#lang racket/base ;; Treaps, which have the lovely property of *canonical representation*. ;; ;; We take care to preserve an additional invariant: ;; - if n is a left child of m, then n's priority <= m's priority, and ;; - if n is a right child of m, then n's priority < m's priority. ;; ;; Further, we explicitly canonicalize N instances, so eq? works to compare treaps by value. (provide treap? treap-size treap-empty treap-empty? treap-insert treap-delete treap-get treap-keys treap-values treap-to-alist treap-has-key? treap-height) (require racket/set) (require racket/match) (require "canonicalize.rkt") ;; (define canonicalize values) (struct N (key value priority left right) #:transparent #:methods gen:equal+hash [(define (equal-proc a b =?) (match-define (N ak av ap al ar) a) (match-define (N bk bv bp bl br) b) (and (eq? al bl) (eq? ar br) (= ap bp) (=? ak bk) (=? av bv))) (define (hash-proc a h) (match-define (N ak av ap al ar) a) (+ (eq-hash-code al) (eq-hash-code ar) (h ap) (h ak) (h av))) (define (hash2-proc a h) (match-define (N ak av ap al ar) a) (bitwise-xor (eq-hash-code al) (eq-hash-code ar) (h ap) (h ak) (h av)))]) (struct L () #:transparent) (struct treap (order root size) #:transparent) ;; The singleton "empty" leaf sentinel (define L0 (L)) (define (treap-empty o) (treap o L0 0)) (define (treap-empty? t) (zero? (treap-size t))) (define (default-priority key) (bitwise-xor 609512461 ;; a random number (equal-hash-code key))) (define (treap-insert t key value [priority (default-priority key)]) (match-define (treap order root oldsize) t) (define newsize (+ oldsize 1)) ;; WARNING: mutated below! (define newroot (let walk ((n root)) (match n [(L) (canonicalize (N key value priority L0 L0))] [(N k v p left right) (case (order key k) [(<) (match (walk left) [(N K V P l r) (rotate K V P k v p l r right)])] [(>) (match (walk right) [(N K V P l r) (rotate k v p K V P left l r)])] [(=) (set! newsize (- newsize 1)) ;; we are *REPLACING* an existing value (let merge ((left left) (right right)) (cond [(priority>= priority left) (if (priority> priority right) (canonicalize (N key value priority left right)) (replace-left right (merge left (N-left right))))] [(priority> priority right) (replace-right left (merge (N-right left) right))] [else (if (priority> (N-priority left) right) (replace-right left (merge (N-right left) right)) (replace-left right (merge left (N-left right))))]))])]))) (canonicalize (treap order newroot newsize))) (define (replace-left n x) (canonicalize (match n [(N k v p _ r) (N k v p x r)]))) (define (replace-right n x) (canonicalize (match n [(N k v p l _) (N k v p l x)]))) (define (priority> p1 n) (match n [(L) #t] [(N _ _ p2 _ _) (> p1 p2)])) (define (priority>= p1 n) (match n [(L) #t] [(N _ _ p2 _ _) (>= p1 p2)])) (define (rotate k1 v1 p1 k2 v2 p2 tl tm tr) (if (> p1 p2) (canonicalize (N k1 v1 p1 tl (canonicalize (N k2 v2 p2 tm tr)))) (canonicalize (N k2 v2 p2 (canonicalize (N k1 v1 p1 tl tm)) tr)))) (define (treap-delete t key) (match-define (treap order root oldsize) t) (define newsize oldsize) (define newroot (let walk ((n root)) (match n [(L) L0] [(N k v p left right) (case (order key k) [(<) (canonicalize (N k v p (walk left) right))] [(>) (canonicalize (N k v p left (walk right)))] [(=) (set! newsize (- newsize 1)) ;; we found the value to remove (let merge ((left left) (right right)) (cond [(L? left) right] [(L? right) left] [else (match-define (N lk lv lp ll lr) left) (match-define (N rk rv rp rl rr) right) (canonicalize (if (< lp rp) (N lk lv lp ll (merge lr right)) (N rk rv rp (merge left rl) rr)))]))])]))) (canonicalize (treap order newroot newsize))) (define (treap-get t key [on-missing (lambda () #f)]) (define order (treap-order t)) (let walk ((n (treap-root t))) (match n [(L) (on-missing)] [(N k v _ left right) (case (order key k) [(<) (walk left)] [(>) (walk right)] [(=) v])]))) (define (treap-keys t #:empty-set [empty-set (set)]) (let walk ((n (treap-root t)) (acc empty-set)) (match n [(L) acc] [(N k _ _ left right) (walk left (walk right (set-add acc k)))]))) (define (treap-values t) (let walk ((n (treap-root t)) (acc '())) (match n [(L) acc] [(N k _ _ left right) (walk left (cons k (walk right acc)))]))) (define (treap-to-alist t) (let walk ((n (treap-root t)) (acc '())) (match n [(L) acc] [(N k v _ left right) (walk left (cons (cons k v) (walk right acc)))]))) (define (treap-has-key? t key) (define order (treap-order t)) (let walk ((n (treap-root t))) (match n [(L) #f] [(N k v _ left right) (case (order key k) [(<) (walk left)] [(>) (walk right)] [(=) #t])]))) (define (treap-height t) (let walk ((n (treap-root t))) (match n [(L) 0] [(N _ _ _ l r) (+ 1 (max (walk l) (walk r)))])))