# This used to just be # PACKAGEVERSION := "`python3 setup.py --version`" PACKAGEVERSION := $(shell ./print-package-version) all: test build-docs test-in-docker: build-only docker run --rm -v `pwd`/dist:/dist python /bin/bash -c 'pip install dist/preserves-$(PACKAGEVERSION)*.whl && python -c "import preserves.schema; print(preserves.schema)"' test: update-test-data python3 -m unittest discover -s tests build-docs: mkdocs build -d ../../python/$(PACKAGEVERSION) ./update-doc-versions.sh serve-docs: mkdocs serve coverage: update-test-data python3-coverage run --branch -m unittest discover -s tests python3-coverage html update-test-data: rsync ../../tests/samples.bin ../../tests/samples.pr tests tag: git tag python-preserves@$(PACKAGEVERSION) clean: rm -rf htmlcov find . -iname __pycache__ -o -iname '*.pyc' | xargs rm -rf rm -f .coverage rm -rf preserves.egg-info build dist # # sudo apt install python3-wheel twine # publish: clean build twine upload dist/* build: build-docs build-only build-only: dist/preserves-$(PACKAGEVERSION).tar.gz dist/preserves-$(PACKAGEVERSION).tar.gz: python3 -m build