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2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
#lang racket/base
(provide read-preserve/text
(require racket/match)
(require racket/set)
2021-05-26 19:09:06 +00:00
(require "embedded.rkt")
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
(require "annotation.rkt")
(require "read-binary.rkt")
(require "record.rkt")
(require "float.rkt")
(require "float-bytes.rkt")
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
(require syntax/readerr)
(require (only-in file/sha1 hex-string->bytes))
(require (only-in net/base64 base64-decode))
(define PIPE #\|)
(define (parse-error* #:raise-proc [raise-proc raise-read-error] i source fmt . args)
(define-values [line column pos] (port-next-location i))
(raise-proc (format "read-preserve: ~a" (apply format fmt args))
(define (default-decode-embedded v)
(error 'read-preserve/text "No decode-embedded function supplied"))
2021-01-29 11:03:28 +00:00
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
(define (string->preserve s
#:read-syntax? [read-syntax? #f]
#:decode-embedded [decode-embedded #f]
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
#:source [source "<string>"])
(define p (open-input-string s))
(when read-syntax? (port-count-lines! p))
(define v (read-preserve/text p
#:read-syntax? read-syntax?
#:decode-embedded decode-embedded
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
#:source source))
(when (eof-object? v)
(parse-error* #:raise-proc raise-read-eof-error p source "Unexpected end of input"))
(skip-whitespace* p)
(when (not (eof-object? (peek-char p)))
(parse-error* p source "Unexpected text following preserve"))
(define (skip-whitespace* i)
(regexp-match? #px#"^(\\s|,)*" i)) ;; side effect: consumes matched portion of input
(define-match-expander px
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ re pat) (app (lambda (v) (regexp-try-match re v)) pat)]))
(define (read-preserve/text [in-port (current-input-port)]
#:read-syntax? [read-syntax? #f]
#:decode-embedded [decode-embedded0 #f]
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
#:source [source (object-name in-port)])
(define read-annotations? read-syntax?)
(define decode-embedded (or decode-embedded0 default-decode-embedded))
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
;; Core of parser
(define (next) (wrap (pos) (next*)))
(define (next*)
(match (next-char)
[#\" (read-string #\")]
[(== PIPE) (string->symbol (read-string PIPE))]
[#\@ (annotate-next-with (next))]
[#\; (parse-error "Semicolon is reserved syntax")]
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
[#\: (parse-error "Unexpected key/value separator between items")]
[#\# (match (next-char)
[(or #\space #\tab) (annotate-next-with (read-comment-line))]
[(or #\newline #\return) (annotate-next-with "")]
[#\f (unless (delimiter-follows?) (parse-error "Delimiter must follow #f")) #f]
[#\t (unless (delimiter-follows?) (parse-error "Delimiter must follow #t")) #t]
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
[#\{ (sequence-fold (set) set-add* values #\})]
[#\" (read-literal-binary)]
[#\x (match (next-char)
[#\" (read-hex-binary '())]
[#\f (read-hex-float 'float)]
[#\d (read-hex-float 'double)]
[c (parse-error "Invalid #x syntax: ~v" c)])]
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
[#\[ (read-base64-binary '())]
2021-05-26 19:09:06 +00:00
[#\! (embedded (decode-embedded (next)))]
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
[c (parse-error "Invalid # syntax: ~v" c)])]
[#\< (match (read-sequence #\>)
['() (parse-error "Missing record label")]
[(cons label fields) (record label fields)])]
[#\[ (read-sequence #\])]
[#\{ (read-dictionary)]
[#\> (parse-error "Unexpected >")]
[#\] (parse-error "Unexpected ]")]
[#\} (parse-error "Unexpected }")]
[c (read-raw-symbol-or-number (list c))]))
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
(define (set-add* s e)
(when (set-member? s e) (parse-error "Duplicate set element: ~v" e))
(set-add s e))
(define (annotate-next-with a)
(if read-annotations?
(annotate (next) a)
;; Basic I/O
(define (parse-error fmt . args)
(apply parse-error* in-port source fmt args))
(define (eof-guard v)
(when (eof-object? v)
(parse-error* #:raise-proc raise-read-eof-error in-port source "Unexpected end of input"))
(define (next-char) (eof-guard (read-char in-port)))
(define (skip-whitespace) (skip-whitespace* in-port))
;; Source location tracking
(define pos
(if read-syntax?
(lambda ()
(define-values (line column position) (port-next-location in-port))
(list line column position))
(lambda () #f)))
(define wrap
(if read-syntax?
(lambda (pos0 v)
(if (annotated? v)
(let ()
(match-define (list line0 column0 position0) pos0)
(match-define (list line1 column1 position1) (pos))
(define loc (and line0 column0 position0 position1
(srcloc source line0 column0 position0 (- position1 position0))))
(annotated '() loc v))))
(lambda (pos0 v) v)))
;; String-like things
(define (read-stringlike xform-item finish terminator-char hexescape-char hexescape-proc)
(let loop ((acc '()))
(match (next-char)
[(== terminator-char) (finish (reverse acc))]
[#\\ (match (next-char)
[(== hexescape-char) (loop (cons (hexescape-proc) acc))]
[(and c (or (== terminator-char) #\\ #\/)) (loop (cons (xform-item c) acc))]
[#\b (loop (cons (xform-item #\u08) acc))]
[#\f (loop (cons (xform-item #\u0C) acc))]
[#\n (loop (cons (xform-item #\u0A) acc))]
[#\r (loop (cons (xform-item #\u0D) acc))]
[#\t (loop (cons (xform-item #\u09) acc))]
[c (parse-error "Invalid escape code \\~a" c)])]
[c (loop (cons (xform-item c) acc))])))
(define (read-string terminator-char)
(read-stringlike values
(lambda ()
(match in-port
[(px #px#"^[a-fA-F0-9]{4}" (list hexdigits))
(define n1 (string->number (bytes->string/utf-8 hexdigits) 16))
(if (<= #xd800 n1 #xdfff) ;; surrogate pair
(if (>= n1 #xdc00)
(parse-error "Bad first half of surrogate pair")
(match in-port
[(px #px#"^\\\\u([a-fA-F0-9]{4})" (list _ hexdigits2))
(define n2 (string->number (bytes->string/utf-8 hexdigits2) 16))
(if (<= #xdc00 n2 #xdfff)
(+ (arithmetic-shift (- n1 #xd800) 10)
(- n2 #xdc00)
(parse-error "Bad second half of surrogate pair"))]
[_ (parse-error "Missing second half of surrogate pair")]))
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
[_ (parse-error "Bad string \\u escape")])))))
(define (read-literal-binary)
(read-stringlike (lambda (c)
(define b (char->integer c))
(when (>= b 256)
(parse-error "Invalid code point ~a (~v) in literal binary" b c))
(lambda ()
(match in-port
[(px #px#"^[a-fA-F0-9]{2}" (list hexdigits))
(string->number (bytes->string/utf-8 hexdigits) 16)]
[_ (parse-error "Bad binary \\x escape")]))))
;; Hex-encoded ByteStrings
(define (hexdigit? ch)
(or (and (char>=? ch #\A) (char<=? ch #\F))
(and (char>=? ch #\a) (char<=? ch #\f))
(and (char>=? ch #\0) (char<=? ch #\9))))
(define (read-hex-binary acc)
(define ch (next-char))
(cond [(eqv? ch #\")
(hex-string->bytes (list->string (reverse acc)))]
[(hexdigit? ch)
(define ch2 (next-char))
(when (not (hexdigit? ch2))
(parse-error "Hex-encoded binary digits must come in pairs"))
(read-hex-binary (cons ch2 (cons ch acc)))]
(parse-error "Invalid hex character")]))
;; Hex-encoded floating point numbers
(define (read-hex-float precision)
(unless (eqv? (next-char) #\")
(parse-error "Missing open-double-quote in hex-encoded floating-point number"))
(define bs (read-hex-binary '()))
(unless (= (bytes-length bs) (match precision ['float 4] ['double 8]))
(parse-error "Incorrect number of bytes in hex-encoded floating-point number"))
(match precision
['float (bytes->float bs)]
['double (bytes->double bs)]))
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
;; Base64-encoded ByteStrings
(define (read-base64-binary acc)
(define ch (next-char))
(cond [(eqv? ch #\])
(base64-decode (string->bytes/latin-1 (list->string (reverse acc))))]
2021-08-02 09:41:45 +00:00
[(char=? ch #\-) (read-base64-binary (cons #\+ acc))]
[(char=? ch #\_) (read-base64-binary (cons #\/ acc))]
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
[(or (and (char>=? ch #\A) (char<=? ch #\Z))
(and (char>=? ch #\a) (char<=? ch #\z))
(and (char>=? ch #\0) (char<=? ch #\9))
2021-08-02 09:41:45 +00:00
(memv ch '(#\+ #\/ #\=)))
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
(read-base64-binary (cons ch acc))]
(parse-error "Invalid base64 character")]))
;; Comments
(define (read-comment-line)
(define pos0 (pos))
(let loop ((acc '()))
(match (next-char)
[(or #\newline #\return)
(wrap pos0 (list->string (reverse acc)))]
[c (loop (cons c acc))])))
;; Collections
(define (sequence-fold acc accumulate-one finish terminator-char)
(let loop ((acc acc))
(match (eof-guard (peek-char in-port))
[(== terminator-char) (read-char in-port) (finish acc)]
[_ (loop (accumulate-one acc (next)))])))
(define (read-sequence terminator)
(sequence-fold '() (lambda (acc v) (cons v acc)) reverse terminator))
(define (read-dictionary)
(sequence-fold (hash)
(lambda (acc k)
(match (peek-char in-port)
[#\: (read-char in-port)
(when (hash-has-key? acc k) (parse-error "Duplicate key: ~v" k))
(hash-set acc k (next))]
[_ (parse-error "Missing expected key/value separator")]))
;; "Raw" symbols and numbers
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
(define (delimiter-follows?)
(define c (peek-char in-port))
(or (eof-object? c)
(char-whitespace? c)
(eqv? c PIPE)
(memv c '(#\< #\> #\[ #\] #\{ #\} #\( #\)
#\# #\: #\" #\@ #\; #\,))))
(define (read-raw-symbol-or-number acc)
(if (delimiter-follows?)
(let ((input (reverse acc)))
(or (analyze-number input)
(string->symbol (list->string input))))
(read-raw-symbol-or-number (cons (read-char in-port) acc))))
(define (analyze-number input)
(match input
[(cons (and sign (or #\+ #\-)) input) (read-digit+ (list sign) read-fracexp input)]
[_ (read-digit+ (list) read-fracexp input)]))
(define (read-digit* acc-rev k input)
(match input
[(cons (? char? (? char-numeric? d)) input) (read-digit* (cons d acc-rev) k input)]
[_ (k acc-rev input)]))
(define (read-digit+ acc-rev k input)
(match input
[(cons (? char? (? char-numeric? d)) input) (read-digit* (cons d acc-rev) k input)]
[_ #f]))
(define (read-fracexp acc-rev input)
(match input
[(cons #\. input) (read-digit+ (cons #\. acc-rev) read-exp input)]
[_ (read-exp acc-rev input)]))
(define (read-exp acc-rev input)
(match input
[(cons (and e (or #\e #\E)) input) (read-sign-and-exp (cons e acc-rev) input)]
[_ (finish-number acc-rev input)]))
(define (read-sign-and-exp acc-rev input)
(match input
[(cons (and sign (or #\+ #\-)) input) (read-digit+ (cons sign acc-rev) finish-number input)]
[_ (read-digit+ acc-rev finish-number input)]))
(define (finish-number acc-rev input)
(define s (list->string (reverse acc-rev)))
(define n (string->number s 10))
(cond [(not n) #f]
[(and (flonum? n) (member input '((#\f) (#\F)))) (float n)]
[(equal? input '()) n]
[else #f]))
2020-12-30 15:43:18 +00:00
;; Main entry point to parser
(match (peek-char in-port)
[(? eof-object?) eof]
[_ (next)]))