#lang preserves-schema

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2021-05-25 20:14:10 +02:00
parent 3559cc679e
commit 98e2511fe1
6 changed files with 152 additions and 98 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide schema-check-problems)
(provide schema-check-problems
(require racket/match)
(require (only-in racket/list check-duplicates))
(require (only-in racket/string string-join))
(require preserves/order)
(require (only-in "type.rkt" unwrap))
@ -13,7 +15,7 @@
(define problems '())
(define (problem! context f . args)
(set! problems (cons (format "~v: ~a" (reverse context) (apply format f args)) problems)))
(set! problems (cons (format "~a: ~a" (reverse context) (apply format f args)) problems)))
(define (check-binding context scope n)
(when (hash-has-key? scope n)
@ -61,3 +63,11 @@
[(Definition-Pattern p) (check-pattern context (make-hash) p #t)]))
(reverse problems))
(define (schema-check-problems! schema #:name [name "<unknown>"])
(let ((problems (schema-check-problems schema)))
(when (not (null? problems))
(error 'schema-check-problems! "Problems checking schema ~a:\n - ~a"
(string-join problems "\n - "))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide schema->module-stx)
(require preserves)
(require racket/match)
(require (only-in racket/string string-join))
(require (only-in racket/format ~a))
(require (only-in racket/syntax format-symbol))
(require "type.rkt")
(require "parser.rkt")
(require "unparser.rkt")
(require "checker.rkt")
(require "gen/schema.rkt")
(define (struct-stx name-pieces field-names)
`(struct ,(string->symbol (string-join (map ~a name-pieces) "-")) ,field-names #:prefab))
(define (fold-Schema-definitions kc kn schema)
(foldr (lambda (entry acc) (kc (car entry) (cdr entry) acc))
(sorted-dict-entries (Schema-definitions schema))))
(define (map-Schema-definitions proc schema)
(fold-Schema-definitions (lambda (n p acc) (cons (proc n p) acc)) '() schema))
(define (struct-defs schema)
(lambda (name def acc)
(match (definition-ty def)
[(ty-union variants)
(for/fold [(acc (cons `(define (,(format-symbol "~a?" name) p)
(or ,@(for/list [(variant (in-list variants))]
`(,(format-symbol "~a-~a?" name (car variant)) p))))
[(variant (in-list variants))]
(match-define (list variant-name variant-ty) variant)
(match variant-ty
[(ty-record fields)
(cons (struct-stx (list name variant-name) (map car fields)) acc)]
(cons (struct-stx (list name variant-name) '()) acc)]
(cons (struct-stx (list name variant-name) '(value)) acc)]))]
[(ty-record fields)
(cons (struct-stx (list name) (map car fields)) acc)]
(define (parser-defs schema)
(map-Schema-definitions definition-parsers schema))
(define (unparser-defs schema)
(map-Schema-definitions definition-unparser schema))
(define (schema->module-stx name schema)
(schema-check-problems! schema #:name name)
`(module ,name racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(require preserves)
(require preserves-schema/support)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/set)
(require racket/dict)
,@(struct-defs schema)
,@(parser-defs schema)
,@(unparser-defs schema)
(module+ main
(require racket/pretty)
(require racket/runtime-path)
(define-runtime-path schema-binary "../../../../schema/schema.bin")
(define metaschema (parse-Schema (with-input-from-file schema-binary read-preserve)))
(define metaschema-module-source (schema->module-stx 'gen-schema metaschema))
(if #t
(with-output-to-file "gen/schema.rkt" #:exists 'replace
(lambda () (pretty-write metaschema-module-source)))
(pretty-write metaschema-module-source)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide (rename-out [read-preserves-schema-module read-syntax]))
(require preserves)
(require racket/port)
(require "../reader.rkt")
(require "../compiler.rkt")
(define (read-preserves-schema-module src [p (current-input-port)])
(define-values (_dirname filename _must-be-dir) (split-path src))
(define module-stx
(string->symbol (path->string (path-replace-extension filename "")))
(parse-schema-dsl (port->list (lambda (p) (read-preserve p #:read-syntax? #t #:source src)) p)
#:source src
#:read-include (lambda (src) (file->preserves src #:read-syntax? #t)))))
;; (local-require racket/pretty)
;; (pretty-write module-stx) (newline)

View File

@ -2,83 +2,4 @@
(provide schema->module-stx)
(require preserves)
(require racket/match)
(require (only-in racket/string string-join))
(require (only-in racket/format ~a))
(require (only-in racket/syntax format-symbol))
(require "type.rkt")
(require "parser.rkt")
(require "unparser.rkt")
(require "checker.rkt")
(require "gen/schema.rkt")
(define (struct-stx name-pieces field-names)
`(struct ,(string->symbol (string-join (map ~a name-pieces) "-")) ,field-names #:prefab))
(define (fold-Schema-definitions kc kn schema)
(foldr (lambda (entry acc) (kc (car entry) (cdr entry) acc))
(sorted-dict-entries (Schema-definitions schema))))
(define (map-Schema-definitions proc schema)
(fold-Schema-definitions (lambda (n p acc) (cons (proc n p) acc)) '() schema))
(define (struct-defs schema)
(lambda (name def acc)
(match (definition-ty def)
[(ty-union variants)
(for/fold [(acc (cons `(define (,(format-symbol "~a?" name) p)
(or ,@(for/list [(variant (in-list variants))]
`(,(format-symbol "~a-~a?" name (car variant)) p))))
[(variant (in-list variants))]
(match-define (list variant-name variant-ty) variant)
(match variant-ty
[(ty-record fields)
(cons (struct-stx (list name variant-name) (map car fields)) acc)]
(cons (struct-stx (list name variant-name) '()) acc)]
(cons (struct-stx (list name variant-name) '(value)) acc)]))]
[(ty-record fields)
(cons (struct-stx (list name) (map car fields)) acc)]
(define (parser-defs schema)
(map-Schema-definitions definition-parsers schema))
(define (unparser-defs schema)
(map-Schema-definitions definition-unparser schema))
(define (schema->module-stx name schema)
`(module ,name racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(require preserves)
(require preserves-schema/support)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/set)
(require racket/dict)
,@(struct-defs schema)
,@(parser-defs schema)
,@(unparser-defs schema)
(module+ main
(require racket/pretty)
(define metaschema
(with-input-from-file "../../../../schema/schema.bin" read-preserve)))
(let ((problems (schema-check-problems metaschema)))
(when (not (null? problems))
(error 'schema-check-problems "Problems checking schema: ~v" problems)))
(define metaschema-module-source (schema->module-stx 'gen-schema metaschema))
(if #t
(with-output-to-file "gen/schema.rkt" #:exists 'replace
(lambda () (pretty-write metaschema-module-source)))
(pretty-write metaschema-module-source)))
(require "compiler.rkt")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#lang preserves-schema
version 1 .
include "../../../../schema/schema.prs" .

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide parse-schema-dsl)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/set)
(require racket/dict)
@ -26,27 +28,38 @@
(define (input->string input)
(preserve->string input #:commas? #f))
(define (parse-schema-dsl toplevel-tokens #:read-include [read-include #f])
(define (parse-schema-dsl toplevel-tokens
#:source [source #f]
#:read-include [read-include #f])
(define version #f)
(define embeddedType (EmbeddedTypeName-false))
(define definitions (make-hash))
(for [(clause (in-list (split-by (peel-annotations toplevel-tokens) '|.|)))]
(match clause
[`(,(peel-annotations 'version) ,(peel-annotations v))
(set! version (parse-Version! (strip-annotations v)))]
[`(,(peel-annotations 'embeddedType) ,(peel-annotations #f))
(set! embeddedType (EmbeddedTypeName-false))]
[`(,(peel-annotations 'embeddedType) ,(peel-annotations (? symbol? r)))
(set! embeddedType (EmbeddedTypeName-Ref (parse-ref-dsl r)))]
[`(,(peel-annotations (? symbol? name)) ,(peel-annotations '=) ,@def-stx)
(when (hash-has-key? definitions name)
(error 'parse-schema-dsl "Duplicate definition: ~a" name))
(hash-set! definitions name (parse-def-dsl name def-stx))]
[clause (error 'parse-schema-dsl "Invalid clause: ~a" (input->string clause))]))
(define (process toplevel-tokens source)
(for [(clause (in-list (split-by (peel-annotations toplevel-tokens) '|.|)))]
(match clause
[`(,(peel-annotations 'version) ,(peel-annotations v))
(set! version (parse-Version! (strip-annotations v)))]
[`(,(peel-annotations 'embeddedType) ,(peel-annotations #f))
(set! embeddedType (EmbeddedTypeName-false))]
[`(,(peel-annotations 'embeddedType) ,(peel-annotations (? symbol? r)))
(set! embeddedType (EmbeddedTypeName-Ref (parse-ref-dsl r)))]
[`(,(peel-annotations 'include) ,(peel-annotations (? string? path)))
(when (not read-include)
(error 'parse-schema-dsl "Cannot include files"))
(define new-source
(cond [(absolute-path? path) path]
[(not source) (error 'parse-schema-dsl "Cannot resolve relative include path")]
[else (simplify-path (build-path source 'up path) #f)]))
(process (read-include new-source) new-source)]
[`(,(peel-annotations (? symbol? name)) ,(peel-annotations '=) ,@def-stx)
(when (hash-has-key? definitions name)
(error 'parse-schema-dsl "Duplicate definition: ~a" name))
(hash-set! definitions name (parse-def-dsl name def-stx))]
[clause (error 'parse-schema-dsl "Invalid clause: ~a" (input->string clause))])))
(process toplevel-tokens source)
(when (not version) (error 'parse-schema "Missing version declaration"))
(Schema definitions embeddedType version))
(define (parse-ref-dsl s)
@ -184,4 +197,5 @@
(equal? expected
(parse-schema-dsl (file->preserves "../../../../schema/schema.prs"
#:read-syntax? #t)))))
#:read-syntax? #t)
#:source "../../../../schema/schema.prs"))))