Put cheatsheet in an appendix

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Tony Garnock-Jones 2022-06-20 17:05:47 +02:00
parent 9ee59562a1
commit df1d75d181
3 changed files with 68 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
For a value `v`, we write `«v»` for the binary encoding of `v`. The
length of an encoding is always available from context: either from
a containing encoded value, or from the overall container of the data,
which could be a file, an HTTP message, a UDP packet, etc.
«#f» = [0xA0]
«#t» = [0xA1]
«F» = [0xA2] ++ binary32(F) if F ∈ Float
«D» = [0xA2] ++ binary64(D) if D ∈ Double
«x» = [0xA3] ++ intbytes(x) if x ∈ SignedInteger
«S» = [0xA4] ++ utf8(S) ++ [0] if S ∈ String
[0xA5] ++ S if S ∈ ByteString
[0xA6] ++ utf8(S) if S ∈ Symbol
«<L F_1...F_m>» = [0xA7] ++ seq(«L», «F_1», ..., «F_m»)
«[X_1...X_m]» = [0xA8] ++ seq(«X_1», ..., «X_m»)
«#{E_1...E_m}» = [0xA9] ++ seq(«E_1», ..., «E_m»)
«{K_1:V_1...K_m:V_m}» = [0xAA] ++ seq(«K_1», «V_1», ..., «K_m», «V_m»)
seq(R_1, ..., R_m) = len(|R_1|) ++ R_1 ++...++ len(|R_m|) ++ R_m
len(m) = e(m, 128)
e(v, d) = [v + d] if v < 128
e(v / 128, 0) ++ [(v % 128) + d] if v ≥ 128
«#!V» = [0xAB] ++ «V»
The functions `binary32(F)` and `binary64(D)` yield big-endian 4- and
8-byte IEEE 754 binary representations of `F` and `D`, respectively.
The function `intbytes(x)` is a big-endian two's-complement signed
binary representation of `x`, taking at least as many whole bytes as
needed to unambiguously identify the value and its sign. `intbytes(0)`
may be the empty byte sequence.
When reading, the length of the input is supplied externally. This means
that, when reading a length/value pair in a `seq()`, each length should
be passed down to the decoder for the corresponding value, so that the
decoder knows when to stop.
**Annotations.** To annotate a `Repr` `r` (that *MUST NOT* itself
already be annotated) with some sequence of `Value`s `[v_1, ..., v_m]`
(that *MUST* be non-empty), surround `r` as follows:
[0xBF] ++ len(|r|) ++ r ++ len(|«v_1»|) ++ «v_1» ++...++ len(|«v_m»|) ++ «v_m»

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@ -8,49 +8,4 @@ June 2022. Version 0.7.0.
## Machine-Oriented Binary Syntax
For a value `v`, we write `«v»` for the binary encoding of `v`. The
length of an encoding is always available from context: either from
a containing encoded value, or from the overall container of the data,
which could be a file, an HTTP message, a UDP packet, etc.
«#f» = [0xA0]
«#t» = [0xA1]
«F» = [0xA2] ++ binary32(F) if F ∈ Float
«D» = [0xA2] ++ binary64(D) if D ∈ Double
«x» = [0xA3] ++ intbytes(x) if x ∈ SignedInteger
«S» = [0xA4] ++ utf8(S) ++ [0] if S ∈ String
[0xA5] ++ S if S ∈ ByteString
[0xA6] ++ utf8(S) if S ∈ Symbol
«<L F_1...F_m>» = [0xA7] ++ seq(«L», «F_1», ..., «F_m»)
«[X_1...X_m]» = [0xA8] ++ seq(«X_1», ..., «X_m»)
«#{E_1...E_m}» = [0xA9] ++ seq(«E_1», ..., «E_m»)
«{K_1:V_1...K_m:V_m}» = [0xAA] ++ seq(«K_1», «V_1», ..., «K_m», «V_m»)
seq(R_1, ..., R_m) = len(|R_1|) ++ R_1 ++...++ len(|R_m|) ++ R_m
len(m) = e(m, 128)
e(v, d) = [v + d] if v < 128
e(v / 128, 0) ++ [(v % 128) + d] if v ≥ 128
«#!V» = [0xAB] ++ «V»
The functions `binary32(F)` and `binary64(D)` yield big-endian 4- and
8-byte IEEE 754 binary representations of `F` and `D`, respectively.
The function `intbytes(x)` is a big-endian two's-complement signed
binary representation of `x`, taking at least as many whole bytes as
needed to unambiguously identify the value and its sign. `intbytes(0)`
may be the empty byte sequence.
When reading, the length of the input is supplied externally. This means
that, when reading a length/value pair in a `seq()`, each length should
be passed down to the decoder for the corresponding value, so that the
decoder knows when to stop.
**Annotations.** To annotate a `Repr` `r` (that *MUST NOT* itself
already be annotated) with some sequence of `Value`s `[v_1, ..., v_m]`
(that *MUST* be non-empty), surround `r` as follows:
[0xBF] ++ len(|r|) ++ r ++ len(|«v_1»|) ++ «v_1» ++...++ len(|«v_m»|) ++ «v_m»
{% include cheatsheet-binary.md %}

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@ -86,7 +86,10 @@ when to stop expecting more contained `Repr`s.
<a id="varint"></a> Each length is stored as an [argdata][]-compatible
big-endian base 128 *varint*.[^see-also-leb128] Each byte of a varint
stores seven bits of the length. All bytes have a clear upper bit,
except the final byte, which has the upper bit set.
except the final byte, which has the upper bit set. Implementations
*SHOULD* use the shortest encoding for a varint, and *MUST NOT* produce
an encoded varint with more than nine leading `0`
bytes.[^overlong-varint] [^nine-leading-varint-zeroes]
[^see-also-leb128]: Argdata's length representation is very close to
[Variable-length quantity (VLQ)][VLQ] encoding, differing only in
@ -94,16 +97,20 @@ except the final byte, which has the upper bit set.
big-endian, unlike [LEB128][] encoding ([as used by
Google][google-varint] in protobufs).
There is no requirement that a varint-encoded length be the unique
shortest encoding for the length.[^overlong-varint] However,
implementations *SHOULD* use the shortest encoding whereever possible
when writing, and *MAY* reject encodings with more than eight leading
`0` bytes when reading encoded values.
[^overlong-varint]: **Implementation note.** The spec permits overlong
length encodings to reduce wasted activity in resource-constrained
situations. If an implementation is in anything other than a very
low-level language, it is likely to be able to use
[IOList](./conventions.html#iolists)-style data structures to avoid
unnecessary copying.
[^overlong-varint]: **Implementation note.** The spec permits overlong length encodings to
reduce wasted activity in resource-constrained situations. If an implementation is in
anything other than a very low-level language, it is likely to be able to use
[IOList](./conventions.html#iolists)-style data structures to avoid unnecessary copying.
[^nine-leading-varint-zeroes]: Nine leading zero bytes, plus one
non-zero byte, equals ten bytes in total. Each byte of varint yields
7 bits of usable length indicator, so ten bytes gives 70 bits, while
nine would only give 63, not quite enough for a 64-bit value. Of
course, it may be some time before an encoder legitimately needs to
use a 64-bit length indicator, let alone in a resource-constrained
**Records.** A `Record` is encoded as tag `0xA7` followed by the
length-prefixed encodings of its label and fields.
@ -298,6 +305,10 @@ The exclusion of lengths from `Repr`s, placing lengths instead ahead of
contained values in sequences, is inspired by [argdata][], as is the
inclusion of a `NUL` byte in `String` `Repr`s for C interoperability.
## Appendix. Summary of syntax
{% include cheatsheet-binary.md %}
## Appendix. Autodetection of textual or binary syntax
Every tag byte in a binary Preserves `Repr` falls within the range