#lang racket/base ;; Measurement of presence processing. ;; Peers observe each other, AND ALSO process the resulting routing events. (require racket/match) (require minimart) (require logbook) (provide run) (struct presence (id) #:transparent) (define presence-proj (project-pubs (presence (?!)))) (define (run #:peer-count [peer-count 100]) (define routing-update-count 0) (define (peer id) (spawn (lambda (e count) (match e [(routing-update g) (set! routing-update-count (+ routing-update-count 1)) (transition (for/fold [(count 0)] [(i (gestalt-project/single g presence-proj))] ;; (log-info "Actor ~v adding ~v to ~v" id i count) (+ count i)) '())] [_ #f])) 0 (gestalt-union (pub (presence id)) (sub (presence ?) #:level 1)))) (define start-time (current-inexact-milliseconds)) (run-ground (for/list [(id (in-range peer-count))] (peer id))) (define stop-time (current-inexact-milliseconds)) (define delta (- stop-time start-time)) (values routing-update-count delta)) (module+ main (define E (standard-logbook-entry (default-logbook #:verbose? #t) "minimart" "sum-all-minimart")) (define T (logbook-table E "presence-processing" #:column-spec '(number-of-peers secs/routing-update routing-updates/sec secs/peer peers/sec routing-update-count run-duration-ms))) ;; Warmup (let () (run #:peer-count 1) (run #:peer-count 10) (void)) ;; Real run (for ((n (list* 1 2 5 (let loop ((n 10)) (if (>= n 100) '() (cons (inexact->exact (round n)) (loop (* n (sqrt (sqrt 2)))))))) )) (collect-garbage) (collect-garbage) (collect-garbage) (define-values (routing-update-count run-duration-ms) (run #:peer-count n)) (write-logbook-datum! T (list n (/ (/ run-duration-ms 1000.0) routing-update-count) (/ routing-update-count (/ run-duration-ms 1000.0)) (/ (/ run-duration-ms 1000.0) n) (/ n (/ run-duration-ms 1000.0)) routing-update-count run-duration-ms))))