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2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
#lang racket/base
;; Gestalts: representations of (replicated) state.
2014-05-08 23:40:23 +00:00
(require racket/set)
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
(require racket/match)
(require "route.rkt")
(provide (struct-out gestalt)
2014-05-14 03:08:42 +00:00
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
2014-05-14 04:02:23 +00:00
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
2014-05-14 04:02:33 +00:00
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
;; A Gestalt is a (gestalt (Listof (Pairof Matcher Matcher))),
;; representing the total interests of a process or group of
;; processes. The outer list has a present entry for each active
;; metalevel, starting with metalevel 0 in the car. The inner pairs
;; have cars holding matchers representing active subscriptions, and
;; cdrs representing active advertisements. Each of the Matchers maps
;; to (Listof (Option (Setof PID))), with the nth entry in the list
;; corresponding to level n, and #f corresponding to empty-set.
;; So,
;; - metalevels: entries in the outermost list.
;; - sub/adv: car or cdr of each inner pair, respectively.
;; - levels: entries in the list at each Matcher success value.
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
;; "... a few standardised subsystems, identical from citizen to
;; citizen. Two of these were channels for incoming data — one for
;; gestalt, and one for linear, the two primary modalities of all
;; Konishi citizens, distant descendants of vision and hearing."
;; -- Greg Egan, "Diaspora"
(struct gestalt (metalevels) #:prefab)
;; Convention: A GestaltSet is a Gestalt where all the Matchers map to
;; (Listof (Option #t)) rather than the (Listof (Option (Setof PID)))
;; described above or any other value.
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
(define (safe-list-ref xs n [fail-thunk (lambda () (error 'safe-list-ref "No such index ~v" n))])
(let loop ((xs xs) (n n))
(match xs
['() (fail-thunk)]
[(cons x xs) (if (zero? n) x (loop xs (- n 1)))])))
(define (safe-take gcons xs n)
(let walk ((xs xs) (n n))
(cond [(null? xs) '()]
[(zero? n) '()]
[else (gcons (car xs) (walk (cdr xs) (- n 1)))])))
(define (safe-cdr xs)
(if (null? xs)
(cdr xs)))
(define ((guarded-cons unit) a d)
(if (and (null? d) (equal? a unit))
(cons a d)))
(define cons-level (guarded-cons #f))
(define cons-metalevel (guarded-cons '(#f . #f)))
;; Gestalt × Natural × Boolean → Matcher
(define (gestalt-ref g metalevel get-advertisements?)
(define v (safe-list-ref (gestalt-metalevels g) metalevel (lambda () '(#f . #f))))
((if get-advertisements? cdr car) v))
2014-05-14 03:08:42 +00:00
(define (compile-gestalt-projection spec)
(compile-projection spec))
;; Limits the given matcher to only include keys when a subscription
;; at *exactly* the given level exists.
(define (matcher-project-level m level)
(matcher-relabel m (lambda (v) (and (safe-list-ref v level (lambda () #f)) #t))))
(define (gestalt-project g metalevel get-advertisements? capture-spec)
(matcher-project (gestalt-ref g metalevel get-advertisements?) capture-spec))
(define (levels->pids ls)
(foldl (lambda (e acc) (if e (set-union e acc) acc)) (set) ls))
2014-05-14 03:08:42 +00:00
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
(define (drop-gestalt g)
(gestalt (safe-cdr (gestalt-metalevels g))))
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
(define (lift-gestalt g)
(gestalt (cons-metalevel '(#f . #f) (gestalt-metalevels g))))
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
(define (prepend n x xs)
(if (zero? n)
(cons x (prepend (- n 1) x xs))))
(define (simple-gestalt is-adv? p level metalevel)
(define m (pattern->matcher (prepend level #f (list #t)) p))
(gestalt (prepend metalevel '(#f . #f) (list (if is-adv? (cons #f m) (cons m #f))))))
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
(define (gestalt-empty) (gestalt '()))
2014-05-14 04:02:23 +00:00
(define (gestalt-empty? g)
(andmap (lambda (ml) (and (matcher-empty? (car ml)) (matcher-empty? (cdr ml))))
2014-05-14 04:02:23 +00:00
(gestalt-metalevels g)))
(define (map-zip imbalance-handler item-handler gcons ls1 ls2)
(let walk ((ls1 ls1) (ls2 ls2))
(match* (ls1 ls2)
[('() '()) '()]
[('() ls) (imbalance-handler 'right-longer ls)]
[(ls '()) (imbalance-handler 'left-longer ls)]
[((cons l1 ls1) (cons l2 ls2))
(gcons (item-handler l1 l2) (walk ls1 ls2))])))
(define (gestalt-combine g1 g2 imbalance-handler matcher-pair-combiner)
(gestalt (map-zip imbalance-handler matcher-pair-combiner cons-metalevel
(gestalt-metalevels g1)
(gestalt-metalevels g2))))
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
(define (gestalt-combine-straight g1 g2 imbalance-handler matcher-combiner)
(gestalt-combine g1 g2
(lambda (sa1 sa2)
(cons (matcher-combiner (car sa1) (car sa2))
(matcher-combiner (cdr sa1) (cdr sa2))))))
(define (gestalt-combine-crossed g1 g2 imbalance-handler matcher-combiner)
(gestalt-combine g1 g2
(lambda (sa1 sa2)
(cons (matcher-combiner (car sa1) (cdr sa2))
(matcher-combiner (car sa2) (cdr sa1))))))
(define (empty->false s) (if (set-empty? s) #f s))
(define (union-levels m1 m2)
(matcher-union m1 m2
(lambda (ls1 ls2)
(map-zip (lambda (side x) x)
(lambda (s1 s2) (empty->false (set-union (or s1 (set)) (or s2 (set)))))
(define (gestalt-union1 g1 g2) (gestalt-combine-straight g1 g2 (lambda (side x) x) union-levels))
(define (gestalt-union . gs)
(if (null? gs)
(let walk ((gs gs))
(match gs
[(list g) g]
[(cons g rest) (gestalt-union1 g (walk rest))]))))
(define (filter-levels ls1 ls2)
(define r (safe-take cons-level ls1 (- (length ls2) 1)))
(if (null? r) #f r))
(define (filter-matchers m1 m2) (matcher-intersect m1 m2 #:combine filter-levels))
;; View on g1 from g2's perspective.
;; Drops a level from g2 and intersects crossed.
(define (gestalt-filter g1 g2)
(gestalt-combine-crossed g1 g2 (lambda (side x) '()) filter-matchers))
;; Here we want all pids in sets in ls2 such that there are some pids
;; at lower levels in ls1.
(define (match-combine-levels ls1 ls2 acc)
(let loop ((ls1 ls1) (ls2 ls2))
[(null? ls1) acc]
[(null? ls2) acc]
[(not (car ls1)) (loop (cdr ls1) (cdr ls2))]
[else ;; aha! here's a real sub/adv in ls1. The remaining
;; sub/advs in (cdr ls2) can see it.
(levels->pids (cdr ls2))])))
;; Much like gestalt-filter, takes a view on gestalt g1 from g2's
;; perspective. However, instead of returning the filtered g1, returns
;; just the set of values in the g2-map that were overlapped by some
;; part of g1.
(define (gestalt-match g1 g2)
(let loop ((mls1 (gestalt-metalevels g1))
(mls2 (gestalt-metalevels g2)))
(cond [(null? mls1) (set)]
[(null? mls2) (set)]
[else (match-define (cons subs1 advs1) (car mls1))
(match-define (cons subs2 advs2) (car mls2))
(let* ((acc (loop (cdr mls1) (cdr mls2)))
(acc (matcher-match-matcher subs1 advs2
#:combine match-combine-levels
#:empty acc))
(acc (matcher-match-matcher advs1 subs2
#:combine match-combine-levels
#:empty acc)))
(define (erase-imbalance-handler side x)
(case side
[(left-longer) x]
[(right-longer) '()]))
(define (erase-levels ls1 ls2)
(map-zip erase-imbalance-handler
(lambda (v1 v2) (empty->false (set-subtract (or v1 (set)) (or v2 (set)))))
(define (gestalt-erase-path g1 g2)
(gestalt-combine-straight g1 g2
(lambda (m1 m2) (matcher-erase-path m1 m2 #:combine erase-levels))))
(define ((guarded-map gcons) f xs)
(foldr (lambda (e acc) (gcons (f e) acc)) '() xs))
(define map-metalevels (guarded-map cons-metalevel))
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
(define (gestalt-matcher-transform g f)
(gestalt (map-metalevels (lambda (p) (cons (f (car p)) (f (cdr p))))
(gestalt-metalevels g))))
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
(define (strip-gestalt-label g)
(define (xform ls) (map (lambda (l) (and l #t)) ls))
(gestalt-matcher-transform g (lambda (m) (matcher-relabel m xform))))
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
(define (label-gestalt g pid)
(define pidset (set pid))
(define (xform ls) (map (lambda (l) (and l pidset)) ls))
(gestalt-matcher-transform g (lambda (m) (matcher-relabel m xform))))
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
2014-05-14 04:02:33 +00:00
(define (pretty-print-gestalt g [port (current-output-port)])
(for [(metalevel (in-naturals)) (p (in-list (gestalt-metalevels g)))]
(match-define (cons subs advs) p)
(when (or subs advs)
(fprintf port "GESTALT metalevel ~v:\n" metalevel)
(when subs (fprintf port " - subs:") (pretty-print-matcher subs port #:indent 9))
(when advs (fprintf port " - advs:") (pretty-print-matcher advs port #:indent 9)))))
2014-05-14 04:02:33 +00:00
2014-05-08 21:22:54 +00:00
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (gestalt-union (simple-gestalt #f 'a 0 0)
(simple-gestalt #t 'b 0 0))
(gestalt (list (cons (pattern->matcher (list #t) 'a)
(pattern->matcher (list #t) 'b)))))
(check-equal? (gestalt-union (simple-gestalt #f 'a 2 2)
(simple-gestalt #t 'b 2 2))
(gestalt (list (cons #f #f)
(cons #f #f)
(cons (pattern->matcher (list #f #f #t) 'a)
(pattern->matcher (list #f #f #t) 'b))))))