
482 lines
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// Text syntax reader.
import type { Value } from './values';
import { DecodeError, ShortPacket } from './codec';
import { Dictionary, Set } from './dictionary';
import { strip, unannotate } from './strip';
import { Bytes, unhexDigit } from './bytes';
import { decode, Decoder, DecoderState, neverEmbeddedTypeDecode } from './decoder';
import { Record } from './record';
import { Annotated, newPosition, Position, updatePosition } from './annotated';
import { Double, DoubleFloat, Single, SingleFloat } from './float';
import { stringify } from './text';
import { embed, GenericEmbedded, EmbeddedTypeDecode } from './embedded';
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export interface ReaderStateOptions {
includeAnnotations?: boolean;
name?: string | Position;
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export interface ReaderOptions<T> extends ReaderStateOptions {
embeddedDecode?: EmbeddedTypeDecode<T>;
2021-04-22 18:51:48 +00:00
type IntOrFloat = 'int' | 'float';
type Numeric = number | SingleFloat | DoubleFloat;
type IntContinuation = (kind: IntOrFloat, acc: string) => Numeric;
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export class ReaderState {
buffer: string;
pos: Position;
index: number;
discarded = 0;
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options: ReaderStateOptions;
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constructor(buffer: string, options: ReaderStateOptions) {
this.buffer = buffer;
switch (typeof {
case 'undefined': this.pos = newPosition(); break;
case 'string': this.pos = newPosition(; break;
case 'object': this.pos = { ... }; break;
this.index = 0;
this.options = options;
2021-04-22 18:51:48 +00:00
error(message: string, pos: Position): never {
throw new DecodeError(message, { ... pos });
get includeAnnotations(): boolean {
return this.options.includeAnnotations ?? false;
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copyPos(): Position {
return { ... this.pos };
write(data: string) {
if (this.atEnd()) {
this.buffer = data;
} else {
this.buffer = this.buffer.substr(this.index) + data;
this.discarded += this.index;
this.index = 0;
atEnd(): boolean {
return (this.index >= this.buffer.length);
peek(): string {
if (this.atEnd()) throw new ShortPacket("Short term", this.pos);
return this.buffer[this.index];
advance(): number {
const n = this.index++;
updatePosition(this.pos, this.buffer[n]);
return n;
nextchar(): string {
if (this.atEnd()) throw new ShortPacket("Short term", this.pos);
return this.buffer[this.advance()];
nextcharcode(): number {
if (this.atEnd()) throw new ShortPacket("Short term", this.pos);
return this.buffer.charCodeAt(this.advance());
skipws() {
while (true) {
2021-03-09 14:59:40 +00:00
if (this.atEnd()) break;
if (!isSpace(this.peek())) break;
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readHex2(): number {
const x1 = unhexDigit(this.nextcharcode());
const x2 = unhexDigit(this.nextcharcode());
return (x1 << 4) | x2;
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readHex4(): number {
const x1 = unhexDigit(this.nextcharcode());
const x2 = unhexDigit(this.nextcharcode());
const x3 = unhexDigit(this.nextcharcode());
const x4 = unhexDigit(this.nextcharcode());
return (x1 << 12) | (x2 << 8) | (x3 << 4) | x4;
readHexBinary(): Bytes {
const acc: number[] = [];
while (true) {
if (this.peek() === '"') {
return Bytes.from(acc);
readBase64Binary(): Bytes {
let acc = '';
while (true) {
const c = this.nextchar();
if (c === ']') break;
acc = acc + c;
return decodeBase64(acc);
readIntpart(acc: string, ch: string): Numeric {
if (ch === '0') return this.readFracexp('int', acc + ch);
return this.readDigit1('int', acc, (kind, acc) => this.readFracexp(kind, acc), ch);
readDigit1(kind: IntOrFloat, acc: string, k: IntContinuation, ch?: string): Numeric {
if (ch === void 0) ch = this.nextchar();
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return this.readDigit0(kind, acc + ch, k);
this.error('Incomplete number', this.pos);
readDigit0(kind: IntOrFloat, acc: string, k: IntContinuation): Numeric {
while (true) {
2022-01-12 01:02:11 +00:00
if (this.atEnd()) break;
const ch = this.peek();
if (!(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) break;
acc = acc + ch;
return k(kind, acc);
readFracexp(kind: IntOrFloat, acc: string): Numeric {
2022-01-12 01:02:11 +00:00
if (!this.atEnd() && this.peek() === '.') {
return this.readDigit1('float', acc + '.', (kind, acc) => this.readExp(kind, acc));
return this.readExp(kind, acc);
readExp(kind: IntOrFloat, acc: string): Numeric {
2022-01-12 01:02:11 +00:00
const ch = this.atEnd() ? '' : this.peek();
if (ch === 'e' || ch === 'E') {
return this.readSignAndExp(acc + ch);
return this.finishNumber(kind, acc);
readSignAndExp(acc: string): Numeric {
const ch = this.peek();
if (ch === '+' || ch === '-') {
return this.readDigit1('float', acc + ch, (kind, acc) => this.finishNumber(kind, acc));
return this.readDigit1('float', acc, (kind, acc) => this.finishNumber(kind, acc));
finishNumber(kind: IntOrFloat, acc: string): Numeric {
const i = parseFloat(acc);
if (kind === 'int') return i;
2022-01-12 01:02:11 +00:00
const ch = this.atEnd() ? '' : this.peek();
if (ch === 'f' || ch === 'F') {
return Single(i);
} else {
return Double(i);
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readRawSymbol<T>(acc: string): Value<T> {
while (true) {
if (this.atEnd()) break;
const ch = this.peek();
if (('(){}[]<>";,@#:|'.indexOf(ch) !== -1) || isSpace(ch)) break;
acc = acc + ch;
return Symbol.for(acc);
readStringlike<E, R>(xform: (ch: string) => E,
finish: (acc: E[]) => R,
terminator: string,
hexescape: string,
hex: () => E): R
let acc: E[] = [];
while (true) {
const ch = this.nextchar();
switch (ch) {
case terminator:
return finish(acc);
case '\\': {
const ch = this.nextchar();
switch (ch) {
case hexescape: acc.push(hex()); break;
case terminator:
case '\\':
case '/':
acc.push(xform(ch)); break;
case 'b': acc.push(xform('\x08')); break;
case 'f': acc.push(xform('\x0c')); break;
case 'n': acc.push(xform('\x0a')); break;
case 'r': acc.push(xform('\x0d')); break;
case 't': acc.push(xform('\x09')); break;
this.error(`Invalid escape code \\${ch}`, this.pos);
readString(terminator: string): string {
return this.readStringlike(x => x, xs => xs.join(''), terminator, 'u', () => {
const n1 = this.readHex4();
if ((n1 >= 0xd800) && (n1 <= 0xdfff)) {
if ((this.nextchar() === '\\') && (this.nextchar() === 'u')) {
const n2 = this.readHex4();
if ((n2 >= 0xdc00) && (n2 <= 0xdfff) && (n1 <= 0xdbff)) {
return String.fromCharCode(n1, n2);
this.error('Invalid surrogate pair', this.pos);
return String.fromCharCode(n1);
readLiteralBinary(): Bytes {
return this.readStringlike(
x => {
const v = x.charCodeAt(0);
if (v >= 256) this.error(`Invalid code point ${v} in literal binary`, this.pos);
return v;
() => this.readHex2());
export const genericEmbeddedTypeDecode: EmbeddedTypeDecode<GenericEmbedded> = {
decode(s: DecoderState): GenericEmbedded {
return new GenericEmbedded(new Decoder(s, this).next());
fromValue(v: Value<GenericEmbedded>, options: ReaderStateOptions): GenericEmbedded {
return new GenericEmbedded(options.includeAnnotations ? v : strip(v));
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export class Reader<T> {
state: ReaderState;
embeddedType: EmbeddedTypeDecode<T>;
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constructor(state: ReaderState, embeddedType: EmbeddedTypeDecode<T>);
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constructor(buffer: string, options?: ReaderOptions<T>);
state_or_buffer: (ReaderState | string) = '',
embeddedType_or_options?: (EmbeddedTypeDecode<T> | ReaderOptions<T>))
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if (state_or_buffer instanceof ReaderState) {
this.state = state_or_buffer;
this.embeddedType = embeddedType_or_options as EmbeddedTypeDecode<T>;
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} else {
const options = (embeddedType_or_options as ReaderOptions<T>) ?? {};
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this.state = new ReaderState(state_or_buffer, options);
this.embeddedType = options.embeddedDecode ?? neverEmbeddedTypeDecode;
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write(data: string) {
readCommentLine(): Value<T> {
const startPos = this.state.copyPos();
let acc = '';
while (true) {
const c = this.state.nextchar();
if (c === '\n' || c === '\r') {
return this.wrap(acc, startPos);
acc = acc + c;
wrap(v: Value<T>, pos: Position): Value<T> {
if (this.state.includeAnnotations && !Annotated.isAnnotated(v)) {
v = new Annotated(v, pos);
return v;
annotateNextWith(v: Value<T>): Value<T> {
if (this.state.atEnd()) {
throw new DecodeError("Trailing annotations and comments are not permitted",
const u =;
if (this.state.includeAnnotations) (u as Annotated<T>).annotations.unshift(v);
return u;
readToEnd(): Array<Value<T>> {
const acc = [];
while (true) {
if (this.state.atEnd()) return acc;
next(): Value<T> {
const startPos = this.state.copyPos();
const unwrapped = ((): Value<T> => {
const c = this.state.nextchar();
switch (c) {
case '-':
return this.state.readIntpart('-', this.state.nextchar());
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
return this.state.readIntpart('', c);
case '"':
return this.state.readString('"');
case '|':
return Symbol.for(this.state.readString('|'));
case ';':
return this.annotateNextWith(this.readCommentLine());
case '@':
return this.annotateNextWith(;
case ':':
this.state.error('Unexpected key/value separator between items', startPos);
case '#': {
const c = this.state.nextchar();
switch (c) {
case 'f': return false;
case 't': return true;
case '{': return this.seq(new Set<T>(), (v, s) => s.add(v), '}');
case '"': return this.state.readLiteralBinary();
case 'x':
if (this.state.nextchar() !== '"') {
this.state.error('Expected open-quote at start of hex ByteString',
return this.state.readHexBinary();
case '[': return this.state.readBase64Binary();
case '=': {
const bs = unannotate(;
if (!Bytes.isBytes(bs)) this.state.error('ByteString must follow #=',
return decode<T>(bs, {
embeddedDecode: this.embeddedType,
2021-04-22 18:51:48 +00:00
includeAnnotations: this.state.options.includeAnnotations,
case '!': return embed(this.embeddedType.fromValue(
new Reader<GenericEmbedded>(this.state, genericEmbeddedTypeDecode).next(),
2021-04-22 18:51:48 +00:00
this.state.error(`Invalid # syntax: ${c}`, startPos);
case '<': {
const label =;
const fields = this.readSequence('>');
return Record(label, fields);
case '[': return this.readSequence(']');
case '{': return this.readDictionary();
case '>': this.state.error('Unexpected >', startPos);
case ']': this.state.error('Unexpected ]', startPos);
case '}': this.state.error('Unexpected }', startPos);
return this.state.readRawSymbol(c);
return this.wrap(unwrapped, startPos);
seq<S>(acc: S, update: (v: Value<T>, acc: S) => void, ch: string): S {
while (true) {
if (this.state.peek() === ch) {
return acc;
update(, acc);
readSequence(ch: string): Array<Value<T>> {
return this.seq([] as Array<Value<T>>, (v, acc) => acc.push(v), ch);
readDictionary(): Dictionary<T> {
return this.seq(new Dictionary<T>(),
(k, acc) => {
switch (this.state.peek()) {
case ':':
if (acc.has(k)) this.state.error(
`Duplicate key: ${stringify(k)}`, this.state.pos);
this.state.error('Missing key/value separator', this.state.pos);
const BASE64: {[key: string]: number} = {};
[... 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'].forEach(
(c, i) => BASE64[c] = i);
BASE64['+'] = BASE64['-'] = 62;
BASE64['/'] = BASE64['_'] = 63;
export function decodeBase64(s: string): Bytes {
const bs = new Uint8Array(Math.floor(s.length * 3/4));
let i = 0;
let j = 0;
while (i < s.length) {
const v1 = BASE64[s[i++]];
const v2 = BASE64[s[i++]];
const v3 = BASE64[s[i++]];
const v4 = BASE64[s[i++]];
const v = (v1 << 18) | (v2 << 12) | (v3 << 6) | v4;
bs[j++] = (v >> 16) & 255;
if (v3 === void 0) break;
bs[j++] = (v >> 8) & 255;
if (v4 === void 0) break;
bs[j++] = v & 255;
return Bytes.from(bs.subarray(0, j));
function isSpace(s: string): boolean {
return ' \t\n\r,'.indexOf(s) !== -1;