This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2023-10-31 18:06:05 +01:00
parent a69444f085
commit c18e9dd1fe
2 changed files with 53 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -67,25 +67,61 @@ documents to directly comprise a sequence of multiple values.
No changes to [the Preserves semantic model](preserves.html) are made.
Every Preserves text-syntax term is a valid P-expression, but in general
P-expressions must be rewritten or otherwise interpreted before a
meaningful Preserves value can be arrived at.
meaningful Preserves value can be arrived at ([see
## Encoding P-expressions as Preserves
## <a id="encoding-pexprs"></a>Encoding P-expressions as Preserves
We write ⌜*p*⌝ for the encoding into Preserves of P-expression *p*.
| ⌜·⌝ | : | **P-expression****Preserves** |
Aside from the special classes `Group`, `Block`, `Comma`, `Semicolon` or
`Colons`, P-expressions are directly encodable as Preserves data. All
members of the special classes are encoded as Preserves text
`Dictionary`[^encoding-rationale] values:
`Colons`, P-expressions are encoded directly as Preserves data.
| ⌜`[`*p* ...`]`⌝ | = | `[`⌜*p*⌝ ...`]` |
| ⌜`<`*p* ...`>`⌝ | = | `<`⌜*p*⌝ ...`>` |
| ⌜`#{`*p* ...`}`⌝ | = | `#{`⌜*p*⌝ ...`}` |
| ⌜`#!`*p*⌝ | = | `#!`⌜*p*⌝ |
| ⌜`@`*p* *q*⌝ | = | `@`⌜*p*⌝ ⌜*q*⌝ |
| ⌜*p*⌝ | = | *p* **when** *p***Atom** |
All members of the special classes are encoded as Preserves text
`Dictionary`[^encoding-rationale] values.
[^encoding-rationale]: In principle, it would be nice to use *records*
for this purpose, but if we did so we would have to also encode
usages of records!
> ⌜`(`*p* ...`)`⌝ ⟶ `{g:[`⌜*p*⌝ ...`]}`
> ⌜`{`*p* ...`}`⌝ ⟶ `{b:[`⌜*p*⌝ ...`]}`
> ⌜`,`⌝ ⟶ `{s:|,|}`
> ⌜`;`⌝ ⟶ `{s:|;|}`
> ⌜`:` ...⌝ ⟶ `{s:|:` ...`|}`
| ⌜`(`*p* ...`)`⌝ | = | `{g:[`⌜*p*⌝ ...`]}` |
| ⌜`{`*p* ...`}`⌝ | = | `{b:[`⌜*p*⌝ ...`]}` |
| ⌜`,`⌝ | = | `{s:|,|}` |
| ⌜`;`⌝ | = | `{s:|;|}` |
| ⌜`:` ...⌝ | = | `{s:|:` ...`|}` |
## <a id="reading-preserves"></a>Interpreting P-expressions as Preserves
The [previous section](#encoding-pexprs) discussed ways of representing
P-expressions using Preserves. Here, we discuss *interpreting*
P-expressions *as* Preserves, so that (1) a Preserves datum (2) written
using Preserves text syntax and then (3) read as a P-expression can be
(4) interpreted from that P-expression to yield the original datum.
A reader for P-expressions can be adapted to yield a reader for
Preserves terms by processing (subterms of) each P-expression that the
reader produces. The only subterms that need processing are the special
classes mentioned above.
1. Every `Group` or `Semicolon` that appears is an error.
2. Every `Colons` with two or more colons in it is an error.
3. Every `Comma` that appears is removed from its container.
4. Every `Block` must contain triplets of `Value`, `Colons` (with a
single colon), `Value`. Any `Block` not following this pattern is an
error. Each `Block` following the pattern is translated to a
`Dictionary` containing a key/value pair for each triplet.
## Appendix: Examples
@ -146,21 +182,6 @@ text-syntax encodings.
## Appendix: Using a P-expression reader to read Preserves
A reader for P-expressions can be adapted to yield a reader for
Preserves terms by processing (subterms of) each P-expression that the
reader produces. The only subterms that need processing are the special
classes mentioned above.
1. Every `Group` or `Semicolon` that appears is an error.
2. Every `Colons` with two or more colons in it is an error.
3. Every `Comma` that appears is removed from its container.
4. Every `Block` must contain triplets of `Value`, `Colons` (with a
single colon), `Value`. Any `Block` not following this pattern is an
error. Each `Block` following the pattern is translated to a
`Dictionary` containing a key/value pair for each triplet.
## Appendix: Reading vs. Parsing
Lisp systems first *read* streams of bytes into S-expressions and then

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
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@ -243,6 +245,10 @@ blockquote :last-child {
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