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2021-03-09 14:59:40 +00:00
import { Annotated, Dictionary, is, KeyedDictionary, peel, preserves, Record, strip, Tuple } from '..';
import { Input, NamedPattern, Pattern, Schema } from './meta';
import * as M from './meta';
function splitBy<T>(items: Array<T>, separator: T): Array<Array<T>> {
const groups: Array<Array<T>> = [];
let group: Array<T> = [];
function finish() {
if (group.length > 0) {
group = [];
for (const item of items) {
if (is(item, separator)) {
} else {
return groups;
function invalidClause(clause: Input): never {
throw new Error(preserves`Invalid Schema clause: ${clause}`);
function invalidPattern(name: symbol, item: Input): never {
throw new Error(preserves`Invalid pattern in ${name}: ${item}`);
export function readSchema(toplevelTokens: Array<Input>): Schema {
const toplevelClauses = splitBy(peel(toplevelTokens) as Array<Input>, M.DOT);
let version: number | undefined = void 0;
let definitions = new KeyedDictionary<symbol, Pattern, never>();
for (const clause0 of toplevelClauses) {
const clause =;
if (!Array.isArray(clause)) {
} else if (clause.length >= 2 && is(clause[1], M.EQUALS)) {
if (typeof clause[0] !== 'symbol') invalidClause(clause);
const name = clause[0];
if (definitions.has(name)) {
throw new Error(preserves`Duplicate definition: ${clause}`);
definitions.set(name, parseDefinition(name, clause.slice(2).map(peel)));
} else if (clause.length === 2 && is(clause[0], M.VERSION)) {
if (typeof clause[1] !== 'number') invalidClause(clause);
version = clause[1];
} else {
if (version === void 0) {
throw new Error("Schema: missing version declaration.");
if (version !== 1) {
throw new Error("Schema: unsupported version " + version);
return Record(M.SCHEMA, [version, definitions]);
function parseDefinition(name: symbol, body: Array<Input>): Pattern {
return parseOp(body, M.ORSYM, p => parseOp(p, M.ANDSYM, p => parseBase(name, p)));
function parseOp(body: Array<Input>, op: Input, k: (p: Array<Input>) => Pattern): Pattern {
const pieces = splitBy(body, op);
if (pieces.length === 1) return k(pieces[0]);
switch (op) {
case M.ORSYM: return Record(M.OR, []);
case M.ANDSYM: return Record(M.AND, []);
default: throw new Error("Internal error: unexpected operator");
function findName(x: Input): symbol | false {
if (!Annotated.isAnnotated<never>(x)) return false;
for (const a0 of x.annotations) {
const a = peel(a0);
if (typeof a === 'symbol') return a;
return false;
function parseBase(name: symbol, body: Array<Input>): Pattern {
body = peel(body) as Array<Input>;
if (body.length !== 1) invalidPattern(name, body);
const item = peel(body[0]);
const walk = (b: Input): Pattern => parseBase(name, [b]);
const namedwalk = (b: Input): NamedPattern => {
const name = findName(b);
if (name === false) return walk(b);
return Record(M.NAMED, [name, walk(b)]);
const walkitems = (b: Input): Pattern[] => {
b = peel(b);
if (!Array.isArray(b)) complain();
function complain(): never {
invalidPattern(name, item);
if (typeof item === 'symbol') {
const s = item.description;
if (s === void 0) complain();
if (s[0] === '=') return Record(M.LIT, [Symbol.for(s.slice(1))]);
return Record(M.REF, [item]);
} else if (Record.isRecord<Input, Tuple<Input>, never>(item)) {
const label = item.label;
if (Record.isRecord<Input, [], never>(label)) {
if (label.length !== 0) complain();
switch (label.label) {
case M.LIT:
if (item.length !== 1) complain();
return Record(M.LIT, [item[0]]);
case M.OR:
if (item.length !== 1) complain();
return Record(M.OR, [walkitems(item[0])]);
case M.AND:
if (item.length !== 1) complain();
return Record(M.AND, [walkitems(item[0])]);
case M.REC:
if (item.length !== 2) complain();
return Record(M.REC, [walk(item[0]), walk(item[1])]);
} else {
return Record(M.REC, [Record(M.LIT, [label]), Record(M.TUPLE, [])]);
} else if (Array.isArray(item)) {
if (is(item[item.length - 1], M.DOTDOTDOT)) {
if (item.length < 2) complain();
return Record(M.TUPLESTAR, [
item.slice(0, item.length - 2).map(namedwalk),
namedwalk(item[item.length - 2]),
} else {
return Record(M.TUPLE, []);
} else if (Dictionary.isDictionary<Input, never>(item)) {
if (item.size === 2 && item.has(M.DOTDOTDOT)) {
const v = item.clone();
const [[kp, vp]] = v.entries();
return Record(M.DICTOF, [walk(kp), walk(vp)]);
} else {
return Record(M.DICT, [item.mapEntries<Pattern, Input, never>(([k, vp]) =>
[strip(k), walk(vp)])]);
} else if (Set.isSet<never>(item)) {
if (item.size !== 1) complain();
const [vp] = item.entries();
return Record(M.SETOF, [walk(vp)]);
} else {
return Record(M.LIT, [strip(item)]);