import { newKey } from './cryptography.js'; import { attenuate, KEY_LENGTH, mint, Rewrite, sturdyEncode, validate } from './sturdy.js'; import * as RW from './rewrite.js'; import { Bytes, Dictionary } from '@preserves/core'; async function main() { const m1 = await mint('hello world', new Bytes(KEY_LENGTH)); console.log(m1.asPreservesText()); const m2 = await attenuate(m1, Rewrite(RW.PBind(Symbol.for('a'), RW.PCompound(RW.CRec(Symbol.for('says'), 2), new Dictionary([ [0, RW.Lit('Tony')]]))), RW.TRef(Symbol.for('a')))); console.log(m2.asPreservesText()); console.log('should be true:', await validate(m1, new Bytes(KEY_LENGTH))); console.log('should be true:', await validate(m2, new Bytes(KEY_LENGTH))); console.log('should be false:', await validate(m2, Bytes.of(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))); m2[0] = 'hello world2'; console.log(m2.asPreservesText()); console.log('should be false:', await validate(m2, new Bytes(KEY_LENGTH))); m2[0] = 'hello world'; console.log(m2.asPreservesText()); console.log('should be true:', await validate(m2, new Bytes(KEY_LENGTH))); console.log('should be false:', await validate(m2, await newKey())); console.log((await newKey()).asPreservesText()); console.log((await newKey()).asPreservesText()); console.log(sturdyEncode(m2).asPreservesText()); } main();