
This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2023-12-17 11:05:36 +13:00
parent f6ddf0ca3b
commit 61cec52d46
2 changed files with 101 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"scripts": {
"regenerate": "rm -rf ./src/gen && yarn copy-schema && ../schema-cli/bin/preserves-schema-ts.js --output ./src/gen ./dist:*.prs",
"clean": "rm -rf lib dist",
"prepare": "yarn compile && yarn rollup && yarn copy-schema",
"prepare": "yarn compile && yarn rollup && yarn copy-schema && cp preserves-schema-browser.js dist/",
"compile": "tsc",
"compile:watch": "yarn compile -w",
"rollup": "rollup -c",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
(() => {
const I = new PreservesSchema.SchemaInterpreter();
globalThis.Schema = { __interpreter: I };
let schemaReady;
globalThis.SchemaReady = new Promise(res => schemaReady = res);
async function translateScripts() {
const schemaScripts =
.filter(s => (s.type === 'text/preserves+schema' ||
s.type === 'schema'));
for (const script of schemaScripts) {
function complain(message, detail) {
const e = new Error(message);
e.script = script;
e.detail = detail;
let sourceCodeBlob;
const sourceUrl = script.src || script.getAttribute('data-src') || false;
if (sourceUrl) {
const res = await fetch(sourceUrl);
if (res.ok) {
sourceCodeBlob = new Uint8Array(await res.arrayBuffer());
} else {
complain(`Failed to retrieve schema from ${sourceUrl}`, { res });
} else {
sourceCodeBlob = new TextEncoder().encode(script.innerHTML);
const schemaName = () => {
const n = script.getAttribute('name');
if (n === null) complain(`<script type="schema"> must have name attribute`);
return n;
if (sourceCodeBlob[0] >= 128) {
// Binary Preserves blob
const value = Preserves.decode(sourceCodeBlob);
const bundle = PreservesSchema.Meta.toBundle(value);
if (bundle !== void 0) {
const prefixStr = script.getAttribute('prefix');
const bundlePrefix = (prefixStr ? prefixStr.split('.') : []).map(Symbol.for);
bundle.modules.forEach((schema, path) => {
const modulePath = [... bundlePrefix, ... path];
I.env.set(modulePath, schema);
} else {
const schema = PreservesSchema.Meta.toSchema(value);
if (schema !== void 0) {
const modulePath = schemaName().split('.').map(Symbol.for);
I.env.set(modulePath, schema);
} else {
// Presumably text
const sourceCode = new TextDecoder('utf-8', { fatal: true }).decode(sourceCodeBlob);
const name = schemaName();
const schema = PreservesSchema.readSchema(sourceCode, { name });
const modulePath = name.split('.').map(Symbol.for);
I.env.set(modulePath, schema);
// I.env.forEach((_schema, path) => console.log(PreservesSchema.Meta.formatModulePath(path)));
for (const [modulePath, schema] of I.env) {
let container = Schema;
modulePath.slice(0, -1).forEach(n => {
if (!(n.description in container)) container[n.description] = {};
container = container[n.description];
container[modulePath[modulePath.length - 1].description] = moduleFor(modulePath, schema);
function moduleFor(modulePath, schema) {
const { Meta, GenType, Type } = PreservesSchema;
const mod = {};
schema.definitions.forEach((d, n) => {
const definitionName = n.description;
const definitionId = Meta.jsId(definitionName);
mod[`${definitionId}`] = I.definitionConstructor(modulePath, n);
mod[`from${definitionId}`] = I.unparser(modulePath, n);
mod[`to${definitionId}`] = v => I.tryParse(modulePath, n, v);
mod[`as${definitionId}`] = v => I.parse(modulePath, n, v);
return mod;
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', translateScripts);