Autogenerate predicate for unions

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-05-22 15:50:54 +02:00
parent 43b776eb7f
commit 9e6743abdc
3 changed files with 36 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -5,8 +5,16 @@
(require racket/match)
(require racket/set)
(require racket/dict)
(define (NamedPattern? p)
(or (NamedPattern-named? p) (NamedPattern-anonymous? p)))
(struct NamedPattern-named (value) #:prefab)
(struct NamedPattern-anonymous (value) #:prefab)
(define (SimplePattern? p)
(or (SimplePattern-any? p)
(SimplePattern-atom? p)
(SimplePattern-embedded? p)
(SimplePattern-lit? p)
(SimplePattern-Ref? p)))
(struct SimplePattern-any () #:prefab)
(struct SimplePattern-atom (atomKind) #:prefab)
(struct SimplePattern-embedded () #:prefab)
@ -14,8 +22,17 @@
(struct SimplePattern-Ref (value) #:prefab)
(struct NamedAlternative (variantLabel pattern) #:prefab)
(struct Schema (version embeddedType definitions) #:prefab)
(define (Pattern? p)
(or (Pattern-SimplePattern? p) (Pattern-CompoundPattern? p)))
(struct Pattern-SimplePattern (value) #:prefab)
(struct Pattern-CompoundPattern (value) #:prefab)
(define (CompoundPattern? p)
(or (CompoundPattern-rec? p)
(CompoundPattern-tuple? p)
(CompoundPattern-tuple*? p)
(CompoundPattern-setof? p)
(CompoundPattern-dictof? p)
(CompoundPattern-dict? p)))
(struct CompoundPattern-rec (label fields) #:prefab)
(struct CompoundPattern-tuple (patterns) #:prefab)
(struct CompoundPattern-tuple* (fixed variable) #:prefab)
@ -25,13 +42,27 @@
(struct Ref (module name) #:prefab)
(struct Bundle (modules) #:prefab)
(struct NamedSimplePattern_ (name pattern) #:prefab)
(define (Definition? p)
(or (Definition-or? p) (Definition-and? p) (Definition-Pattern? p)))
(struct Definition-or (pattern0 pattern1 patternN) #:prefab)
(struct Definition-and (pattern0 pattern1 patternN) #:prefab)
(struct Definition-Pattern (value) #:prefab)
(define (NamedSimplePattern? p)
(or (NamedSimplePattern-named? p) (NamedSimplePattern-anonymous? p)))
(struct NamedSimplePattern-named (value) #:prefab)
(struct NamedSimplePattern-anonymous (value) #:prefab)
(define (EmbeddedTypeName? p)
(or (EmbeddedTypeName-Ref? p) (EmbeddedTypeName-false? p)))
(struct EmbeddedTypeName-Ref (value) #:prefab)
(struct EmbeddedTypeName-false () #:prefab)
(define (AtomKind? p)
(or (AtomKind-Boolean? p)
(AtomKind-Float? p)
(AtomKind-Double? p)
(AtomKind-SignedInteger? p)
(AtomKind-String? p)
(AtomKind-ByteString? p)
(AtomKind-Symbol? p)))
(struct AtomKind-Boolean () #:prefab)
(struct AtomKind-Float () #:prefab)
(struct AtomKind-Double () #:prefab)

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
(require racket/match)
(require (only-in racket/string string-join))
(require (only-in racket/format ~a))
(require (only-in racket/syntax format-symbol))
(require "type.rkt")
(require "parser.rkt")
@ -20,7 +21,10 @@
[((name def) (in-hash (Schema-definitions schema)))]
(match (definition-ty def)
[(ty-union variants)
(for/fold [(acc acc)]
(for/fold [(acc (cons `(define (,(format-symbol "~a?" name) p)
(or ,@(for/list [(variant (in-list variants))]
`(,(format-symbol "~a-~a?" name (car variant)) p))))
[(variant (in-list variants))]
(match-define (list variant-name variant-ty) variant)
(match variant-ty
@ -51,7 +55,6 @@
(require racket/match)
(require racket/set)
(require racket/dict)
;; TODO: overall predicate for e.g. CompoundPattern, anything with an alternation
,@(struct-defs schema)
,@(parser-defs schema)
,@(unparser-defs schema)

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@ -55,21 +55,6 @@
(define (gather-fields* named-pats acc)
(foldr gather-fields acc named-pats))
(define (SimplePattern? p)
(or (SimplePattern-any? p)
(SimplePattern-atom? p)
(SimplePattern-embedded? p)
(SimplePattern-lit? p)
(SimplePattern-Ref? p)))
(define (CompoundPattern? p)
(or (CompoundPattern-rec? p)
(CompoundPattern-tuple? p)
(CompoundPattern-tuple*? p)
(CompoundPattern-setof? p)
(CompoundPattern-dictof? p)
(CompoundPattern-dict? p)))
(define (gather-fields named-pat acc)
(match (unwrap named-pat)
[(NamedSimplePattern_ n p)