#lang racket/base ;; Gestalts: representations of (replicated) state. (require racket/set) (require racket/match) (require "route.rkt") (provide (struct-out gestalt) gestalt-match-value compile-gestalt-projection gestalt-project drop-gestalt lift-gestalt simple-gestalt gestalt-empty gestalt-empty? gestalt-union gestalt-filter gestalt-match gestalt-erase-path strip-gestalt-label label-gestalt pretty-print-gestalt) ;; A Gestalt is a (gestalt (Listof (Listof (Pairof Matcher Matcher)))), ;; representing the total interests of a process or group of ;; processes. ;; ;; The outer list has an entry for each active metalevel, starting ;; with metalevel 0 in the car. ;; ;; The middle list has an entry for each active level within its ;; metalevel, starting with level 0 in the car. ;; ;; The inner pairs have cars holding matchers representing active ;; subscriptions, and cdrs representing active advertisements. ;; ;; Each of the Matchers maps to (NonemptySetof PID). ;; ;; ;; "... a few standardised subsystems, identical from citizen to ;; citizen. Two of these were channels for incoming data — one for ;; gestalt, and one for linear, the two primary modalities of all ;; Konishi citizens, distant descendants of vision and hearing." ;; -- Greg Egan, "Diaspora" ;; http://gregegan.customer.netspace.net.au/DIASPORA/01/Orphanogenesis.html ;; (struct gestalt (metalevels) #:prefab) ;; Convention: A GestaltSet is a Gestalt where the Matchers map to #t ;; instead of (NonemptySetof PID) or any other value. ;; TODO: consider caching the unioning that happens when a high-level ;; subscription is smeared across lower levels for the purposes of ;; filtering and matching of routing-updates. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (safe-list-ref xs n [fail-thunk (lambda () (error 'safe-list-ref "No such index ~v" n))]) (let loop ((xs xs) (n n)) (match xs ['() (fail-thunk)] [(cons x xs) (if (zero? n) x (loop xs (- n 1)))]))) (define (safe-cdr xs) (if (null? xs) '() (cdr xs))) (define ((guarded-cons unit) a d) (if (and (null? d) (equal? a unit)) '() (cons a d))) (define (guarded-map gcons f xs) (foldr (lambda (e acc) (gcons (f e) acc)) '() xs)) (define empty-level '(#f . #f)) (define empty-metalevel '()) (define cons-level (guarded-cons empty-level)) (define cons-metalevel (guarded-cons empty-metalevel)) ;; Gestalt × Value × Natural × Boolean → (Setof PID) (define (gestalt-match-value g body metalevel is-feedback?) (define levels (safe-list-ref (gestalt-metalevels g) metalevel (lambda () empty-metalevel))) (for/fold [(acc (set))] [(level (in-list levels))] (define matcher ((if is-feedback? cdr car) level)) ;; feedback targets advertisers/publishers (set-union (matcher-match-value matcher body) acc))) (define (compile-gestalt-projection spec) (compile-projection spec)) ;; Gestalt × Natural × Natural × Boolean × CompiledSpec → Matcher (define (gestalt-project g metalevel level get-advertisements? capture-spec) (define levels (safe-list-ref (gestalt-metalevels g) metalevel (lambda () empty-metalevel))) (define matcher ((if get-advertisements? cdr car) (safe-list-ref levels level (lambda () empty-level)))) (matcher-project matcher capture-spec)) (define (drop-gestalt g) (gestalt (safe-cdr (gestalt-metalevels g)))) (define (lift-gestalt g) (gestalt (cons-metalevel empty-metalevel (gestalt-metalevels g)))) (define (prepend n x xs) (if (zero? n) xs (cons x (prepend (- n 1) x xs)))) (define (simple-gestalt is-adv? p level metalevel) (define m (pattern->matcher #t p)) (gestalt (prepend metalevel empty-metalevel (list (prepend level empty-level (list (if is-adv? (cons #f m) (cons m #f)))))))) (define (gestalt-empty) (gestalt '())) (define (gestalt-empty? g) (andmap (lambda (ml) (andmap (lambda (l) (and (matcher-empty? (car l)) (matcher-empty? (cdr l)))) ml)) (gestalt-metalevels g))) (define (map-zip imbalance-handler item-handler gcons ls1 ls2) (let walk ((ls1 ls1) (ls2 ls2)) (match* (ls1 ls2) [('() '()) '()] [('() ls) (imbalance-handler 'right-longer ls)] [(ls '()) (imbalance-handler 'left-longer ls)] [((cons l1 ls1) (cons l2 ls2)) (gcons (item-handler l1 l2) (walk ls1 ls2))]))) (define (gestalt-combine g1 g2 imbalance-handler matcher-pair-combiner) (gestalt (map-zip imbalance-handler (lambda (ls1 ls2) (map-zip imbalance-handler matcher-pair-combiner cons-level ls1 ls2)) cons-metalevel (gestalt-metalevels g1) (gestalt-metalevels g2)))) (define (gestalt-combine-straight g1 g2 imbalance-handler matcher-combiner) (gestalt-combine g1 g2 imbalance-handler (lambda (sa1 sa2) (cons (matcher-combiner (car sa1) (car sa2)) (matcher-combiner (cdr sa1) (cdr sa2)))))) (define (gestalt-union . gs) (if (null? gs) (gestalt-empty) (let walk ((gs gs)) (match gs [(list g) g] [(cons g rest) (gestalt-union1 g (walk rest))])))) (define (gestalt-union1 g1 g2) (gestalt-combine-straight g1 g2 (lambda (side x) x) matcher-union)) (define (shorter-imbalance-handler side x) '()) ;; View on g1 from g2's perspective. (define (gestalt-filter g1 g2) (gestalt (map-zip shorter-imbalance-handler filter-one-metalevel cons-metalevel (gestalt-metalevels g1) (gestalt-metalevels g2)))) ;; Much like gestalt-filter, takes a view on gestalt g1 from g2's ;; perspective. However, instead of returning the filtered g1, returns ;; just the set of values in the g2-map that were overlapped by some ;; part of g1. (define (gestalt-match g1 g2) (let loop ((mls1 (gestalt-metalevels g1)) (mls2 (gestalt-metalevels g2))) (cond [(null? mls1) (set)] [(null? mls2) (set)] [else (match-define (cons ls1 rest1) mls1) (match-define (cons ls2 rest2) mls2) (set-union (match-one-metalevel ls1 ls2) (loop rest1 rest2))]))) ;; Returns ls, with one level dropped, and with the remaining matchers ;; "smeared" across lower levels. This could end up being reasonably ;; expensive - see above TODO about possibly caching it. (define (smear-levels ls) (foldr (lambda (p acc) (match-define (cons acc-subs acc-advs) (if (null? acc) empty-level (car acc))) (match-define (cons new-subs new-advs) p) (cons (cons (matcher-union new-subs acc-subs) (matcher-union new-advs acc-advs)) acc)) '() (safe-cdr ls))) (define (filter-one-metalevel ls1 ls2) (parameterize ((matcher-intersect-successes (lambda (v1 v2) v1))) (let loop ((ls1 ls1) (ls2 (smear-levels ls2))) (cond [(null? ls1) '()] [(null? ls2) '()] [else (match-define (cons (cons subs1 advs1) rest1) ls1) (match-define (cons (cons subs2 advs2) rest2) ls2) (cons-level (cons (matcher-intersect subs1 advs2) (matcher-intersect advs1 subs2)) (loop rest1 rest2))])))) (define (match-matchers m1 m2) (parameterize ((matcher-match-matcher-successes (lambda (v1 v2 acc) (set-union v2 acc))) (matcher-match-matcher-unit (set))) (matcher-match-matcher m1 m2))) (define (match-one-metalevel ls1 ls2) (let loop ((ls1 ls1) (ls2 (smear-levels ls2))) (cond [(null? ls1) (set)] [(null? ls2) (set)] [else (match-define (cons (cons subs1 advs1) rest1) ls1) (match-define (cons (cons subs2 advs2) rest2) ls2) (set-union (match-matchers subs1 advs2) (match-matchers advs1 subs2) (loop rest1 rest2))]))) (define (gestalt-erase-path g1 g2) (gestalt-combine-straight g1 g2 erase-imbalance-handler matcher-erase-path)) (define (erase-imbalance-handler side x) (case side [(left-longer) x] [(right-longer) '()])) (define (gestalt-matcher-transform g f) (gestalt (guarded-map cons-metalevel (lambda (ls) (guarded-map cons-level (lambda (p) (cons (f (car p)) (f (cdr p)))) ls)) (gestalt-metalevels g)))) (define (strip-gestalt-label g) (gestalt-matcher-transform g (lambda (m) (matcher-relabel m (lambda (v) #t))))) (define (label-gestalt g pid) (define pidset (set pid)) (gestalt-matcher-transform g (lambda (m) (matcher-relabel m (lambda (v) pidset))))) (define (pretty-print-gestalt g [port (current-output-port)]) (if (gestalt-empty? g) (fprintf port "EMPTY GESTALT\n") (for [(metalevel (in-naturals)) (ls (in-list (gestalt-metalevels g)))] (for [(level (in-naturals)) (p (in-list ls))] (match-define (cons subs advs) p) (when (or subs advs) (fprintf port "GESTALT metalevel ~v level ~v:\n" metalevel level) (when subs (fprintf port " - subs:") (pretty-print-matcher subs port #:indent 9)) (when advs (fprintf port " - advs:") (pretty-print-matcher advs port #:indent 9))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (module+ test (require rackunit) (check-equal? (simple-gestalt #f 'a 0 0) (gestalt (list (list (cons (pattern->matcher #t 'a) #f))))) (check-equal? (simple-gestalt #t 'b 0 0) (gestalt (list (list (cons #f (pattern->matcher #t 'b)))))) (check-equal? (simple-gestalt #f 'a 2 2) (gestalt (list empty-metalevel empty-metalevel (list empty-level empty-level (cons (pattern->matcher #t 'a) #f))))) (check-equal? (simple-gestalt #t 'b 2 2) (gestalt (list empty-metalevel empty-metalevel (list empty-level empty-level (cons #f (pattern->matcher #t 'b)))))) (check-equal? (gestalt-union (simple-gestalt #f 'a 0 0) (simple-gestalt #t 'b 0 0)) (gestalt (list (list (cons (pattern->matcher #t 'a) (pattern->matcher #t 'b)))))) (check-equal? (gestalt-union (simple-gestalt #f 'a 2 2) (simple-gestalt #t 'b 2 2)) (gestalt (list empty-metalevel empty-metalevel (list empty-level empty-level (cons (pattern->matcher #t 'a) (pattern->matcher #t 'b)))))))