
77 lines
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import { Attenuation, Handle, Pattern, Ref, Template } from './actor.js';
import { Record, Value } from 'preserves';
export const _Assert = Symbol.for('assert');
export const _Retract = Symbol.for('retract');
export const _Message = Symbol.for('message');
export const _Sync = Symbol.for('sync');
function mk<T extends object>() {
return {
Assert: Record.makeConstructor<{assertion: Value<T>, handle: Handle}, T>()(
_Assert, ['assertion', 'handle']),
Retract: Record.makeConstructor<{handle: Handle}, T>()(
_Retract, ['handle']),
Message: Record.makeConstructor<{body: Value<T>}, T>()(
_Message, ['body']),
Sync: Record.makeConstructor<{peer: T}, T>()(
_Sync, ['peer']),
export type EntityMessage<T extends object> =
| Record<typeof _Assert, [Value<T>, Handle], T>
| Record<typeof _Retract, [Handle], T>
| Record<typeof _Message, [Value<T>], T>
| Record<typeof _Sync, [T], T>;
export type TurnMessage<T extends object> = Array<[Oid, EntityMessage<T>]>;
export type Oid = number;
export type WireSymbol = { oid: Oid, ref: Ref, count: number };
export type WireRef =
| { loc: "mine", oid: Oid }
| { loc: "your", oid: Oid, attenuation: EncodedAttenuation };
export const IO = mk<WireRef>();
export function myRef(oid: Oid): WireRef & { loc: "mine" } {
return { loc: 'mine', oid };
export function yourRef(oid: Oid, attenuation: EncodedAttenuation): WireRef & { loc: "your" } {
return { loc: 'your', oid, attenuation };
export type EncodedAttenuation = Array<Array<[Value<WireRef>, Value<WireRef>]>>;
export function encodeAttenuation(a: Attenuation | undefined): EncodedAttenuation {
if (a === void 0) return [];
return =>{pattern, template}) => [
pattern as Value<WireRef>,
template as Value<WireRef>,
export function decodeAttenuation(v: Array<Value<WireRef>>): Attenuation {
function complain(): never {
throw new Error(
`Received invalid attenuation ${v.asPreservesText()} from peer`);
if (v.length === 0) return [];
return => {
if (!Array.isArray(s)) complain();
return => {
if (!(Array.isArray(e) && e.length === 2)) complain();
// TODO: check structure of pattern and template
return {
pattern: e[0] as Pattern,
template: e[1] as Template,