-module(echoserver). -export([start/0]). start() -> Port = 5999, CounterPid = spawn(fun () -> counter(0) end), {ok, LSock} = gen_tcp:listen(Port, [{active, true}, {packet, line}, {reuseaddr, true}]), io:format("Erlang echo server running on port ~p.~n", [Port]), accept_loop(LSock, CounterPid). counter(Count) -> receive inc -> counter(Count + 1); dec -> case Count - 1 of 0 -> io:format("Exiting on zero connection count.~n"), init:stop(); NewCount -> counter(NewCount) end end. accept_loop(LSock, CounterPid) -> case gen_tcp:accept(LSock) of {ok, Sock} -> CounterPid ! inc, gen_tcp:controlling_process(Sock, spawn(fun () -> connection(Sock, CounterPid) end)), accept_loop(LSock, CounterPid) end. connection(Sock, CounterPid) -> receive {tcp, _, Line} -> gen_tcp:send(Sock, Line), connection(Sock, CounterPid); {tcp_closed, _} -> CounterPid ! dec, ok; Other -> error_logger:error_report({connection, unhandled, Other}) end.