#lang racket/base ;; Matt Might's red-black tree code from ;; http://matt.might.net/articles/red-black-delete/code/sorted-map.rkt ;; ;; Modified by Tony Garnock-Jones, July 2014: ;; - trees are hashconsed ;; - sorted-map-size is made constant-time (provide (struct-out sorted-map) sorted-map-empty sorted-map-modify-at sorted-map-insert sorted-map-insert* sorted-map-to-tree sorted-map-to-alist sorted-map-submap? sorted-map-get sorted-map-size sorted-map-max sorted-map-delete) (require "canonicalize.rkt") (require "memoize.rkt") ; A purely functional sorted-map library. ; Provides logarithmic insert, update, get & delete. ; Based on Okasaki's red-black trees ; with purely functional red-black delete. ; Author: Matthew Might ; Site: http://matt.might.net/ ; Page: http://matt.might.net/articles/red-black-delete/ (require (except-in racket/match define/match)) ; Syntactic sugar for define forms ; with match as their body: (define-syntax define/match (syntax-rules () [(_ (id name) clause ...) ; => (define (id name) (match name clause ...))])) (define-syntax define/match* (syntax-rules () [(_ (id name ...) clause ...) ; => (define (id name ...) (match* (name ...) clause ...))])) ; A form for matching the result of a comparison: (define-syntax switch-compare (syntax-rules (= < >) [(_ (cmp v1 v2) [< action1 ...] [= action2 ...] [> action3 ...]) ; => (let ((dir (cmp v1 v2))) (cond [(< dir 0) action1 ...] [(= dir 0) action2 ...] [(> dir 0) action3 ...]))])) ;; tonyg 20140718: for hash-consing, we have to be able to compare ;; trees using equal?, which necessitates use of #:transparent in our ;; struct definitions. ; Struct definition for sorted-map: (define-struct sorted-map (compare) #:transparent) ; Internal nodes: (define-struct (T sorted-map) (color left key value right) #:transparent) ; Leaf nodes: (define-struct (L sorted-map) () #:transparent) ; Double-black leaf nodes: (define-struct (BBL sorted-map) () #:transparent) ; Color manipulators. ; Turns a node black. (define/match (blacken node) [(T cmp _ l k v r) (canonicalize (T cmp 'B l k v r))] [(BBL cmp) (canonicalize (L cmp))] [(L _) node]) ; Turns a node red. (define/match (redden node) [(T cmp _ l k v r) (canonicalize (T cmp 'R l k v r))] [(L _) (error "Can't redden leaf.")]) ; Color arithmetic. (define/match (black+1 color-or-node) [(T cmp c l k v r) (canonicalize (T cmp (black+1 c) l k v r))] [(L cmp) (canonicalize (BBL cmp))] ['-B 'R] ['R 'B] ['B 'BB]) (define/match (black-1 color-or-node) [(T cmp c l k v r) (canonicalize (T cmp (black-1 c) l k v r))] [(BBL cmp) (canonicalize (L cmp))] ['R '-B] ['B 'R] ['BB 'B]) ; Creates an empty map: (define (sorted-map-empty compare) (canonicalize (L compare))) ;; Custom patterns. ; Matches internal nodes: (define-match-expander T! (syntax-rules () [(_) (T _ _ _ _ _ _)] [(_ l r) (T _ _ l _ _ r)] [(_ c l r) (T _ c l _ _ r)] [(_ l k v r) (T _ _ l k v r)] [(_ c l k v r) (T _ c l k v r)])) ; Matches leaf nodes: (define-match-expander L! (syntax-rules () [(_) (L _)])) ; Matches black nodes (leaf or internal): (define-match-expander B (syntax-rules () [(_) (or (T _ 'B _ _ _ _) (L _))] [(_ cmp) (or (T cmp 'B _ _ _ _) (L cmp))] [(_ l r) (T _ 'B l _ _ r)] [(_ l k v r) (T _ 'B l k v r)] [(_ cmp l k v r) (T cmp 'B l k v r)])) ; Matches red nodes: (define-match-expander R (syntax-rules () [(_) (T _ 'R _ _ _ _)] [(_ cmp) (T cmp 'R _ _ _ _)] [(_ l r) (T _ 'R l _ _ r)] [(_ l k v r) (T _ 'R l k v r)] [(_ cmp l k v r) (T cmp 'R l k v r)])) ; Matches negative black nodes: (define-match-expander -B (syntax-rules () [(_) (T _ '-B _ _ _ _)] [(_ cmp) (T cmp '-B _ _ _ _)] [(_ l k v r) (T _ '-B l k v r)] [(_ cmp l k v r) (T cmp '-B l k v r)])) ; Matches double-black nodes (leaf or internal): (define-match-expander BB (syntax-rules () [(_) (or (T _ 'BB _ _ _ _) (BBL _))] [(_ cmp) (or (T cmp 'BB _ _ _ _) (BBL _))] [(_ l k v r) (T _ 'BB l k v r)] [(_ cmp l k v r) (T cmp 'BB l k v r)])) (define/match (double-black? node) [(BB) #t] [_ #f]) ; Turns a black-balanced tree with invalid colors ; into a black-balanced tree with valid colors: (define (balance-node node) (define cmp (sorted-map-compare node)) (match node [(or (T! (or 'B 'BB) (R (R a xk xv b) yk yv c) zk zv d) (T! (or 'B 'BB) (R a xk xv (R b yk yv c)) zk zv d) (T! (or 'B 'BB) a xk xv (R (R b yk yv c) zk zv d)) (T! (or 'B 'BB) a xk xv (R b yk yv (R c zk zv d)))) ; => (canonicalize (T cmp (black-1 (T-color node)) (canonicalize (T cmp 'B a xk xv b)) yk yv (canonicalize (T cmp 'B c zk zv d))))] [(BB a xk xv (-B (B b yk yv c) zk zv (and d (B)))) ; => (canonicalize (T cmp 'B (canonicalize (T cmp 'B a xk xv b)) yk yv (balance cmp 'B c zk zv (redden d))))] [(BB (-B (and a (B)) xk xv (B b yk yv c)) zk zv d) ; => (canonicalize (T cmp 'B (balance cmp 'B (redden a) xk xv b) yk yv (canonicalize (T cmp 'B c zk zv d))))] [else node])) (define (balance cmp c l k v r) (balance-node (canonicalize (T cmp c l k v r)))) ; Moves to a location in the map and ; peformes an update with the function: ;; tonyg 20140718 added on-missing argument (define (sorted-map-modify-at node key f [on-missing (lambda () #f)]) (define (internal-modify-at node key f) (match node [(T cmp c l k v r) ; => (switch-compare (cmp key k) [< (balance cmp c (internal-modify-at l key f) k v r)] [= (canonicalize (T cmp c l k (f k v) r))] [> (balance cmp c l k v (internal-modify-at r key f))])] [(L cmp) ; => (canonicalize (T cmp 'R node key (f key (on-missing)) node))])) (blacken (internal-modify-at node key f))) ; Inserts an element into the map (define (sorted-map-insert node key value) (sorted-map-modify-at node key (lambda (k v) value))) ; Inserts several elements into the map: (define (sorted-map-insert* node keys values) (if (or (not (pair? keys)) (not (pair? values))) node (sorted-map-insert* (sorted-map-insert node (car keys) (car values)) (cdr keys) (cdr values)))) ; Coverts a sorted map into a tree: (define/match (sorted-map-to-tree node) [(L!) 'L] [(T! c l k v r) `(,c ,(sorted-map-to-tree l) ,k ,v ,(sorted-map-to-tree r))] [else node]) ; Converts a sorted map into an alist: (define (sorted-map-to-alist node) (define (sorted-map-prepend-as-alist node alist) (match node [(T! l k v r) ; => (sorted-map-prepend-as-alist l (cons (cons k v) (sorted-map-prepend-as-alist r alist)))] [(L _) ; => alist])) (sorted-map-prepend-as-alist node '())) ; Tests whether this map is a submap of another map: (define (sorted-map-submap? map1 map2 #:by [by equal?]) (define amap1 (sorted-map-to-alist map1)) (define amap2 (sorted-map-to-alist map2)) (define cmp (sorted-map-compare map1)) (define (compare-alists amap1 amap2) (match* (amap1 amap2) [(`((,k1 . ,v1) . ,rest1) `((,k2 . ,v2) . ,rest2)) ; => (let ((dir (cmp k1 k2))) (cond [(< dir 0) #f] [(= dir 0) (and (by v1 v2) (compare-alists rest1 rest2))] [else (compare-alists amap1 rest2)]))] [('() '()) #t] [(_ '()) #f] [('() _) #t])) (compare-alists amap1 amap2)) ; Gets an element from a sorted map: ;; tonyg 20140718 add on-missing argument (define (sorted-map-get node key [on-missing (lambda () #f)]) (let walk ((node node)) (match node [(L!) (on-missing)] [(T cmp c l k v r) ; => (switch-compare (cmp key k) [< (walk l)] [= v] [> (walk r)])]))) ; Returns the size of the sorted map: ;; tonyg 20140718 this is memoized to run in O(1) for every smap (define sorted-map-size (memoize1 (lambda (smap) (match smap [(T! l r) (+ 1 (sorted-map-size l) (sorted-map-size r))] [(L!) 0])))) ; Returns the maxium (key . value) pair: (define/match (sorted-map-max node) [(T! _ k v (L!)) (cons k v)] [(T! _ r) (sorted-map-max r)]) ; Performs a check to see if both invariants are met: (define (sorted-map-is-legal? node) ; Calculates the max black nodes on path: (define/match (max-black-height node) [(T! c l r) ; => (+ (if (eq? c 'B) 1 0) (max (max-black-height l) (max-black-height r)))] [(L!) 1]) ; Calculates the min black nodes on a path: (define/match (min-black-height node) [(T! c l r) ; => (+ (if (eq? c 'B) 1 0) (min (min-black-height l) (min-black-height r)))] [(L!) 1]) ; Is this tree black-balanced? (define (black-balanced? node) (= (max-black-height node) (min-black-height node))) ; Does this tree contain a red child of red? (define/match (no-red-red? node) [(or (B l r) (R (and l (B)) (and r (B)))) ; => (and (no-red-red? l) (no-red-red? r))] [(L!) #t] [else #f]) (let ((colored? (no-red-red? node)) (balanced? (black-balanced? node))) (and colored? balanced?))) ; Deletes a key from this map: (define (sorted-map-delete node key) (define cmp (sorted-map-compare node)) ; Finds the node to be removed: (define/match (del node) [(T! c l k v r) ; => (switch-compare (cmp key k) [< (bubble c (del l) k v r)] [= (remove node)] [> (bubble c l k v (del r))])] [else node]) ; Removes this node; it might ; leave behind a double-black node: (define/match (remove node) ; Leaves are easiest to kill: [(R (L!) (L!)) (canonicalize (L cmp))] [(B (L!) (L!)) (canonicalize (BBL cmp))] ; Killing a node with one child; ; parent or child is red: [(or (R child (L!)) (R (L!) child)) ; => child] [(or (B (R l k v r) (L!)) (B (L!) (R l k v r))) ; => (canonicalize (T cmp 'B l k v r))] ; Killing a black node with one black child: [(or (B (L!) (and child (B))) (B (and child (B)) (L!))) ; => (black+1 child)] ; Killing a node with two sub-trees: [(T! c (and l (T!)) (and r (T!))) ; => (match-let (((cons k v) (sorted-map-max l)) (l* (remove-max l))) (bubble c l* k v r))]) ; Kills a double-black, or moves it to the top: (define (bubble c l k v r) (cond [(or (double-black? l) (double-black? r)) ; => (balance cmp (black+1 c) (black-1 l) k v (black-1 r))] [else (canonicalize (T cmp c l k v r))])) ; Removes the max node: (define/match (remove-max node) [(T! l (L!)) (remove node)] [(T! c l k v r ) (bubble c l k v (remove-max r))]) ; Delete the key, and color the new root black: (blacken (del node)))