#lang racket/base ;; A very small subset of ASN.1 BER (from ITU-T X.690), suitable for ;; en- and decoding public-key data for the ssh-rsa and ssh-dss ;; algorithms. ;; ;;; Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Tony Garnock-Jones ;;; ;;; This file is part of marketplace-ssh. ;;; ;;; marketplace-ssh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; marketplace-ssh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with marketplace-ssh. If not, see ;;; . (require racket/match) (require (planet tonyg/bitsyntax)) (provide t:long-ber-tag t:ber-length-indicator asn1-ber-decode-all asn1-ber-decode asn1-ber-encode) (define-syntax t:long-ber-tag (syntax-rules () ((_ #t input ks kf) (read-long-tag input ks kf)) ((_ #f v) (write-long-tag v)))) (define (read-long-tag input ks kf) (let loop ((acc 0) (input input)) (bit-string-case input ([ (= 1 :: bits 1) (x :: bits 7) (rest :: binary) ] (loop (+ x (arithmetic-shift acc 7)) rest)) ([ (= 0 :: bits 1) (x :: bits 7) (rest :: binary) ] (when (not (zero? x))) (ks (+ x (arithmetic-shift acc 7)) rest)) (else (kf))))) (define (write-long-tag v) (list->bytes (reverse-and-set-high-bits (let loop ((v v)) (if (< v 128) (list v) (cons (bitwise-and v 127) (loop (arithmetic-shift v -7)))))))) (define (reverse-and-set-high-bits bs) (let loop ((acc (list (car bs))) (bs (cdr bs))) (if (null? bs) acc (loop (cons (bitwise-ior 128 (car bs)) acc) (cdr bs))))) (define-syntax t:ber-length-indicator (syntax-rules () ((_ #t input ks0 kf) (let ((ks ks0)) ;; avoid code explosion (bit-string-case input ([ (= 128 :: bits 8) (rest :: binary) ] (ks 'indefinite rest)) ([ (= 0 :: bits 1) (len :: bits 7) (rest :: binary) ] (ks len rest)) ([ (= 1 :: bits 1) (lenlen :: bits 7) (len :: integer bytes lenlen) (rest :: binary) ] (when (not (= lenlen 127))) ;; restriction from section (ks len rest)) (else (kf))))) ((_ #f len) (cond ((eq? len 'indefinite) (bytes 128)) ((< len 128) (bytes len)) (else (let ((lenlen (quotient (+ 7 (integer-length len)) 8))) (bit-string (1 :: bits 1) (lenlen :: bits 7) (len :: integer bytes lenlen)))))))) (define (asn1-ber-decode-all packet) (let-values (((value rest) (asn1-ber-decode packet))) (if (equal? rest #"") value (error 'asn1-ber-decode-all "Trailing bytes present in encoded ASN.1 BER term")))) (define (asn1-ber-decode packet) (asn1-ber-decode* packet (lambda (class tag value rest) (values (list class tag value) (bit-string->bytes rest))))) (define (asn1-ber-decode* packet k) (bit-string-case packet ;; Tag with number >= 31 ([ (class :: bits 2) (constructed :: bits 1) (= 31 :: bits 5) (tag :: (t:long-ber-tag)) (length :: (t:ber-length-indicator)) (rest :: binary) ] (asn1-ber-decode-contents class constructed tag length rest k)) ([ (class :: bits 2) (constructed :: bits 1) (tag :: bits 5) (length :: (t:ber-length-indicator)) (rest :: binary) ] (asn1-ber-decode-contents class constructed tag length rest k)))) (define (asn1-ber-decode-contents class constructed tag length rest k) (cond ((= constructed 1) (define indefinite? (eq? length 'indefinite)) (define block (if indefinite? rest (sub-bit-string rest 0 (* length 8)))) (asn1-ber-decode-seq block indefinite? (lambda (seq rest) (k class tag seq rest)))) ((= constructed 0) (bit-string-case rest ([ (block :: binary bytes length) (rest :: binary) ] (k class tag (bit-string->bytes block) rest)))))) (define (asn1-ber-decode-seq packet indefinite? k) (let loop ((rest packet) (k k)) (if (and (bit-string-empty? rest) (not indefinite?)) (k '() rest) (asn1-ber-decode* rest (lambda (class tag value rest) (if (and indefinite? (= class 0) (= tag 0) (equal? value #"")) (k '() rest) (loop rest (lambda (seq rest) (k (cons (list class tag value) seq) rest))))))))) (define (asn1-ber-encode entry) (bit-string->bytes (asn1-ber-encode* entry))) (define (asn1-ber-encode* entry) (match entry (`(,class ,tag ,value) (if (list? value) (let* ((encoded-values (map asn1-ber-encode* value)) (content-octets (foldr bit-string-append #"" encoded-values)) (content-length (quotient (bit-string-length content-octets) 8))) (bit-string (class :: bits 2) (1 :: bits 1) ;; constructed ((asn1-ber-encode-tag tag) :: binary) (content-length :: (t:ber-length-indicator)) (content-octets :: binary bytes content-length))) (bit-string (class :: bits 2) (0 :: bits 1) ;; not constructed ((asn1-ber-encode-tag tag) :: binary) ((bytes-length value) :: (t:ber-length-indicator)) (value :: binary)))))) (define (asn1-ber-encode-tag tag) (if (>= tag 31) (bit-string (31 :: bits 5) (tag :: (t:long-ber-tag))) (bit-string (tag :: bits 5))))