import * as _ from "@preserves/core"; export const $0 = 0; export const $1 = 1; export const $Boolean = Symbol.for("Boolean"); export const $ByteString = Symbol.for("ByteString"); export const $Double = Symbol.for("Double"); export const $Embedded = Symbol.for("Embedded"); export const $Float = Symbol.for("Float"); export const $SignedInteger = Symbol.for("SignedInteger"); export const $String = Symbol.for("String"); export const $Symbol = Symbol.for("Symbol"); export const $_ = Symbol.for("_"); export const $and = Symbol.for("and"); export const $arr = Symbol.for("arr"); export const $bind = Symbol.for("bind"); export const $compound = Symbol.for("compound"); export const $dict = Symbol.for("dict"); export const $lit = Symbol.for("lit"); export const $not = Symbol.for("not"); export const $or = Symbol.for("or"); export const $rec = Symbol.for("rec"); export const $ref = Symbol.for("ref"); export const $rewrite = Symbol.for("rewrite"); export type _embedded = any; export type _val = _.Value<_embedded>; export type SturdyRef = {"oid": _val, "caveatChain": Array, "sig": _.Bytes}; export type Attenuation = Array; export type Caveat = ( {"_variant": "Rewrite", "value": Rewrite} | {"_variant": "Alts", "value": Alts} ); export type Rewrite = {"pattern": Pattern, "template": Template}; export type Alts = {"alternatives": Array}; export type Oid = number; export type WireRef = ( {"_variant": "mine", "oid": Oid} | {"_variant": "yours", "oid": Oid, "attenuation": Array} ); export type ConstructorSpec = ( {"_variant": "CRec", "value": CRec} | {"_variant": "CArr", "value": CArr} | {"_variant": "CDict", "value": CDict} ); export type CRec = {"label": _val, "arity": number}; export type CArr = {"arity": number}; export type CDict = null; export type Lit = {"value": _val}; export type Pattern = ( {"_variant": "PDiscard", "value": PDiscard} | {"_variant": "PAtom", "value": PAtom} | {"_variant": "PEmbedded", "value": PEmbedded} | {"_variant": "PBind", "value": PBind} | {"_variant": "PAnd", "value": PAnd} | {"_variant": "PNot", "value": PNot} | {"_variant": "Lit", "value": Lit} | {"_variant": "PCompound", "value": PCompound} ); export type PDiscard = null; export type PAtom = ( {"_variant": "Boolean"} | {"_variant": "Float"} | {"_variant": "Double"} | {"_variant": "SignedInteger"} | {"_variant": "String"} | {"_variant": "ByteString"} | {"_variant": "Symbol"} ); export type PEmbedded = null; export type PBind = {"name": symbol, "pattern": Pattern}; export type PAnd = {"patterns": Array}; export type PNot = {"pattern": Pattern}; export type PCompound = {"ctor": ConstructorSpec, "members": PCompoundMembers}; export type PCompoundMembers = _.KeyedDictionary<_val, Pattern, _embedded>; export type Template = ( {"_variant": "TRef", "value": TRef} | {"_variant": "Lit", "value": Lit} | {"_variant": "TCompound", "value": TCompound} ); export type TRef = {"name": symbol}; export type TCompound = {"ctor": ConstructorSpec, "members": TCompoundMembers}; export type TCompoundMembers = _.KeyedDictionary<_val, Template, _embedded>; export function SturdyRef( {oid, caveatChain, sig}: {oid: _val, caveatChain: Array, sig: _.Bytes} ): SturdyRef {return {"oid": oid, "caveatChain": caveatChain, "sig": sig};} export function Attenuation(value: Array): Attenuation {return value;} export namespace Caveat { export function Rewrite(value: Rewrite): Caveat {return {"_variant": "Rewrite", "value": value};}; export function Alts(value: Alts): Caveat {return {"_variant": "Alts", "value": value};}; } export function Rewrite({pattern, template}: {pattern: Pattern, template: Template}): Rewrite {return {"pattern": pattern, "template": template};} export function Alts(alternatives: Array): Alts {return {"alternatives": alternatives};} export function Oid(value: number): Oid {return value;} export namespace WireRef { export function mine(oid: Oid): WireRef {return {"_variant": "mine", "oid": oid};}; export function yours({oid, attenuation}: {oid: Oid, attenuation: Array}): WireRef {return {"_variant": "yours", "oid": oid, "attenuation": attenuation};}; } export namespace ConstructorSpec { export function CRec(value: CRec): ConstructorSpec {return {"_variant": "CRec", "value": value};}; export function CArr(value: CArr): ConstructorSpec {return {"_variant": "CArr", "value": value};}; export function CDict(value: CDict): ConstructorSpec {return {"_variant": "CDict", "value": value};}; } export function CRec({label, arity}: {label: _val, arity: number}): CRec {return {"label": label, "arity": arity};} export function CArr(arity: number): CArr {return {"arity": arity};} export function CDict(): CDict {return null;} export function Lit(value: _val): Lit {return {"value": value};} export namespace Pattern { export function PDiscard(value: PDiscard): Pattern {return {"_variant": "PDiscard", "value": value};}; export function PAtom(value: PAtom): Pattern {return {"_variant": "PAtom", "value": value};}; export function PEmbedded(value: PEmbedded): Pattern {return {"_variant": "PEmbedded", "value": value};}; export function PBind(value: PBind): Pattern {return {"_variant": "PBind", "value": value};}; export function PAnd(value: PAnd): Pattern {return {"_variant": "PAnd", "value": value};}; export function PNot(value: PNot): Pattern {return {"_variant": "PNot", "value": value};}; export function Lit(value: Lit): Pattern {return {"_variant": "Lit", "value": value};}; export function PCompound(value: PCompound): Pattern {return {"_variant": "PCompound", "value": value};}; } export function PDiscard(): PDiscard {return null;} export namespace PAtom { export function Boolean(): PAtom {return {"_variant": "Boolean"};}; export function Float(): PAtom {return {"_variant": "Float"};}; export function Double(): PAtom {return {"_variant": "Double"};}; export function SignedInteger(): PAtom {return {"_variant": "SignedInteger"};}; export function String(): PAtom {return {"_variant": "String"};}; export function ByteString(): PAtom {return {"_variant": "ByteString"};}; export function Symbol(): PAtom {return {"_variant": "Symbol"};}; } export function PEmbedded(): PEmbedded {return null;} export function PBind({name, pattern}: {name: symbol, pattern: Pattern}): PBind {return {"name": name, "pattern": pattern};} export function PAnd(patterns: Array): PAnd {return {"patterns": patterns};} export function PNot(pattern: Pattern): PNot {return {"pattern": pattern};} export function PCompound({ctor, members}: {ctor: ConstructorSpec, members: PCompoundMembers}): PCompound {return {"ctor": ctor, "members": members};} export function PCompoundMembers(value: _.KeyedDictionary<_val, Pattern, _embedded>): PCompoundMembers {return value;} export namespace Template { export function TRef(value: TRef): Template {return {"_variant": "TRef", "value": value};}; export function Lit(value: Lit): Template {return {"_variant": "Lit", "value": value};}; export function TCompound(value: TCompound): Template {return {"_variant": "TCompound", "value": value};}; } export function TRef(name: symbol): TRef {return {"name": name};} export function TCompound({ctor, members}: {ctor: ConstructorSpec, members: TCompoundMembers}): TCompound {return {"ctor": ctor, "members": members};} export function TCompoundMembers(value: _.KeyedDictionary<_val, Template, _embedded>): TCompoundMembers {return value;} export function asSturdyRef(v: _val): SturdyRef { let result = toSturdyRef(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid SturdyRef: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toSturdyRef(v: _val): undefined | SturdyRef { let result: undefined | SturdyRef; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $ref) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (_val) | undefined; _tmp1 = v[0]; if (_tmp1 !== void 0) { let _tmp2: (Array) | undefined; _tmp2 = void 0; if (_.Array.isArray(v[1])) { _tmp2 = []; for (const _tmp3 of v[1]) { let _tmp4: (Attenuation) | undefined; _tmp4 = toAttenuation(_tmp3); if (_tmp4 !== void 0) {_tmp2.push(_tmp4); continue;}; _tmp2 = void 0; break; }; }; if (_tmp2 !== void 0) { let _tmp5: (_.Bytes) | undefined; _tmp5 = _.Bytes.isBytes(v[2]) ? v[2] : void 0; if (_tmp5 !== void 0) {result = {"oid": _tmp1, "caveatChain": _tmp2, "sig": _tmp5};}; }; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromSturdyRef(_v: SturdyRef): _val { return _.Record($ref, [_v["oid"], _v["caveatChain"].map(v => fromAttenuation(v)), _v["sig"]]); } export function asAttenuation(v: _val): Attenuation { let result = toAttenuation(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Attenuation: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toAttenuation(v: _val): undefined | Attenuation { let _tmp0: (Array) | undefined; let result: undefined | Attenuation; _tmp0 = void 0; if (_.Array.isArray(v)) { _tmp0 = []; for (const _tmp1 of v) { let _tmp2: (Caveat) | undefined; _tmp2 = toCaveat(_tmp1); if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {_tmp0.push(_tmp2); continue;}; _tmp0 = void 0; break; }; }; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = _tmp0;}; return result; } export function fromAttenuation(_v: Attenuation): _val {return => fromCaveat(v));} export function asCaveat(v: _val): Caveat { let result = toCaveat(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Caveat: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toCaveat(v: _val): undefined | Caveat { let _tmp0: (Rewrite) | undefined; let result: undefined | Caveat; _tmp0 = toRewrite(v); if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Rewrite", "value": _tmp0};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp1: (Alts) | undefined; _tmp1 = toAlts(v); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Alts", "value": _tmp1};}; }; return result; } export function fromCaveat(_v: Caveat): _val { switch (_v._variant) { case "Rewrite": {return fromRewrite(_v.value);}; case "Alts": {return fromAlts(_v.value);}; }; } export function asRewrite(v: _val): Rewrite { let result = toRewrite(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Rewrite: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toRewrite(v: _val): undefined | Rewrite { let result: undefined | Rewrite; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $rewrite) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (Pattern) | undefined; _tmp1 = toPattern(v[0]); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) { let _tmp2: (Template) | undefined; _tmp2 = toTemplate(v[1]); if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {result = {"pattern": _tmp1, "template": _tmp2};}; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromRewrite(_v: Rewrite): _val { return _.Record($rewrite, [fromPattern(_v["pattern"]), fromTemplate(_v["template"])]); } export function asAlts(v: _val): Alts { let result = toAlts(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Alts: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toAlts(v: _val): undefined | Alts { let result: undefined | Alts; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $or) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (Array) | undefined; _tmp1 = void 0; if (_.Array.isArray(v[0])) { _tmp1 = []; for (const _tmp2 of v[0]) { let _tmp3: (Rewrite) | undefined; _tmp3 = toRewrite(_tmp2); if (_tmp3 !== void 0) {_tmp1.push(_tmp3); continue;}; _tmp1 = void 0; break; }; }; if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"alternatives": _tmp1};}; }; }; return result; } export function fromAlts(_v: Alts): _val {return _.Record($or, [_v["alternatives"].map(v => fromRewrite(v))]);} export function asOid(v: _val): Oid { let result = toOid(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Oid: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toOid(v: _val): undefined | Oid { let _tmp0: (number) | undefined; let result: undefined | Oid; _tmp0 = typeof v === 'number' ? v : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = _tmp0;}; return result; } export function fromOid(_v: Oid): _val {return _v;} export function asWireRef(v: _val): WireRef { let result = toWireRef(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid WireRef: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toWireRef(v: _val): undefined | WireRef { let result: undefined | WireRef; if (_.Array.isArray(v) && v.length === 2) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =[0], $0) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (Oid) | undefined; _tmp1 = toOid(v[1]); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "mine", "oid": _tmp1};}; }; }; if (result === void 0) { if (_.Array.isArray(v) && v.length >= 2) { let _tmp2: (null) | undefined; _tmp2 =[0], $1) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp2 !== void 0) { let _tmp3: (Oid) | undefined; _tmp3 = toOid(v[1]); if (_tmp3 !== void 0) { let _tmp4: (Array<_val>) | undefined; let _tmp5: (Array) | undefined; _tmp4 = v.slice(2); _tmp5 = []; for (const _tmp6 of _tmp4) { let _tmp7: (Caveat) | undefined; _tmp7 = toCaveat(_tmp6); if (_tmp7 !== void 0) {_tmp5.push(_tmp7); continue;}; _tmp5 = void 0; break; }; if (_tmp5 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "yours", "oid": _tmp3, "attenuation": _tmp5};}; }; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromWireRef(_v: WireRef): _val { switch (_v._variant) { case "mine": {return [$0, fromOid(_v["oid"])];}; case "yours": { return [$1, fromOid(_v["oid"]), ... _v["attenuation"].map(v => fromCaveat(v))]; }; }; } export function asConstructorSpec(v: _val): ConstructorSpec { let result = toConstructorSpec(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid ConstructorSpec: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toConstructorSpec(v: _val): undefined | ConstructorSpec { let _tmp0: (CRec) | undefined; let result: undefined | ConstructorSpec; _tmp0 = toCRec(v); if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "CRec", "value": _tmp0};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp1: (CArr) | undefined; _tmp1 = toCArr(v); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "CArr", "value": _tmp1};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp2: (CDict) | undefined; _tmp2 = toCDict(v); if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "CDict", "value": _tmp2};}; }; }; return result; } export function fromConstructorSpec(_v: ConstructorSpec): _val { switch (_v._variant) { case "CRec": {return fromCRec(_v.value);}; case "CArr": {return fromCArr(_v.value);}; case "CDict": {return fromCDict(_v.value);}; }; } export function asCRec(v: _val): CRec { let result = toCRec(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid CRec: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toCRec(v: _val): undefined | CRec { let result: undefined | CRec; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $rec) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (_val) | undefined; _tmp1 = v[0]; if (_tmp1 !== void 0) { let _tmp2: (number) | undefined; _tmp2 = typeof v[1] === 'number' ? v[1] : void 0; if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {result = {"label": _tmp1, "arity": _tmp2};}; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromCRec(_v: CRec): _val {return _.Record($rec, [_v["label"], _v["arity"]]);} export function asCArr(v: _val): CArr { let result = toCArr(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid CArr: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toCArr(v: _val): undefined | CArr { let result: undefined | CArr; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $arr) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (number) | undefined; _tmp1 = typeof v[0] === 'number' ? v[0] : void 0; if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"arity": _tmp1};}; }; }; return result; } export function fromCArr(_v: CArr): _val {return _.Record($arr, [_v["arity"]]);} export function asCDict(v: _val): CDict { let result = toCDict(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid CDict: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toCDict(v: _val): undefined | CDict { let result: undefined | CDict; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $dict) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = null;}; }; return result; } export function fromCDict(_v: CDict): _val {return _.Record($dict, []);} export function asLit(v: _val): Lit { let result = toLit(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Lit: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toLit(v: _val): undefined | Lit { let result: undefined | Lit; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $lit) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (_val) | undefined; _tmp1 = v[0]; if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"value": _tmp1};}; }; }; return result; } export function fromLit(_v: Lit): _val {return _.Record($lit, [_v["value"]]);} export function asPattern(v: _val): Pattern { let result = toPattern(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Pattern: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toPattern(v: _val): undefined | Pattern { let _tmp0: (PDiscard) | undefined; let result: undefined | Pattern; _tmp0 = toPDiscard(v); if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "PDiscard", "value": _tmp0};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp1: (PAtom) | undefined; _tmp1 = toPAtom(v); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "PAtom", "value": _tmp1};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp2: (PEmbedded) | undefined; _tmp2 = toPEmbedded(v); if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "PEmbedded", "value": _tmp2};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp3: (PBind) | undefined; _tmp3 = toPBind(v); if (_tmp3 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "PBind", "value": _tmp3};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp4: (PAnd) | undefined; _tmp4 = toPAnd(v); if (_tmp4 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "PAnd", "value": _tmp4};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp5: (PNot) | undefined; _tmp5 = toPNot(v); if (_tmp5 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "PNot", "value": _tmp5};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp6: (Lit) | undefined; _tmp6 = toLit(v); if (_tmp6 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Lit", "value": _tmp6};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp7: (PCompound) | undefined; _tmp7 = toPCompound(v); if (_tmp7 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "PCompound", "value": _tmp7};}; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromPattern(_v: Pattern): _val { switch (_v._variant) { case "PDiscard": {return fromPDiscard(_v.value);}; case "PAtom": {return fromPAtom(_v.value);}; case "PEmbedded": {return fromPEmbedded(_v.value);}; case "PBind": {return fromPBind(_v.value);}; case "PAnd": {return fromPAnd(_v.value);}; case "PNot": {return fromPNot(_v.value);}; case "Lit": {return fromLit(_v.value);}; case "PCompound": {return fromPCompound(_v.value);}; }; } export function asPDiscard(v: _val): PDiscard { let result = toPDiscard(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid PDiscard: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toPDiscard(v: _val): undefined | PDiscard { let result: undefined | PDiscard; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $_) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = null;}; }; return result; } export function fromPDiscard(_v: PDiscard): _val {return _.Record($_, []);} export function asPAtom(v: _val): PAtom { let result = toPAtom(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid PAtom: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toPAtom(v: _val): undefined | PAtom { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; let result: undefined | PAtom; _tmp0 =, $Boolean) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Boolean"};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp1: (null) | undefined; _tmp1 =, $Float) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Float"};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp2: (null) | undefined; _tmp2 =, $Double) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Double"};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp3: (null) | undefined; _tmp3 =, $SignedInteger) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp3 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "SignedInteger"};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp4: (null) | undefined; _tmp4 =, $String) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp4 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "String"};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp5: (null) | undefined; _tmp5 =, $ByteString) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp5 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "ByteString"};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp6: (null) | undefined; _tmp6 =, $Symbol) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp6 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Symbol"};}; }; }; }; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromPAtom(_v: PAtom): _val { switch (_v._variant) { case "Boolean": {return $Boolean;}; case "Float": {return $Float;}; case "Double": {return $Double;}; case "SignedInteger": {return $SignedInteger;}; case "String": {return $String;}; case "ByteString": {return $ByteString;}; case "Symbol": {return $Symbol;}; }; } export function asPEmbedded(v: _val): PEmbedded { let result = toPEmbedded(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid PEmbedded: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toPEmbedded(v: _val): undefined | PEmbedded { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; let result: undefined | PEmbedded; _tmp0 =, $Embedded) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = _tmp0;}; return result; } export function fromPEmbedded(_v: PEmbedded): _val {return $Embedded;} export function asPBind(v: _val): PBind { let result = toPBind(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid PBind: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toPBind(v: _val): undefined | PBind { let result: undefined | PBind; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $bind) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (symbol) | undefined; _tmp1 = typeof v[0] === 'symbol' ? v[0] : void 0; if (_tmp1 !== void 0) { let _tmp2: (Pattern) | undefined; _tmp2 = toPattern(v[1]); if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {result = {"name": _tmp1, "pattern": _tmp2};}; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromPBind(_v: PBind): _val {return _.Record($bind, [_v["name"], fromPattern(_v["pattern"])]);} export function asPAnd(v: _val): PAnd { let result = toPAnd(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid PAnd: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toPAnd(v: _val): undefined | PAnd { let result: undefined | PAnd; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $and) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (Array) | undefined; _tmp1 = void 0; if (_.Array.isArray(v[0])) { _tmp1 = []; for (const _tmp2 of v[0]) { let _tmp3: (Pattern) | undefined; _tmp3 = toPattern(_tmp2); if (_tmp3 !== void 0) {_tmp1.push(_tmp3); continue;}; _tmp1 = void 0; break; }; }; if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"patterns": _tmp1};}; }; }; return result; } export function fromPAnd(_v: PAnd): _val {return _.Record($and, [_v["patterns"].map(v => fromPattern(v))]);} export function asPNot(v: _val): PNot { let result = toPNot(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid PNot: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toPNot(v: _val): undefined | PNot { let result: undefined | PNot; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $not) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (Pattern) | undefined; _tmp1 = toPattern(v[0]); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"pattern": _tmp1};}; }; }; return result; } export function fromPNot(_v: PNot): _val {return _.Record($not, [fromPattern(_v["pattern"])]);} export function asPCompound(v: _val): PCompound { let result = toPCompound(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid PCompound: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toPCompound(v: _val): undefined | PCompound { let result: undefined | PCompound; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $compound) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (ConstructorSpec) | undefined; _tmp1 = toConstructorSpec(v[0]); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) { let _tmp2: (PCompoundMembers) | undefined; _tmp2 = toPCompoundMembers(v[1]); if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {result = {"ctor": _tmp1, "members": _tmp2};}; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromPCompound(_v: PCompound): _val { return _.Record( $compound, [fromConstructorSpec(_v["ctor"]), fromPCompoundMembers(_v["members"])] ); } export function asPCompoundMembers(v: _val): PCompoundMembers { let result = toPCompoundMembers(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid PCompoundMembers: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toPCompoundMembers(v: _val): undefined | PCompoundMembers { let _tmp0: (_.KeyedDictionary<_val, Pattern, _embedded>) | undefined; let result: undefined | PCompoundMembers; _tmp0 = void 0; if (_.Dictionary.isDictionary<_embedded>(v)) { _tmp0 = new _.KeyedDictionary(); for (const [_tmp2, _tmp1] of v) { let _tmp3: (_val) | undefined; _tmp3 = _tmp2; if (_tmp3 !== void 0) { let _tmp4: (Pattern) | undefined; _tmp4 = toPattern(_tmp1); if (_tmp4 !== void 0) {_tmp0.set(_tmp3, _tmp4); continue;}; }; _tmp0 = void 0; break; }; }; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = _tmp0;}; return result; } export function fromPCompoundMembers(_v: PCompoundMembers): _val { return new _.Dictionary<_embedded>(_.Array.from(_v.entries()).map(([k, v]) => [k, fromPattern(v)])); } export function asTemplate(v: _val): Template { let result = toTemplate(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid Template: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toTemplate(v: _val): undefined | Template { let _tmp0: (TRef) | undefined; let result: undefined | Template; _tmp0 = toTRef(v); if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "TRef", "value": _tmp0};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp1: (Lit) | undefined; _tmp1 = toLit(v); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "Lit", "value": _tmp1};}; if (result === void 0) { let _tmp2: (TCompound) | undefined; _tmp2 = toTCompound(v); if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {result = {"_variant": "TCompound", "value": _tmp2};}; }; }; return result; } export function fromTemplate(_v: Template): _val { switch (_v._variant) { case "TRef": {return fromTRef(_v.value);}; case "Lit": {return fromLit(_v.value);}; case "TCompound": {return fromTCompound(_v.value);}; }; } export function asTRef(v: _val): TRef { let result = toTRef(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid TRef: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toTRef(v: _val): undefined | TRef { let result: undefined | TRef; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $ref) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (symbol) | undefined; _tmp1 = typeof v[0] === 'symbol' ? v[0] : void 0; if (_tmp1 !== void 0) {result = {"name": _tmp1};}; }; }; return result; } export function fromTRef(_v: TRef): _val {return _.Record($ref, [_v["name"]]);} export function asTCompound(v: _val): TCompound { let result = toTCompound(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid TCompound: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toTCompound(v: _val): undefined | TCompound { let result: undefined | TCompound; if (_.Record.isRecord<_val, _.Tuple<_val>, _embedded>(v)) { let _tmp0: (null) | undefined; _tmp0 =, $compound) ? null : void 0; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) { let _tmp1: (ConstructorSpec) | undefined; _tmp1 = toConstructorSpec(v[0]); if (_tmp1 !== void 0) { let _tmp2: (TCompoundMembers) | undefined; _tmp2 = toTCompoundMembers(v[1]); if (_tmp2 !== void 0) {result = {"ctor": _tmp1, "members": _tmp2};}; }; }; }; return result; } export function fromTCompound(_v: TCompound): _val { return _.Record( $compound, [fromConstructorSpec(_v["ctor"]), fromTCompoundMembers(_v["members"])] ); } export function asTCompoundMembers(v: _val): TCompoundMembers { let result = toTCompoundMembers(v); if (result === void 0) throw new TypeError(`Invalid TCompoundMembers: ${_.stringify(v)}`); return result; } export function toTCompoundMembers(v: _val): undefined | TCompoundMembers { let _tmp0: (_.KeyedDictionary<_val, Template, _embedded>) | undefined; let result: undefined | TCompoundMembers; _tmp0 = void 0; if (_.Dictionary.isDictionary<_embedded>(v)) { _tmp0 = new _.KeyedDictionary(); for (const [_tmp2, _tmp1] of v) { let _tmp3: (_val) | undefined; _tmp3 = _tmp2; if (_tmp3 !== void 0) { let _tmp4: (Template) | undefined; _tmp4 = toTemplate(_tmp1); if (_tmp4 !== void 0) {_tmp0.set(_tmp3, _tmp4); continue;}; }; _tmp0 = void 0; break; }; }; if (_tmp0 !== void 0) {result = _tmp0;}; return result; } export function fromTCompoundMembers(_v: TCompoundMembers): _val { return new _.Dictionary<_embedded>(_.Array.from(_v.entries()).map(([k, v]) => [k, fromTemplate(v)])); }