Generalize route.rkt's mapped-to values from sets. Also flip arg order of matcher-erase-path.

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2014-05-19 18:41:59 -04:00
parent 25a912c900
commit cad1dbbbca
2 changed files with 209 additions and 207 deletions

View File

@ -189,12 +189,12 @@
(define (update-aggregate-gestalt w pid old-g new-g)
(struct-copy world w [aggregate-gestalt
(gestalt-union (gestalt-combine-straight old-g
(world-aggregate-gestalt w)
(gestalt-union (gestalt-combine-straight (world-aggregate-gestalt w)
(lambda (side x)
(case side
[(left-longer) '()]
[(right-longer) x]))
[(left-longer) x]
[(right-longer) '()]))

View File

@ -55,17 +55,18 @@
;; A Matcher is either
;; - #f, indicating no further matches possible
;; - a Set of Any, representing a successful match (if the end of the input has been reached)
;; - a (success Any), representing a successful match (if the end of the input has been reached)
;; - a Hashtable mapping (Sigma or wildcard) to Matcher
;; - a (wildcard-sequence Matcher)
;; If, in a hashtable matcher, a wild key is present, it is intended
;; to catch all and ONLY those keys not otherwise present in the
;; table.
(struct success (value) #:transparent)
(struct wildcard-sequence (matcher) #:transparent)
(define (matcher? x)
(or (eq? x #f)
(set? x)
(success? x)
(wildcard-sequence? x)
(and (hash? x)
(for/and ([v (in-hash-values x)])
@ -74,8 +75,6 @@
(define (matcher-empty) #f)
(define (matcher-empty? r) (not r))
(define (rvalue v) (set v))
(define (rseq e r) (if (matcher-empty? r) r (hash e r)))
(define (rwild r) (rseq ? r))
(define (rwildseq r) (if (matcher-empty? r) r (wildcard-sequence r)))
@ -98,7 +97,7 @@
(kons elem acc)))
(define (pattern->matcher v p)
(let walk ((p p) (acc (rseq EOS (rvalue v))))
(let walk ((p p) (acc (rseq EOS (success v))))
(match p
[(== ?) (rwild acc)]
[(cons p1 p2) (rseq SOP (walk p1 (walk p2 (rseq EOS acc))))]
@ -140,54 +139,52 @@
(matcher-union (rwild (rwildseq r))
(rseq EOS r)))
(define matcher-union
(let ()
(define (merge o1 o2)
(match* (o1 o2)
[(#f #f) #f]
[(#f r) r]
[(r #f) r]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))
(define (walk re1 re2)
(match* (re1 re2)
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (rwildseq (walk r1 r2))]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (walk (expand-wildseq r1) r2)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk (expand-wildseq r2) r1)]
[((? set? v1) (? set? v2)) (set-union v1 v2)]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w (merge (rlookup h1 ?) (rlookup h2 ?)))
[w (merge/wildcard w h1 h2)]
[(< (hash-count h2) (hash-count h1)) (merge/no-wildcard h2 h1)]
[else (merge/no-wildcard h1 h2)])]))
(define (merge/wildcard w h1 h2)
(for/fold [(acc (rwild w))]
[(key (set-remove (set-union (hash-keys h1) (hash-keys h2)) ?))]
(define k (merge (rlookup h1 key) (rlookup h2 key)))
(rupdate acc
[(key-open? key) (merge (rwildseq w) k)]
[(key-close? key) (if (wildcard-sequence? w)
(merge (wildcard-sequence-matcher w) k)
[else (merge w k)]))))
(define (merge/no-wildcard h1 h2)
(for/fold [(acc h2)] [((key k1) (in-hash h1))]
(define k (merge k1 (rlookup h2 key)))
(rupdate acc key k)))
(lambda (re1 re2)
(match* (re1 re2)
[(#f r) r]
[(r #f) r]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))))
(define (matcher-union re1 re2 [combine-successes set-union])
(define (merge o1 o2)
(match* (o1 o2)
[(#f #f) #f]
[(#f r) r]
[(r #f) r]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))
(define (walk re1 re2)
(match* (re1 re2)
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (rwildseq (walk r1 r2))]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (walk (expand-wildseq r1) r2)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk (expand-wildseq r2) r1)]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (success (combine-successes v1 v2))]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w (merge (rlookup h1 ?) (rlookup h2 ?)))
[w (merge/wildcard w h1 h2)]
[(< (hash-count h2) (hash-count h1)) (merge/no-wildcard h2 h1)]
[else (merge/no-wildcard h1 h2)])]))
(define (merge/wildcard w h1 h2)
(for/fold [(acc (rwild w))]
[(key (set-remove (set-union (hash-keys h1) (hash-keys h2)) ?))]
(define k (merge (rlookup h1 key) (rlookup h2 key)))
(rupdate acc
[(key-open? key) (merge (rwildseq w) k)]
[(key-close? key) (if (wildcard-sequence? w)
(merge (wildcard-sequence-matcher w) k)
[else (merge w k)]))))
(define (merge/no-wildcard h1 h2)
(for/fold [(acc h2)] [((key k1) (in-hash h1))]
(define k (merge k1 (rlookup h2 key)))
(rupdate acc key k)))
(match* (re1 re2)
[(#f r) r]
[(r #f) r]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))
(define (smaller-hash h1 h2)
(if (< (hash-count h1) (hash-count h2))
(define (matcher-intersect re1 re2 [combine-success-values set-union])
(define (matcher-intersect re1 re2 [combine-successes set-union])
(let ()
;; INVARIANT: re1 is a part of the original re1, and likewise for
;; re2. This is so that the first arg to combine-success-values
@ -197,7 +194,7 @@
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (rwildseq (walk r1 r2))]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (walk (expand-wildseq r1) r2)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 (expand-wildseq r2))]
[((? set? v1) (? set? v2)) (combine-success-values v1 v2)]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (success (combine-successes v1 v2))]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w1 (rlookup h1 ?))
(define w2 (rlookup h2 ?))
@ -239,90 +236,87 @@
[(r #f) #f]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)])))
;; Removes re1's mappings from re2. Assumes re1 has previously been union'd into re2.
(define matcher-erase-path
(let ()
(define (cofinite-pattern)
(error 'matcher-erase-path "Cofinite pattern required"))
(define (walk path aggregate)
(match* (path aggregate)
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (rwildseq (walk r1 r2))]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (walk (expand-wildseq r1) r2)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (cofinite-pattern)]
[((? set? v1) (? set? v2))
(define v (set-subtract v2 v1))
(if (set-empty? v) #f v)]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w1 (rlookup h1 ?))
(define w2 (rlookup h2 ?))
(define w (match* (w1 w2)
[(#f #f) #f]
[(#f r) r]
[(r #f) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))
(define (examine-key acc key)
(rupdate acc
(match* ((rlookup h1 key) (rlookup h2 key))
[(#f #f) #f]
[(#f k2) (walk-wild w1 key k2)]
[(k1 #f) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(k1 k2) (walk k1 k2)])))
;; TODO: need to ensure "minimal" remainder in cases where
;; after an erasure, a particular key's continuation is the
;; same as the wildcard's continuation. See tests/examples
;; below.
;; --
;; We only need to examine all keys of h2 if w1 nonfalse.
(if w1
(for/fold [(acc (rwild w))] [(key (set-remove (set-union (hash-keys h1)
(hash-keys h2))
(examine-key acc key))
(for/fold [(acc h2)] [(key (in-hash-keys h1))]
(examine-key acc key)))]))
(define (walk-wild w key k)
(if w
[(key-open? key) (walk (rwildseq w) k)]
[(key-close? key) (if (wildcard-sequence? w)
(walk (wildcard-sequence-matcher w) k)
[else (walk w k)])
(lambda (re1 re2)
(match* (re1 re2)
[(#f r) r]
[(r #f) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))))
;; Removes re2's mappings from re1. Assumes re2 has previously been union'd into re1.
;; The combine-successes function should return #f to signal "no remaining success values".
(define (matcher-erase-path re1 re2 [combine-successes set-subtract])
(define (cofinite-pattern)
(error 'matcher-erase-path "Cofinite pattern required"))
(define (walk path aggregate)
(match* (path aggregate)
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (rwildseq (walk r1 r2))]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 (expand-wildseq r2))]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (success (combine-successes v1 v2))]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w1 (rlookup h1 ?))
(define w2 (rlookup h2 ?))
(define w (match* (w1 w2)
[(#f #f) #f]
[(r #f) r]
[(#f r) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))
(define (examine-key acc key)
(rupdate acc
(match* ((rlookup h1 key) (rlookup h2 key))
[(#f #f) #f]
[(#f k2) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(k1 #f) (walk-wild key k1 w2)]
[(k1 k2) (walk k1 k2)])))
;; TODO: need to ensure "minimal" remainder in cases where
;; after an erasure, a particular key's continuation is the
;; same as the wildcard's continuation. See tests/examples
;; below.
;; --
;; We only need to examine all keys of h2 if w1 nonfalse.
(if w2
(for/fold [(acc (rwild w))] [(key (set-remove (set-union (hash-keys h1)
(hash-keys h2))
(examine-key acc key))
(for/fold [(acc h1)] [(key (in-hash-keys h2))]
(examine-key acc key)))]))
(define (walk-wild key k w)
(if w
[(key-open? key) (walk k (rwildseq w))]
[(key-close? key) (if (wildcard-sequence? w)
(walk k (wildcard-sequence-matcher w))
[else (walk k w)])
(match* (re1 re2)
[(r #f) r]
[(#f r) (cofinite-pattern)]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2)]))
(define (matcher-match-value r v)
(define (matcher-match-value r v [result-nil (set)])
(if (matcher-empty? r)
(let walk ((vs (list v)) (stack '(())) (r r))
(define (walk-wild vs stack)
(match (rlookup r ?)
[#f (set)]
[#f result-nil]
[k (walk vs stack k)]))
(match r
[(wildcard-sequence k)
(match stack
['() (set)]
['() result-nil]
[(cons rest stack1) (walk rest stack1 k)])]
[(? set?)
[(success result)
(if (and (null? vs)
(null? stack))
[(? hash?)
(match vs
(match stack
['() (set)]
['() result-nil]
[(cons rest stack1)
(match (rlookup r EOS)
[#f (set)]
[#f result-nil]
[k (walk rest stack1 k)])])]
[(cons (== ?) rest)
(error 'matcher-match-value "Cannot match wildcard as a value")]
@ -346,14 +340,15 @@
[#f (walk-wild rest stack)]
[k (walk rest stack k)])])]))))
(define (matcher-match-matcher re1 re2)
(define (matcher-match-matcher re1 re2 [combine-successes set-union] [result-nil (set)])
(let ()
(define (walk re1 re2 acc1 acc2)
(match* (re1 re2)
[((wildcard-sequence r1) (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 r2 acc1 acc2)]
[((wildcard-sequence r1) r2) (walk (expand-wildseq r1) r2 acc1 acc2)]
[(r1 (wildcard-sequence r2)) (walk r1 (expand-wildseq r2) acc1 acc2)]
[((? set? v1) (? set? v2)) (values (set-union acc1 v1) (set-union acc2 v2))]
[((success v1) (success v2)) (values (combine-successes acc1 v1)
(combine-successes acc2 v2))]
[((? hash? h1) (? hash? h2))
(define w1 (rlookup h1 ?))
(define w2 (rlookup h2 ?))
@ -390,15 +385,15 @@
[else (walk w k acc1 acc2)])
(values acc1 acc2)))
(match* (re1 re2)
[(#f r) (values (set) (set))]
[(r #f) (values (set) (set))]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2 (set) (set))])))
[(#f r) (values result-nil result-nil)]
[(r #f) (values result-nil result-nil)]
[(r1 r2) (walk r1 r2 result-nil result-nil)])))
(define (matcher-relabel m f)
(let walk ((m m))
(match m
[#f #f]
[(? set?) (f m)]
[(success v) (success (f v))]
[(wildcard-sequence m1) (wildcard-sequence (walk m1))]
[(? hash?) (for/hash [((k v) (in-hash m))] (values k (walk v)))])))
@ -458,7 +453,7 @@
(match spec
(match m
[(? set?) (rseq EOS (rseq EOS (set #t)))]
[(success v) (rseq EOS (rseq EOS (success #t)))]
;; ^ the #t yields a matcher that does not preserve map values.
[_ (matcher-empty)])]
@ -571,9 +566,9 @@
[(wildcard-sequence k)
(d "...>")
(walk (+ i 4) k)]
[(? set? vs)
[(success vs)
(d "{")
(for ((v vs)) (d v))
(d vs)
(d "}")]
[(? hash? h)
(if (zero? (hash-count h))
@ -601,12 +596,19 @@
(module+ test
(define (E . vs) (hash EOS (apply set vs)))
(check-equal? (pattern->matcher 'A 123) (hash 123 (E 'A)))
(check-equal? (pattern->matcher 'A (cons 1 2)) (hash SOP (hash 1 (hash 2 (hash EOS (E 'A))))))
(check-equal? (pattern->matcher 'A (cons ? 2)) (hash SOP (hash ? (hash 2 (hash EOS (E 'A))))))
(check-equal? (pattern->matcher 'A SOP) (hash struct:start-of-pair (hash EOS (E 'A))))
(check-equal? (pattern->matcher 'A ?) (hash ? (E 'A)))
(define SA (set 'A))
(define SB (set 'B))
(define SC (set 'C))
(define SD (set 'D))
(define Sfoo (set 'foo))
(define S+ (set '+))
(define SX (set 'X))
(define (E v) (hash EOS (success v)))
(check-equal? (pattern->matcher SA 123) (hash 123 (E SA)))
(check-equal? (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2)) (hash SOP (hash 1 (hash 2 (hash EOS (E SA))))))
(check-equal? (pattern->matcher SA (cons ? 2)) (hash SOP (hash ? (hash 2 (hash EOS (E SA))))))
(check-equal? (pattern->matcher SA SOP) (hash struct:start-of-pair (hash EOS (E SA))))
(check-equal? (pattern->matcher SA ?) (hash ? (E SA)))
(module+ test
@ -635,21 +637,21 @@
(void (pretty-print-matcher*
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list (list ?) 'x))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list (list ?) 'y)))))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list (list ?) 'x))
(pattern->matcher SB (list (list ?) 'y)))))
(void (pretty-print-matcher*
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list (list 'a 'b) 'x))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list (list 'c 'd) 'y)))))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list (list 'a 'b) 'x))
(pattern->matcher SB (list (list 'c 'd) 'y)))))
(void (pretty-print-matcher*
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list (list 'a 'b) 'x))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list (list ? ?) 'y)))))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list (list 'a 'b) 'x))
(pattern->matcher SB (list (list ? ?) 'y)))))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list (list 'a 'b) 'x))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list (list ? ?) 'x))))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list (list 'a 'b) 'x))
(pattern->matcher SB (list (list ? ?) 'x))))
(list 'z 'x) ""
(list (list 'z 'z) 'x) "B"
(list (list 'z (list 'z)) 'x) "B"
@ -657,8 +659,8 @@
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list (list 'a 'b) 'x))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list (list ?) 'y))))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list (list 'a 'b) 'x))
(pattern->matcher SB (list (list ?) 'y))))
(list 'z 'y) ""
(list (list 'z 'z) 'y) ""
(list (list 'z 'z) 'x) ""
@ -666,38 +668,38 @@
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list (list 'a 'b) 'x))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list ? 'y))))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list (list 'a 'b) 'x))
(pattern->matcher SB (list ? 'y))))
(list 'z 'y) "B"
(list (list 'z 'z) 'y) "B"
(list (list 'a 'b) 'x) "A")
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list 'a 'b))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list 'c 'd))))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'b))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'c 'd))))
(list 'a 'b) "A"
(list 'c 'd) "B"
(list 'a 'd) ""
(list 'c 'b) "")
(void (pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list (list 'a 'b) 'x))
(void (pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list (list 'a 'b) 'x))
;; Note: this is a largely nonsense matcher,
;; since it expects no input at all
(rseq EOS (rvalue 'B)))))
(rseq EOS (success (set 'B))))))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list (list 'a 'b) 'x))
(pattern->matcher 'B ?)))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list (list 'a 'b) 'x))
(pattern->matcher SB ?)))
(list (list 'a 'b) 'x) "AB"
'p "B"
(list 'p) "B")
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list 'a ?))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list 'a (list 'b)))))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a ?))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (list 'b)))))
(list 'a (list 'b)) "AB"
(list 'a (list 'b 'b)) "A"
@ -709,9 +711,9 @@
(matcher-union (matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list 'a ?))
(pattern->matcher 'A (list 'q ?)))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list 'a (list 'b)))))
(matcher-union (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a ?))
(pattern->matcher SA (list 'q ?)))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (list 'b)))))
(list 'a (list 'b)) "AB"
(list 'q (list 'b)) "A"
(list 'a 'x) "A"
@ -724,9 +726,9 @@
(define ps
(for/list ((c (in-string "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")))
(define csym (string->symbol (string c)))
(pattern->matcher csym (list csym ?))))
(pattern->matcher (set csym) (list csym ?))))
(matcher-union (foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty) ps)
(pattern->matcher '+ (list 'Z (list ? '- ?)))))
(pattern->matcher S+ (list 'Z (list ? '- ?)))))
(void (pretty-print-matcher* (bigdemo)))
@ -748,18 +750,18 @@
(list 'Z '((()) - -)) "Z+"
(list '? (list '- '- '-)) "")
(check-matches (pretty-print-matcher* (pattern->matcher 'A (list* 'a 'b ?)))
(check-matches (pretty-print-matcher* (pattern->matcher SA (list* 'a 'b ?)))
(list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f) "A"
(list 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f 'a) ""
3 "")
(void (pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (pattern->matcher 'A (list 'a))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list 'b)))))
(void (pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'b)))))
(let ((r1 (matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list ? 'b))
(pattern->matcher 'A (list ? 'c))))
(r2 (matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'B (list 'a ?))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list 'b ?)))))
(let ((r1 (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list ? 'b))
(pattern->matcher SA (list ? 'c))))
(r2 (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SB (list 'a ?))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'b ?)))))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-union r1 r2))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-union r1 r1))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-union r2 r2))
@ -768,10 +770,10 @@
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect r2 r2))
(void (pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher 'X (list 'm 'n)))))
(void (pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher SX (list 'm 'n)))))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher 'X (list 'Z ?))))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher SX (list 'Z ?))))
(list 'a '-) ""
(list 'Z '-) "XZ"
(list '? '-) ""
@ -790,7 +792,7 @@
(list '? (list '- '- '-)) "")
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher 'X (list 'Z ?))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher SX (list 'Z ?))
(lambda (a b) b)))
(list 'a '-) ""
(list 'Z '-) "X"
@ -810,7 +812,7 @@
(list '? (list '- '- '-)) "")
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher 'X ?)
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-intersect (bigdemo) (pattern->matcher SX ?)
(lambda (a b) b)))
(list 'a '-) "X"
(list 'Z '-) "X"
@ -829,26 +831,26 @@
(list 'Z '((()) - -)) "X"
(list '? (list '- '- '-)) "")
(let* ((r1 (pattern->matcher 'A (list ? 'b)))
(r2 (pattern->matcher 'B (list 'a ?)))
(let* ((r1 (pattern->matcher SA (list ? 'b)))
(r2 (pattern->matcher SB (list 'a ?)))
(r12 (matcher-union r1 r2)))
(printf "\n-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- erase1\n")
(pretty-print-matcher* r1)
(pretty-print-matcher* r2)
(pretty-print-matcher* r12)
;; TODO: these next two are not currently "minimal"
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-erase-path r1 r12))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-erase-path r2 r12))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-erase-path r12 r1))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-erase-path r12 r2))
(let* ((r1 (matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list 'a ?))
(pattern->matcher 'A (list 'b ?))))
(r2 (pattern->matcher 'B (list 'b ?)))
(let* ((r1 (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a ?))
(pattern->matcher SA (list 'b ?))))
(r2 (pattern->matcher SB (list 'b ?)))
(r12 (matcher-union r1 r2)))
(printf "\n-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- erase2\n")
(pretty-print-matcher* r12)
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-erase-path r1 r12))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-erase-path r2 r12))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-erase-path r12 r1))
(pretty-print-matcher* (matcher-erase-path r12 r2))
@ -858,10 +860,10 @@
(struct b (x) #:transparent)
(define (intersect a b)
(matcher-intersect (pattern->matcher 'A a)
(pattern->matcher 'B b)))
(matcher-intersect (pattern->matcher SA a)
(pattern->matcher SB b)))
(define EAB (E 'A 'B))
(define EAB (E (set 'A 'B)))
(check-equal? (intersect ? ?) (rwild EAB))
(check-equal? (intersect 'a ?) (rseq 'a EAB))
@ -906,24 +908,24 @@
(define-values (s1 s2) (matcher-match-matcher m1 m2))
(list s1 s2))
(let ((abc (foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher 'A (list 'a ?))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list 'b ?))
(pattern->matcher 'C (list 'c ?)))))
(list (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a ?))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'b ?))
(pattern->matcher SC (list 'c ?)))))
(bcd (foldr matcher-union (matcher-empty)
(list (pattern->matcher 'B (list 'b ?))
(pattern->matcher 'C (list 'c ?))
(pattern->matcher 'D(list 'd ?))))))
(list (pattern->matcher SB (list 'b ?))
(pattern->matcher SC (list 'c ?))
(pattern->matcher SD (list 'd ?))))))
(check-equal? (matcher-match-matcher-list abc abc)
(list (set 'A 'B 'C) (set 'A 'B 'C)))
(check-equal? (matcher-match-matcher-list abc (matcher-relabel bcd (lambda (old) (set #t))))
(list (set 'B 'C) (set #t)))
(check-equal? (matcher-match-matcher-list abc (pattern->matcher 'foo ?))
(check-equal? (matcher-match-matcher-list abc (pattern->matcher Sfoo ?))
(list (set 'A 'B 'C) (set 'foo)))
(check-equal? (matcher-match-matcher-list abc (pattern->matcher 'foo (list ? ?)))
(check-equal? (matcher-match-matcher-list abc (pattern->matcher Sfoo (list ? ?)))
(list (set 'A 'B 'C) (set 'foo)))
(check-equal? (matcher-match-matcher-list abc (pattern->matcher 'foo (list ? 'x)))
(check-equal? (matcher-match-matcher-list abc (pattern->matcher Sfoo (list ? 'x)))
(list (set 'A 'B 'C) (set 'foo)))
(check-equal? (matcher-match-matcher-list abc (pattern->matcher 'foo (list ? 'x ?)))
(check-equal? (matcher-match-matcher-list abc (pattern->matcher Sfoo (list ? 'x ?)))
(list (set) (set)))))
(module+ test
@ -932,51 +934,51 @@
(check-equal? (compile-projection (list 'a ?!))
(list SOP 'a SOP ?! '() EOS EOS EOS))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list 'a 'b)))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a 'b)))
(compile-projection (list 'a ?!)))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher #t (vector 'a))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector 'b))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list 'a (vector 'b 'c 'd))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (vector 'b 'c 'd))))
(compile-projection (list 'a ?!)))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher #t (vector 'a))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector (vector 'b 'c 'd)))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list 'a (vector 'b ? 'd))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (vector 'b ? 'd))))
(compile-projection (list 'a ?!)))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher #t (vector 'a))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector (vector 'b ? 'd)))))
(check-equal? (matcher->finite-set
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list 'a 'b)))
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a 'b)))
(compile-projection (list 'a ?!))))
(set '#(a) '#(b)))
(check-equal? (matcher->finite-set
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list 'a (vector 'b 'c 'd))))
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (vector 'b 'c 'd))))
(compile-projection (list 'a ?!))))
(set '#(a) '#(#(b c d))))
(check-equal? (matcher->finite-set
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher 'B (list 'a (vector 'b ? 'd))))
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (list 'a 'a))
(pattern->matcher SB (list 'a (vector 'b ? 'd))))
(compile-projection (list 'a ?!))))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher 'B (cons 3 4)))
(check-equal? (matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 3 4)))
(compile-projection (cons ?! ?!)))
(matcher-union (pattern->matcher #t (vector 1 2))
(pattern->matcher #t (vector 3 4))))
(check-equal? (matcher->finite-set
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher 'A (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher 'B (cons 3 4)))
(matcher-project (matcher-union (pattern->matcher SA (cons 1 2))
(pattern->matcher SB (cons 3 4)))
(compile-projection (cons ?! ?!))))
(set '#(1 2) '#(3 4)))