs = self.upto('>', False) if len(vs) == 0: raise DecodeError('Missing record label') return self.wrap(Record(vs[0], vs[1:])) if c == '[': self.skip() return self.wrap(self.upto(']', True)) if c == '{': self.skip() return self.wrap(self.read_dictionary()) if c in '>]},': raise DecodeError('Unexpected ' + c) self.skip() return self.wrap(self.read_raw_symbol_or_number([c])) def try_next(self): """Like [next][preserves.text.Parser.next], but returns `None` instead of raising [ShortPacket][preserves.error.ShortPacket].""" start = self.index try: return self.next() except ShortPacket: self.index = start return None def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): v = self.try_next() if v is None: raise StopIteration return v def parse(text, **kwargs): """Yields the first complete encoded value from `text`, passing `kwargs` through to the [Parser][preserves.text.Parser] constructor. Raises exceptions as per [next][preserves.text.Parser.next]. Args: text (str): encoded data to decode """ return Parser(input_buffer=text, **kwargs).next() def parse_with_annotations(bs, **kwargs): """Like [parse][preserves.text.parse], but supplying `include_annotations=True` to the [Parser][preserves.text.Parser] constructor.""" return Parser(input_buffer=bs, include_annotations=True, **kwargs).next() class Formatter(TextCodec): """Printer (and indenting pretty-printer) for producing human-readable syntax from Preserves `Value`s. ```python >>> f = Formatter() >>> f.append({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) >>> f.append(Record(Symbol('label'), ['field1', ['field2item1', 'field2item2']])) >>> print(f.contents()) {"a": 1 "b": 2}