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2022-06-18 17:11:08 +00:00
no_site_title: true
title: "Preserves: Binary Syntax"
Tony Garnock-Jones <>
{{ site.version_date }}. Version {{ site.version }}.
[canonical]: canonical-binary.html
*Preserves* is a data model, with associated serialization formats. This
document defines one of those formats: a binary syntax for `Value`s from
the [Preserves data model](preserves.html) that is easy for computer
software to read and write. An [equivalent human-readable text
syntax](preserves-text.html) also exists.
## Machine-Oriented Binary Syntax
A `Repr` is a binary-syntax encoding, or representation, of a `Value`.
For a value `v`, we write `«v»` for the `Repr` of v.
### Type and Length representation.
Each `Repr` starts with a tag byte, describing the kind of information
represented. Depending on the tag, a length indicator, further encoded
information, and/or an ending tag may follow.
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tag (simple atomic data)
tag ++ length ++ binarydata (floats, doubles, integers, strings, symbols, and binary)
tag ++ repr ++ ... ++ endtag (compound data and annotations)
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The unique end tag is byte value `0x84`.
If present after a tag, the length of a following piece of binary data
is formatted as a [base 128 varint][varint].[^see-also-leb128] We
write `varint(m)` for the varint-encoding of `m`. Quoting the
[Google Protocol Buffers][varint] definition,
[^see-also-leb128]: Also known as [LEB128][] encoding, for unsigned
integers. Varints and LEB128-encoded integers differ only for
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negative numbers, which cannot appear as length indicators and are
thus not used in Preserves.
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> Each byte in a varint, except the last byte, has the most
> significant bit (msb) set this indicates that there are further
> bytes to come. The lower 7 bits of each byte are used to store the
> two's complement representation of the number in groups of 7 bits,
> least significant group first.
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For example, `varint(15)` is `[0x0F]`, and `varint(1000000000)` is `[0x80, 0x94, 0xeb, 0xdc,
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It is an error for a varint-encoded `m` in a `Repr` to be anything
other than the unique shortest encoding for that `m`. That is, a
varint-encoding of `m` *MUST NOT* end in `0` unless `m`=0.
### Records, Sequences, Sets and Dictionaries.
«<L F_1...F_m>» = [0xB4] ++ «L» ++ «F_1» ++...++ «F_m» ++ [0x84]
«[X_1...X_m]» = [0xB5] ++ «X_1» ++...++ «X_m» ++ [0x84]
«#{E_1...E_m}» = [0xB6] ++ «E_1» ++...++ «E_m» ++ [0x84]
«{K_1:V_1...K_m:V_m}» = [0xB7] ++ «K_1» ++ «V_1» ++...++ «K_m» ++ «V_m» ++ [0x84]
There is *no* ordering requirement on the `E_i` elements or
`K_i`/`V_i` pairs.[^no-sorting-rationale] They may appear in any
order. However, the `E_i` and `K_i` *MUST* be pairwise distinct. In
addition, implementations *SHOULD* default to writing set elements and
dictionary key/value pairs in order sorted lexicographically by their
`Repr`s[^not-sorted-semantically], and *MAY* offer the option of
serializing in some other implementation-defined order.
[^no-sorting-rationale]: In the BitTorrent encoding format,
dictionary key/value pairs must be sorted by key. This is a
necessary step for ensuring serialization of `Value`s is
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canonical. We encourage, but do not require that key/value pairs (or set
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elements) be in sorted order for serialized `Value`s; however, a
[canonical form][canonical] for `Repr`s does exist where a sorted
ordering is required.
[^not-sorted-semantically]: It's important to note that the sort
ordering for writing out set elements and dictionary key/value
pairs is *not* the same as the sort ordering implied by the
semantic ordering of those elements or keys. For example, the
`Repr` of a negative number very far from zero will start with
byte that is *greater* than the byte which starts the `Repr` of
zero, making it sort lexicographically later by `Repr`, despite
being semantically *less than* zero.
**Rationale**. This is for ease-of-implementation reasons: not all
languages can easily represent sorted sets or sorted dictionaries,
but encoding and then sorting byte strings is much more likely to
be within easy reach.
### SignedIntegers.
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«x» = [0xB0] ++ varint(|intbytes(x)|) ++ intbytes(x) if x ∈ SignedInteger
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The function `intbytes(x)` gives the big-endian two's-complement
binary representation of `x`, taking exactly as many whole bytes as
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needed to unambiguously identify the value and its sign. The value 0
needs zero bytes to identify the value; non-zero values need at least
one byte, and the most-significant bit in the first byte is the sign
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bit. See the [examples in the appendix below](#signedinteger-examples).
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### Strings, ByteStrings and Symbols.
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«S» = [0xB1] ++ varint(|utf8(S)|) ++ utf8(S) if S ∈ String
[0xB2] ++ varint(|S|) ++ S if S ∈ ByteString
[0xB3] ++ varint(|utf8(S)|) ++ utf8(S) if S ∈ Symbol
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Syntax for these three types varies only in the tag used. For `String`
and `Symbol`, the data following the tag is a UTF-8 encoding of the
`Value`, while for `ByteString` it is the raw data contained within the
`Value` unmodified.
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### Booleans.
«#f» = [0x80]
«#t» = [0x81]
### Floats and Doubles.
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«F» = [0x87, 0x04] ++ binary32(F) if F ∈ Float
«D» = [0x87, 0x08] ++ binary64(D) if D ∈ Double
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The functions `binary32(F)` and `binary64(D)` yield big-endian 4- and
8-byte IEEE 754 binary representations of `F` and `D`, respectively.
### Embeddeds.
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«#!V» = [0x86] ++ «V»
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The `Repr` of an `Embedded` is the `Repr` of a `Value` chosen to
represent the denoted object, prefixed with `[0x86]`.
### Annotations.
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«@V_1...@V_n V» = [0xBF] ++ «V» ++ «V_1» ++...++ «V_n» ++ [0x84]
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2023-03-15 16:15:26 +00:00
`V` *MUST NOT* itself be annotated, but each `V_i` in `V_1...V_n`
*MAY* be annotated. Furthermore, `n` *MUST* be greater than zero. For
example, the `Repr` corresponding to textual syntax `@a@b[]`, i.e. an
empty sequence annotated with two symbols, `a` and `b`, is
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«@a @b []» = [0xBF] ++ «[]» ++ «a» ++ «b» ++ [0x84]
= [0xBF, 0xB5, 0x84, 0xB3, 0x01, 0x61, 0xB3, 0x01, 0x62, 0x84]
Implementations *SHOULD* default to omitting annotations from binary `Repr`s.
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## Security Considerations
**Annotations.** In modes where a `Value` is being read while
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annotations are skipped, an endless nesting of annotations may give an
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illusion of progress.
**Canonical form for cryptographic hashing and signing.** No canonical
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*textual* encoding of a `Value` is specified. However, a [canonical
form][canonical] exists for binary encoded `Value`s, and
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implementations *SHOULD* produce canonical binary encodings by
default; however, an implementation *MAY* permit two serializations of
the same `Value` to yield different binary `Repr`s.
## Appendix. Autodetection of textual or binary syntax
Every tag byte in a binary Preserves `Document` falls within the range
[`0x80`, `0xBF`]. These bytes, interpreted as UTF-8, are *continuation
bytes*, and will never occur as the first byte of a UTF-8 encoding. This
means no binary-encoded document can be misinterpreted as valid UTF-8.
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Conversely, a UTF-8 document must start with a valid scalar value,
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meaning in particular that it must not start with a byte in the range
[`0x80`, `0xBF`]. This means that no UTF-8 encoded textual-syntax
Preserves document can be misinterpreted as a binary-syntax document.
Examination of the top two bits of the first byte of a document gives
its syntax: if the top two bits are `10`, it should be interpreted as
a binary-syntax document; otherwise, it should be interpreted as text.
## Appendix. Table of tag values
80 - False
81 - True
84 - End marker
86 - Embedded
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87 - Float and Double
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2023-03-15 15:24:02 +00:00
B0 - Integer
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B1 - String
B2 - ByteString
B3 - Symbol
B4 - Record
B5 - Sequence
B6 - Set
B7 - Dictionary
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BF - Annotated Repr (not itself starting with BF) followed by annotations
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All tags fall in the range [`0x80`, `0xBF`].
Tag values `82`, `83`, `85`, `88`...`AF`, and `B8`...`BE` are **reserved**.
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## Appendix. Binary SignedInteger representation
Languages that provide fixed-width machine word types may find the
following table useful in encoding and decoding binary `SignedInteger`
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| Integer range | Bytes required | Encoding (hex) |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 0 | 2 | `B0` `00` |
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| -2<sup>7</sup> ≤ n < 2<sup>7</sup> (i8) | 3 | `B0` `01` `XX` |
| -2<sup>15</sup> ≤ n < 2<sup>15</sup> (i16) | 4 | `B0` `02` `XX` `XX` |
| -2<sup>23</sup> ≤ n < 2<sup>23</sup> (i24) | 5 | `B0` `03` `XX` `XX` `XX` |
| -2<sup>31</sup> ≤ n < 2<sup>31</sup> (i32) | 6 | `B0` `04` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` |
| -2<sup>39</sup> ≤ n < 2<sup>39</sup> (i40) | 7 | `B0` `05` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` |
| -2<sup>47</sup> ≤ n < 2<sup>47</sup> (i48) | 8 | `B0` `06` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` |
| -2<sup>55</sup> ≤ n < 2<sup>55</sup> (i56) | 9 | `B0` `07` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` |
| -2<sup>63</sup> ≤ n < 2<sup>63</sup> (i64) | 10 | `B0` `08` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` `XX` |
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## <a id="signedinteger-examples"></a>Appendix. Binary SignedInteger examples
«-257» = B0 02 FE FF «-2» = B0 01 FE «255» = B0 02 00 FF
«-256» = B0 02 FF 00 «-1» = B0 01 FF «256» = B0 02 01 00
«-255» = B0 02 FF 01 «0» = B0 00 «32767» = B0 02 7F FF
«-129» = B0 02 FF 7F «1» = B0 01 01 «32768» = B0 03 00 80 00
«-128» = B0 01 80 «127» = B0 01 7F «65535» = B0 03 00 FF FF
«-127» = B0 01 81 «128» = B0 02 00 80 «65536» = B0 03 01 00 00
= B0 12 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00
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<!-- Heading to visually offset the footnotes from the main document: -->
## Notes