#lang racket/base (require racket/match) (require racket/system) (require racket/string) (require racket/port) (require racket/cmdline) (require logbook) (define server-variation #f) (define server-hostname "localhost") (define max-waypoint #f) (command-line #:program "external-latency.rkt" #:once-each ["--host" name "hostname where server is reachable" (set! server-hostname name)] ["--max-waypoint" n "set maximum waypoint for this run" (set! max-waypoint (string->number n))] #:once-any ["--erlang" "use erlang server" (set! server-variation 'erlang)] ["--uv" "use libuv server" (set! server-variation 'uv)] ["--minimart" "use minimart server" (set! server-variation 'minimart)] ["--other" name "use other server" (set! server-variation name)]) (when (not server-variation) (error 'external-latency "Please choose a server variation.")) (define entry-type (format "external-latency-~a" server-variation)) (define L (default-logbook)) (define E (standard-logbook-entry L "minimart" entry-type)) (define entry-name (logbook-entry-name E)) (define Tmachine (logbook-table E "machine-info" "machine-info")) (define (start-bg command) (match-define (list #f #f pid #f control) (process/ports (current-output-port) (current-input-port) (current-error-port) command)) control) (define (capture-output command) (string-trim (with-output-to-string (lambda () (system command))))) (log-info "Starting server...") (define server-control (start-bg (match server-variation ['minimart (format "racket echo-server.rkt --logbook-entry-name ~a --logbook-entry-type ~a" entry-name entry-type)] ['erlang (define erlang-version-command "erl -noshell -eval 'io:format(erlang:system_info(otp_release)), halt().'") (write-logbook-datum! Tmachine #:label "erlang-version" (capture-output erlang-version-command)) "./run-erlang-server.sh"] ['uv (write-logbook-datum! Tmachine #:label "uv-banner" (capture-output "./uvserver -v")) "./uvserver"] [(? string? other) (printf "Please start the other server on hostname '~a' now.\n" server-hostname) (printf "Press enter when it has started.\n") (read-line) (printf "Continuing...\n") "true" ]))) (sleep 5) (log-info "Starting client...") (define client-control (start-bg (format "racket echo-client.rkt ~a--host ~a --logbook-entry-name ~a --logbook-entry-type ~a" (if max-waypoint (format "--max-waypoint ~a " max-waypoint) "") server-hostname entry-name entry-type))) (log-info "Waiting for client termination...") (client-control 'wait) (log-info "Waiting for server termination...") (void (match server-variation [(? string? other) (printf "Press enter when the server has terminated.\n") (read-line)] [_ (void)])) (server-control 'wait) (log-info "Done.")