Introduce parameters controlling route success merges; Ensure "minimal" path erasure

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2014-05-21 23:20:49 -04:00
parent aea07d16cc
commit d37eaa1236
2 changed files with 301 additions and 297 deletions

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@ -168,11 +168,16 @@
;; View on g1 from g2's perspective.
(define (gestalt-filter g1 g2)
(gestalt (map-zip shorter-imbalance-handler
(gestalt-metalevels g1)
(gestalt-metalevels g2))))
(parameterize ((matcher-union-successes (lambda (v1 v2)
(match* (v1 v2)
[(#t v) v]
[(v #t) v]
[(v1 v2) (set-union v1 v2)]))))
(gestalt (map-zip shorter-imbalance-handler
(gestalt-metalevels g1)
(gestalt-metalevels g2)))))
;; Much like gestalt-filter, takes a view on gestalt g1 from g2's
;; perspective. However, instead of returning the filtered g1, returns
@ -202,17 +207,20 @@
(safe-cdr ls)))
(define (filter-one-metalevel ls1 ls2)
(let loop ((ls1 ls1) (ls2 (smear-levels ls2)))
(cond [(null? ls1) '()]
[(null? ls2) '()]
[else (match-define (cons (cons subs1 advs1) rest1) ls1)
(match-define (cons (cons subs2 advs2) rest2) ls2)
(cons-level (cons (matcher-intersect subs1 advs2 #:combine (lambda (v1 v2) v1))
(matcher-intersect advs1 subs2 #:combine (lambda (v1 v2) v1)))
(loop rest1 rest2))])))
(parameterize ((matcher-intersect-successes (lambda (v1 v2) v1)))
(let loop ((ls1 ls1) (ls2 (smear-levels ls2)))
(cond [(null? ls1) '()]
[(null? ls2) '()]
[else (match-define (cons (cons subs1 advs1) rest1) ls1)
(match-define (cons (cons subs2 advs2) rest2) ls2)
(cons-level (cons (matcher-intersect subs1 advs2)
(matcher-intersect advs1 subs2))
(loop rest1 rest2))]))))
(define (match-matchers m1 m2)
(matcher-match-matcher m1 m2 #:combine (lambda (v1 v2 acc) (set-union v2 acc)) #:empty (set)))
(parameterize ((matcher-match-matcher-successes (lambda (v1 v2 acc) (set-union v2 acc)))
(matcher-match-matcher-unit (set)))
(matcher-match-matcher m1 m2)))
(define (match-one-metalevel ls1 ls2)
(let loop ((ls1 ls1) (ls2 (smear-levels ls2)))

View File

@ -25,10 +25,25 @@
;; TODO: consider currying matcher-union and friends to specialize
;; them for specific combiners.
(define matcher-union-successes (make-parameter set-union))
(define matcher-intersect-successes (make-parameter set-union))
(define matcher-erase-path-successes (make-parameter (lambda (s1 s2)
(define r (set-subtract s1 s2))
(if (set-empty? r) #f r))))
(define matcher-match-matcher-successes (make-parameter (lambda (v1 v2 a)
(cons (set-union (car a) v1)
(set-union (cdr a) v2)))))
(define matcher-match-matcher-unit (make-parameter (cons (set) (set))))
(define matcher-project-success (make-parameter values))
(define-syntax-rule (define-singleton-struct singleton-name struct-name print-representation)
@ -153,52 +168,50 @@
(matcher-union (rwild (rwildseq r))
(rseq EOS r)))
(define (matcher-union re1 re2 #:combine [combine-successes set-union])
(define (merge o1 o2)
(match* (o1 o2)
[(#f #f) #f]
[(#f r) r]
[(r #f) r]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))
(define (walk re1 re2)
(match* (re1 re2)
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (rwildseq (walk r1 r2))]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (walk (expand-wildseq r1) r2)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk (expand-wildseq r2) r1)]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (rsuccess (combine-successes v1 v2))]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w (merge (rlookup h1 ?) (rlookup h2 ?)))
[w (merge/wildcard w h1 h2)]
[(< (hash-count h2) (hash-count h1)) (merge/no-wildcard h2 h1)]
[else (merge/no-wildcard h1 h2)])]))
(define (merge/wildcard w h1 h2)
(for/fold [(acc (rwild w))]
[(key (set-remove (set-union (hash-keys h1) (hash-keys h2)) ?))]
(define k (merge (rlookup h1 key) (rlookup h2 key)))
(rupdate acc
[(key-open? key) (merge (rwildseq w) k)]
[(key-close? key) (if (wildcard-sequence? w)
(merge (wildcard-sequence-matcher w) k)
[else (merge w k)]))))
(define (merge/no-wildcard h1 h2)
(for/fold [(acc h2)] [((key k1) (in-hash h1))]
(define k (merge k1 (rlookup h2 key)))
(rupdate acc key k)))
(match* (re1 re2)
[(#f r) r]
[(r #f) r]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))
(define matcher-union
(let ()
(define (merge o1 o2)
(match* (o1 o2)
[(#f #f) #f]
[(#f r) r]
[(r #f) r]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))
(define (walk re1 re2)
(match* (re1 re2)
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (rwildseq (walk r1 r2))]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (walk (expand-wildseq r1) r2)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 (expand-wildseq r2))]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (rsuccess ((matcher-union-successes) v1 v2))]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w (merge (rlookup h1 ?) (rlookup h2 ?)))
[w (merge/wildcard w h1 h2)]
[(< (hash-count h1) (hash-count h2)) (merge/no-wildcard merge h1 h2)]
[else (merge/no-wildcard (lambda (o2 o1) (merge o1 o2)) h2 h1)])]))
(define (merge/wildcard w h1 h2)
(for/fold [(acc (rwild w))]
[(key (set-remove (set-union (hash-keys h1) (hash-keys h2)) ?))]
(define k (merge (rlookup h1 key) (rlookup h2 key)))
(rupdate acc
[(key-open? key) (merge (rwildseq w) k)]
[(key-close? key) (if (wildcard-sequence? w)
(merge (wildcard-sequence-matcher w) k)
[else (merge w k)]))))
(define (merge/no-wildcard merge-fn h1 h2)
(for/fold [(acc h2)] [((key k1) (in-hash h1))]
(define k (merge-fn k1 (rlookup h2 key)))
(rupdate acc key k)))
(define (smaller-hash h1 h2)
(if (< (hash-count h1) (hash-count h2))
(define (matcher-intersect re1 re2 #:combine [combine-successes set-union])
(define matcher-intersect
(let ()
;; INVARIANT: re1 is a part of the original re1, and likewise for
;; re2. This is so that the first arg to combine-success-values
@ -208,7 +221,7 @@
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (rwildseq (walk r1 r2))]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (walk (expand-wildseq r1) r2)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 (expand-wildseq r2))]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (rsuccess (combine-successes v1 v2))]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (rsuccess ((matcher-intersect-successes) v1 v2))]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w1 (rlookup h1 ?))
(define w2 (rlookup h2 ?))
@ -245,96 +258,92 @@
(walk-fn (wildcard-sequence-matcher w) k)
[else (walk-fn w k)])))
(match* (re1 re2)
[(#f r) #f]
[(r #f) #f]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)])))
(define (set-subtract/false s1 s2)
(define r (set-subtract s1 s2))
(if (set-empty? r) #f r))
(lambda (re1 re2)
(match* (re1 re2)
[(#f r) #f]
[(r #f) #f]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))))
;; Removes re2's mappings from re1. Assumes re2 has previously been union'd into re1.
;; The combine-successes function should return #f to signal "no remaining success values".
(define (matcher-erase-path re1 re2 #:combine [combine-successes set-subtract/false])
(define (cofinite-pattern)
(error 'matcher-erase-path "Cofinite pattern required"))
(define (walk path aggregate)
(match* (path aggregate)
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (rwildseq (walk r1 r2))]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 (expand-wildseq r2))]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (rsuccess (combine-successes v1 v2))]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w1 (rlookup h1 ?))
(define w2 (rlookup h2 ?))
(define w (match* (w1 w2)
[(#f #f) #f]
[(r #f) r]
[(#f r) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))
(define (examine-key acc key)
(rupdate acc
(match* ((rlookup h1 key) (rlookup h2 key))
[(#f #f) #f]
[(#f k2) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(k1 #f) (walk-wild key k1 w2)]
[(k1 k2) (walk k1 k2)])))
;; TODO: need to ensure "minimal" remainder in cases where
;; after an erasure, a particular key's continuation is the
;; same as the wildcard's continuation. See tests/examples
;; below.
;; --
;; We only need to examine all keys of h1 if w2 nonfalse.
(if w2
(for/fold [(acc (rwild w))] [(key (set-remove (set-union (hash-keys h1)
(hash-keys h2))
(examine-key acc key))
(for/fold [(acc h1)] [(key (in-hash-keys h2))]
(examine-key acc key)))]))
(define (walk-wild key k w)
(if w
[(key-open? key) (walk k (rwildseq w))]
[(key-close? key) (if (wildcard-sequence? w)
(walk k (wildcard-sequence-matcher w))
[else (walk k w)])
(match* (re1 re2)
[(r #f) r]
[(#f r) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))
(define matcher-erase-path
(let ()
(define (cofinite-pattern)
(error 'matcher-erase-path "Cofinite pattern required"))
(define (walk path aggregate)
(match* (path aggregate)
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (rwildseq (walk r1 r2))]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 (expand-wildseq r2))]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (rsuccess ((matcher-erase-path-successes) v1 v2))]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w1 (rlookup h1 ?))
(define w2 (rlookup h2 ?))
(define w (match* (w1 w2)
[(#f #f) #f]
[(r #f) r]
[(#f r) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))
(define (examine-key acc key)
(define updated-k (match* ((rlookup h1 key) (rlookup h2 key))
[(#f #f) #f]
[(#f k2) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(k1 #f) (walk-wild key k1 w2)]
[(k1 k2) (walk k1 k2)]))
;; Here we ensure a "minimal" remainder in cases where
;; after an erasure, a particular key's continuation is the
;; same as the wildcard's continuation.
;; TODO: the equal? check may be expensive. If so, how can it be made cheaper?
(rupdate acc key (if (equal? updated-k w) #f updated-k)))
;; We only need to examine all keys of h1 if w2 nonfalse.
(if w2
(for/fold [(acc (rwild w))] [(key (set-remove (set-union (hash-keys h1)
(hash-keys h2))
(examine-key acc key))
(for/fold [(acc h1)] [(key (in-hash-keys h2))]
(examine-key acc key)))]))
(define (walk-wild key k w)
(if w
[(key-open? key) (walk k (rwildseq w))]
[(key-close? key) (if (wildcard-sequence? w)
(walk k (wildcard-sequence-matcher w))
[else (walk k w)])
(lambda (re1 re2)
(match* (re1 re2)
[(r #f) r]
[(#f r) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))))
(define (matcher-match-value r v [result-nil (set)])
(define (matcher-match-value r v [failure-result (set)])
(if (matcher-empty? r)
(let walk ((vs (list v)) (stack '(())) (r r))
(define (walk-wild vs stack)
(match (rlookup r ?)
[#f result-nil]
[#f failure-result]
[k (walk vs stack k)]))
(match r
[(wildcard-sequence k)
(match stack
['() result-nil]
['() failure-result]
[(cons rest stack1) (walk rest stack1 k)])]
[(success result)
(if (and (null? vs)
(null? stack))
[(? hash?)
(match vs
(match stack
['() result-nil]
['() failure-result]
[(cons rest stack1)
(match (rlookup r EOS)
[#f result-nil]
[#f failure-result]
[k (walk rest stack1 k)])])]
[(cons (== ?) rest)
(error 'matcher-match-value "Cannot match wildcard as a value")]
@ -358,18 +367,14 @@
[#f (walk-wild rest stack)]
[k (walk rest stack k)])])]))))
(define (matcher-match-matcher re1 re2
#:combine [combine-successes (lambda (v1 v2 a)
(cons (set-union (car a) v1)
(set-union (cdr a) v2)))]
#:empty [result-nil (cons (set) (set))])
(define matcher-match-matcher
(let ()
(define (walk re1 re2 acc)
(match* (re1 re2)
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 r2 acc)]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (walk (expand-wildseq r1) r2 acc)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 (expand-wildseq r2) acc)]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (combine-successes v1 v2 acc)]
[((success v1) (success v2)) ((matcher-match-matcher-successes) v1 v2 acc)]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w1 (rlookup h1 ?))
(define w2 (rlookup h2 ?))
@ -398,10 +403,11 @@
[else (walker w k acc)])
(match* (re1 re2)
[(#f r) result-nil]
[(r #f) result-nil]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2 result-nil)])))
(lambda (re1 re2)
(match* (re1 re2)
[(#f r) (matcher-match-matcher-unit)]
[(r #f) (matcher-match-matcher-unit)]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2 (matcher-match-matcher-unit))]))))
(define (matcher-relabel m f)
(let walk ((m m))
@ -480,62 +486,63 @@
[else (rupdate acc key (capture-nested mk k))])))]
[_ (matcher-empty)]))
(lambda (m spec #:project-success [project-success values])
(define (walk capturing? m spec)
(match spec
(when capturing? (error 'matcher-project "Bad specification: unclosed capture"))
(match m
[(success v) (rseq EOS (rseq EOS (rsuccess (project-success v))))]
[_ (matcher-empty)])]
(define (walk capturing? m spec)
(match spec
(when capturing? (error 'matcher-project "Bad specification: unclosed capture"))
(match m
[(success v) (rseq EOS (rseq EOS (rsuccess ((matcher-project-success) v))))]
[_ (matcher-empty)])]
[(cons (== EOC) k)
(when (not capturing?) (error 'matcher-project "Bad specification: unexpected EOC"))
(walk #f m k)]
[(cons (== EOC) k)
(when (not capturing?) (error 'matcher-project "Bad specification: unexpected EOC"))
(walk #f m k)]
[(cons (== SOC) k)
(when capturing? (error 'matcher-project "Bad specification: nested capture"))
(walk #t m k)]
[(cons (== SOC) k)
(when capturing? (error 'matcher-project "Bad specification: nested capture"))
(walk #t m k)]
[(cons (== ?) k)
(match m
[(wildcard-sequence _)
((if capturing? rwild values) (walk capturing? m k))]
[(? hash?)
(if capturing?
(for/fold [(acc (rwild (walk capturing? (rlookup m ?) k)))]
[((key mk) (in-hash m))]
(if (eq? key ?)
[(key-open? key)
(rupdate acc key (capture-nested mk (lambda (mk)
(walk capturing? mk k))))]
[(key-close? key) acc]
[else (rupdate acc key (walk capturing? mk k))])))
(for/fold [(acc (walk capturing? (rlookup m ?) k))] [((key mk) (in-hash m))]
(if (eq? key ?)
(matcher-union acc (cond
[(key-open? key)
(skip-nested mk (lambda (mk) (walk capturing? mk k)))]
[(key-close? key) #f]
[else (walk capturing? mk k)])))))]
[_ (matcher-empty)])]
[(cons (== ?) k)
(match m
[(wildcard-sequence _)
((if capturing? rwild values) (walk capturing? m k))]
[(? hash?)
(if capturing?
(for/fold [(acc (rwild (walk capturing? (rlookup m ?) k)))]
[((key mk) (in-hash m))]
(if (eq? key ?)
[(key-open? key)
(rupdate acc key (capture-nested mk (lambda (mk)
(walk capturing? mk k))))]
[(key-close? key) acc]
[else (rupdate acc key (walk capturing? mk k))])))
(for/fold [(acc (walk capturing? (rlookup m ?) k))] [((key mk) (in-hash m))]
(if (eq? key ?)
(matcher-union acc (cond
[(key-open? key)
(skip-nested mk (lambda (mk) (walk capturing? mk k)))]
[(key-close? key) #f]
[else (walk capturing? mk k)])))))]
[_ (matcher-empty)])]
[(cons sigma k)
((if capturing?
(lambda (m1) (rseq sigma m1))
(match m
[(wildcard-sequence mk)
(if (key-close? sigma)
(walk capturing? mk k)
(walk capturing? m k))]
[(? hash?)
(matcher-union (walk capturing? (rlookup m sigma) k)
(walk capturing? (rlookup m ?) k))]
[_ (matcher-empty)]))]))
[(cons sigma k)
((if capturing?
(lambda (m1) (rseq sigma m1))
(match m
[(wildcard-sequence mk)
(if (key-close? sigma)
(walk capturing? mk k)
(walk capturing? m k))]
[(? hash?)
(matcher-union (walk capturing? (rlookup m sigma) k)
(walk capturing? (rlookup m ?) k))]
[_ (matcher-empty)]))]))
(lambda (m spec)
(rseq SOV (walk #f m spec)))))
;; Matcher → (Option (Setof Value))
@ -832,8 +839,8 @@
(list '? (list '- '- '-)) "")
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher SX (list 'Z ?))
#:combine (lambda (a b) b)))
(pretty-print-matcher* (parameterize ((matcher-intersect-successes (lambda (a b) b)))
(matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher SX (list 'Z ?)))))
(list 'a '-) ""
(list 'Z '-) "X"
(list '? '-) ""
@ -852,8 +859,8 @@
(list '? (list '- '- '-)) "")
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher SX ?)
#:combine (lambda (a b) b)))
(pretty-print-matcher* (parameterize ((matcher-intersect-successes (lambda (a b) b)))
(matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher SX ?))))
(list 'a '-) "X"
(list 'Z '-) "X"
(list '? '-) ""
@ -878,7 +885,6 @@
(pretty-print-matcher* r1)
(pretty-print-matcher* r2)
(pretty-print-matcher* r12)
;; TODO: these next two are not currently "minimal"
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-erase-path r12 r1))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-erase-path r12 r2))
@ -955,7 +961,9 @@
(H SOP (H 'a (H SOP (H ? (H '() (H EOS (H EOS (E (set 'A 'D)))))))
'b (H SOP (H ? (H '() (H EOS (H EOS (E (set 'B 'D)))))
'c (H '() (H EOS (H EOS (E (set 'B 'C 'D))))))))))
(check-equal? (pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect m1 m2 #:combine (lambda (v1 v2) v1)))
(check-equal? (pretty-print-matcher*
(parameterize ((matcher-intersect-successes (lambda (v1 v2) v1)))
(matcher-intersect m1 m2)))
@ -973,9 +981,10 @@
(pattern->matcher SD (list 'd ?))))))
(check-equal? (matcher-match-matcher-list abc abc)
(list (set 'A 'B 'C) (set 'A 'B 'C)))
(check-equal? (matcher-match-matcher abc abc
#:combine (lambda (v1 v2 a) (set-union v2 a))
#:empty (set))
(check-equal? (parameterize ((matcher-match-matcher-successes (lambda (v1 v2 a)
(set-union v2 a)))
(matcher-match-matcher-unit (set)))
(matcher-match-matcher abc abc))
(set 'A 'B 'C))
(check-equal? (matcher-match-matcher-list abc (matcher-relabel bcd (lambda (old) (set #t))))
(list (set 'B 'C) (set #t)))
@ -994,120 +1003,107 @@
(check-equal? (compile-projection (list 'a (?!)))
(list SOP 'a SOP SOC ? EOC '() EOS EOS EOS))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a 'b)))
(compile-projection (list 'a (?!)))
#:project-success (lambda (v) #t))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher #t (vector 'a))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector 'b))))
(parameterize ((matcher-project-success (lambda (v) #t)))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a 'b)))
(compile-projection (list 'a (?!))))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher #t (vector 'a))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector 'b))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (vector 'b 'c 'd))))
(compile-projection (list 'a (?!)))
#:project-success (lambda (v) #t))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher #t (vector 'a))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector (vector 'b 'c 'd)))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (vector 'b 'c 'd))))
(compile-projection (list 'a (?!))))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher #t (vector 'a))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector (vector 'b 'c 'd)))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (vector 'b ? 'd))))
(compile-projection (list 'a (?!)))
#:project-success (lambda (v) #t))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher #t (vector 'a))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector (vector 'b ? 'd)))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (vector 'b ? 'd))))
(compile-projection (list 'a (?!))))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher #t (vector 'a))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector (vector 'b ? 'd)))))
(check-equal? (matcher-key-set
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a 'b)))
(compile-projection (list 'a (?!)))
#:project-success (lambda (v) #t)))
(set '#(a) '#(b)))
(check-equal? (matcher-key-set
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a 'b)))
(compile-projection (list 'a (?!)))))
(set '#(a) '#(b)))
(check-equal? (matcher-key-set
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (vector 'b 'c 'd))))
(compile-projection (list 'a (?!)))
#:project-success (lambda (v) #t)))
(set '#(a) '#(#(b c d))))
(check-equal? (matcher-key-set
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (vector 'b 'c 'd))))
(compile-projection (list 'a (?!)))))
(set '#(a) '#(#(b c d))))
(check-equal? (matcher-key-set
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (vector 'b ? 'd))))
(compile-projection (list 'a (?!)))
#:project-success (lambda (v) #t)))
(check-equal? (matcher-key-set
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (vector 'b ? 'd))))
(compile-projection (list 'a (?!)))))
(check-equal? (matcher-key-set
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (vector 'b ? 'd))))
(compile-projection (list 'a (?! 'a)))
#:project-success (lambda (v) #t)))
(set '#(a)))
(check-equal? (matcher-key-set
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (vector 'b ? 'd))))
(compile-projection (list 'a (?! 'a)))))
(set '#(a)))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 3 4)))
(compile-projection (cons (?!) (?!)))
#:project-success (lambda (v) #t))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher #t (vector 1 2))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector 3 4))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 3 4)))
(compile-projection (cons (?!) (?!))))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher #t (vector 1 2))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector 3 4))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 1 4))
(pattern->matcher SC (cons 3 4))))
(compile-projection (cons (?!) (?!)))
#:project-success (lambda (v) #t))
(foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher #t (vector 1 2))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector 1 4))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector 3 4)))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 1 4))
(pattern->matcher SC (cons 3 4))))
(compile-projection (cons (?!) (?!))))
(foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher #t (vector 1 2))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector 1 4))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector 3 4)))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 1 4))
(pattern->matcher SC (cons 3 4))))
(compile-projection (?! (cons ? ?)))
#:project-success (lambda (v) #t))
(foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher #t (vector (cons 1 2)))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector (cons 1 4)))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector (cons 3 4))))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 1 4))
(pattern->matcher SC (cons 3 4))))
(compile-projection (?! (cons ? ?))))
(foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher #t (vector (cons 1 2)))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector (cons 1 4)))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector (cons 3 4))))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 1 4))
(pattern->matcher SC (cons 3 4))))
(compile-projection (?! (cons 1 ?)))
#:project-success (lambda (v) #t))
(foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher #t (vector (cons 1 2)))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector (cons 1 4))))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 1 4))
(pattern->matcher SC (cons 3 4))))
(compile-projection (?! (cons 1 ?))))
(foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher #t (vector (cons 1 2)))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector (cons 1 4))))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 1 4))
(pattern->matcher SC (cons 3 4))))
(compile-projection (cons (?! 1) (?!)))
#:project-success (lambda (v) #t))
(foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher #t (vector 1 2))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector 1 4)))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 1 4))
(pattern->matcher SC (cons 3 4))))
(compile-projection (cons (?! 1) (?!))))
(foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher #t (vector 1 2))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector 1 4)))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 1 4))
(pattern->matcher SC (cons 3 4))))
(compile-projection (cons (?!) (?! 4)))
#:project-success (lambda (v) #t))
(foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher #t (vector 1 4))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector 3 4)))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 1 4))
(pattern->matcher SC (cons 3 4))))
(compile-projection (cons (?!) (?! 4))))
(foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher #t (vector 1 4))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector 3 4)))))
(check-equal? (matcher-key-set
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 3 4)))
(compile-projection (cons (?!) (?!)))
#:project-success (lambda (v) #t)))
(set '#(1 2) '#(3 4)))
(check-equal? (matcher-key-set
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 3 4)))
(compile-projection (cons (?!) (?!)))))
(set '#(1 2) '#(3 4))))
(check-equal? (projection->pattern (list 'a 'b)) (list 'a 'b))
(check-equal? (projection->pattern (list 'a ?)) (list 'a ?))