
389 lines
16 KiB

#lang typed/racket/base
;; DNS proxy using os-big-bang.rkt and os-udp.rkt.
;;; Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
;;; This file is part of marketplace-dns.
;;; marketplace-dns is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; marketplace-dns is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with marketplace-dns. If not, see
;;; <>.
(require racket/match)
(require racket/set)
(require racket/bool)
(require (planet tonyg/bitsyntax))
(require "api.rkt")
(require "codec.rkt")
(require "zonedb.rkt")
(require "network-query.rkt")
(require "resolver.rkt")
(require marketplace/sugar-typed)
(require marketplace/support/spy)
(require marketplace/drivers/timer)
(require marketplace/drivers/udp)
(require "tk-dns.rkt")
(require racket/pretty)
;; Instantiated with a collection of trusted roots to begin its
;; searches from. Performs recursive queries.
;; For discarding retransmitted requests that we're still working on.
(struct: active-request ([source : UdpAddress] [id : Natural]) #:transparent)
(define-type ActiveRequest active-request)
(: start-proxy : Natural CompiledZone CompiledZone -> Void)
(define (start-proxy port-number zone roots-only)
(define server-addr (udp-listener port-number))
(define client-addr (udp-handle 'dns-client))
(log-info "Ready.")
((inst generic-spy Void) 'UDP)
((inst udp-driver Void))
((inst timer-driver Void))
(spawn-vm: : Void
#:debug-name 'dns-vm
(name-process 'dns-spy (spawn: #:parent : Void #:child : Void (dns-spy)))
((inst timer-relay Void) 'timer-relay:dns)
(name-process 'query-id-allocator (spawn: #:parent : Void #:child : (Setof Natural)
(name-process 'server-dns-reader (spawn: #:parent : Void #:child : Void
(dns-read-driver server-addr)))
(name-process 'server-dns-writer (spawn: #:parent : Void #:child : Void
(dns-write-driver server-addr)))
(name-process 'client-dns-reader (spawn: #:parent : Void #:child : Void
(dns-read-driver client-addr)))
(name-process 'client-dns-writer (spawn: #:parent : Void #:child : Void
(dns-write-driver client-addr)))
(name-process 'packet-dispatcher (spawn: #:parent : Void
#:child : (Setof ActiveRequest)
(packet-dispatcher server-addr)))
(name-process 'question-dispatcher (spawn: #:parent : Void
#:child : CompiledZone
(question-dispatcher zone
(: query-id-allocator : -> (Transition (Setof Natural)))
(define (query-id-allocator)
;; TODO: track how many are allocated and throttle requests if too
;; many are in flight
(transition: ((inst set Natural)) : (Setof Natural) ;; all active query IDs
(subscriber: (Setof Natural) `(request ,(wild) allocate-query-id)
(match-state allocated
[`(request ,reply-addr allocate-query-id)
(let: recheck : (Transition (Setof Natural)) ()
(define n (random 65536))
(if (set-member? allocated n)
(transition: (set-add allocated n) : (Setof Natural)
(send-message `(reply ,reply-addr ,n)))))])))
(subscriber: (Setof Natural) `(release-query-id ,(wild))
(match-state allocated
[`(release-query-id ,(? exact-nonnegative-integer? n))
(transition: (set-remove allocated n) : (Setof Natural))])))))
(: packet-dispatcher : UdpAddress -> (Transition (Setof ActiveRequest)))
(define (packet-dispatcher s)
(transition: ((inst set ActiveRequest)) : (Setof ActiveRequest)
(subscriber: (Setof ActiveRequest) (bad-dns-packet-pattern (wild) (wild) (wild) (wild))
(on-message [p (begin (log-error (pretty-format p)) '())]))
(subscriber: (Setof ActiveRequest) (dns-request-pattern (wild) (wild) s)
(match-state old-active-requests
[(and r (dns-request m source (== s)))
;; ^ We only listen for requests on our server socket
(let ((req-id (active-request source (dns-message-id m))))
;; TODO: when we have presence/error-handling, remove req-id
;; from active requests once request-handler pseudothread exits.
(if (set-member? old-active-requests req-id)
(transition: old-active-requests : (Setof ActiveRequest))
;; ^ ignore retransmitted duplicates
(transition: (set-add old-active-requests req-id) : (Setof ActiveRequest)
(name-process (list 'packet-relay req-id)
(spawn: #:parent : (Setof ActiveRequest)
#:child : Void (packet-relay req-id r))))))])))
(subscriber: (Setof ActiveRequest) (dns-reply-pattern (wild) s (wild))
(match-state old-active-requests
[(and r (dns-reply m (== s) sink))
(let ((req-id (active-request sink (dns-message-id m))))
(transition: (set-remove old-active-requests req-id) : (Setof ActiveRequest)))])))))
(: packet-relay : ActiveRequest DNSRequest -> (Transition Void))
(define (packet-relay req-id request)
(match-define (dns-request request-message request-source request-sink) request)
(: answer->reply : (Option Question) (Option CompleteAnswer) -> DNSReply)
(define (answer->reply q a)
(define-values (response-code ns us ds)
(match a
(values 'name-error '() '() '())]
[(complete-answer ns us ds)
(values 'no-error (rr-set->list ns) (rr-set->list us) (rr-set->list ds))]))
(dns-message (dns-message-id request-message)
(dns-message-recursion-desired request-message)
(if q (list q) '())
;; TODO: pay attention to recursion-desired flag
(match (dns-message-questions request-message)
;; No questions!
(send-message (answer->reply #f (empty-complete-answer))))]
[(cons original-question _)
;; At least one question
(log-debug (format "Looking up ~v with query id ~v"
original-question (dns-message-id request-message)))
(send-message original-question)
(let-fresh (wait-id)
(name-endpoint wait-id
(subscriber: Void (answered-question-pattern original-question (wild))
[(answered-question (== original-question) answer)
(begin (log-debug (format "Final answer to ~v with query id ~v is ~v"
(dns-message-id request-message)
(list (delete-endpoint wait-id)
(send-message (answer->reply original-question answer))))])))))]))
(: glueless-question-handler : CompiledZone Question UdpAddress -> (Transition Void))
(define (glueless-question-handler roots-only-zone q client-sock)
;; Restart q, an overly-glueless question, from the roots.
(define restarted-question (restart-question q))
(let-fresh (relay)
(name-endpoint relay
(subscriber: Void (answered-question-pattern restarted-question (wild))
[(answered-question (== restarted-question) ans)
;; We got the answer to our restarted question; now transform
;; it into an answer to the original question, to unblock the
;; original questioner.
(list (delete-endpoint relay)
(send-message (answered-question q ans)))]))))
(name-process (list 'glueless-question-handler-inner restarted-question)
(spawn: #:parent : Void
#:child : QHState
(question-handler roots-only-zone restarted-question client-sock)))))
(: question-dispatcher : CompiledZone CompiledZone UdpAddress -> (Transition CompiledZone))
(define (question-dispatcher seed-zone roots-only client-sock)
(: transition-and-set-timers : CompiledZone (Setof (Pairof DomainName Real))
-> (Transition CompiledZone))
(define (transition-and-set-timers new-zone timers)
(transition: new-zone : CompiledZone
(for/list: : (Listof (Action CompiledZone)) ([timerspec timers])
(match-define (cons name ttl) timerspec)
(send-message (set-timer (list 'check-dns-expiry name) (* ttl 1000) 'relative)))))
(define-values (cleaned-seed-zone initial-timers) (zone-expire seed-zone))
(sequence-actions (transition-and-set-timers cleaned-seed-zone initial-timers)
;; TODO: consider deduping questions here too?
(subscriber: CompiledZone `(debug-dump)
(match-state zone
(with-output-to-file ""
(lambda ()
(write-bytes (bit-string->bytes (zone->bit-string zone))))
#:mode 'binary
#:exists 'replace)
(with-output-to-file "zone-proxy.dump"
(lambda ()
(display "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
(display (seconds->date (current-seconds)))
(for: ([name (in-hash-keys zone)])
(define rrmap (hash-ref zone name))
(for: ([rr (in-hash-keys rrmap)])
(define expiry (hash-ref rrmap rr))
(write (list rr expiry))
#:mode 'text
#:exists 'append)
;; (with-output-to-file "zone-proxy.debug"
;; (lambda ()
;; (display "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
;; (display (seconds->date (current-seconds)))
;; (newline)
;; (pretty-write current-ground-transition))
;; #:mode 'text
;; #:exists 'append)
(transition: zone : CompiledZone))])))
(subscriber: CompiledZone (question-pattern (wild) (wild) (wild) (wild))
(match-state zone
[(? question? q)
(transition: zone : CompiledZone
[(question-cyclic? q)
(log-warning (format "Cyclic question ~v" q))
(send-message (answered-question q (empty-complete-answer)))]
[(question-too-glueless? q)
(log-warning (format "Overly-glueless question ~v" q))
(name-process (list 'glueless-question-handler-outer q)
(spawn: #:parent : CompiledZone
#:child : Void
(glueless-question-handler roots-only q client-sock)))]
(name-process (list 'question-handler q)
(spawn: #:parent : CompiledZone
#:child : QHState
(question-handler zone q client-sock)))]))])))
(subscriber: CompiledZone (network-reply-pattern (wild) (wild))
(match-state zone
[(network-reply _ answer)
(let-values (((new-zone timers) (incorporate-complete-answer answer zone #t)))
(transition-and-set-timers new-zone timers))])))
(subscriber: CompiledZone (timer-expired-pattern (list 'check-dns-expiry (wild)) (wild))
(match-state zone
[(timer-expired (list 'check-dns-expiry (? domain? name)) (? number? now-msec))
(transition: (zone-expire-name zone name (/ now-msec 1000.0)) : CompiledZone)])))))
(struct: question-state ([zone : CompiledZone]
[q : Question]
[client-sock : UdpAddress]
[nameservers-tried : (Setof DomainName)]
[retry-count : Natural]) #:transparent)
(define-type QuestionState question-state)
(struct: expanding-cnames ([q : Question]
[accumulator : CompleteAnswer]
[remaining-count : Integer]) #:transparent)
(define-type ExpandingCNAMEs expanding-cnames)
(define-type QHState (U QuestionState ExpandingCNAMEs))
(: question-handler : CompiledZone Question UdpAddress -> (Transition QHState))
(define (question-handler zone q client-sock)
(retry-question (question-state zone q client-sock ((inst set DomainName)) 0)))
(: send-empty-reply : QHState Question -> (Transition QHState))
(define (send-empty-reply w q)
(transition w (send-message (answered-question q (empty-complete-answer)))))
(: retry-question : QHState -> (Transition QHState))
(define (retry-question w)
(match w
[(question-state _ q _ _ 20) ;; TODO: is this a sensible limit?
;; Too many retries, i.e. too many referrals.
(log-error (format "Too many retries: ~v" w))
(send-empty-reply w q)]
[(question-state zone q client-sock nameservers-tried old-retry-count)
;; Credit remaining. Try once more (perhaps for the first time, in fact).
(define resolution-result (resolve-from-zone q zone #f nameservers-tried))
(log-debug (format "Resolution result: ~v" resolution-result))
(match resolution-result
[#f ;; We're not authoritative so this is just a signal that we can't answer usefully
(send-empty-reply w q)]
[(referral zone-origin nameserver-rrs _)
(define referral-id (gensym 'referral))
(log-debug (format "Referral for ~v id ~v to ~v servers ~v"
q referral-id (domain-labels zone-origin)
(map domain-labels (set-map nameserver-rrs rr-rdata-domain-name))))
(transition: w : QHState
((inst network-query QHState) client-sock
(map rr-rdata-domain-name (set->list nameserver-rrs))
(name-endpoint referral-id
(subscriber: QHState (network-reply-pattern referral-id (wild))
(match-state w
[(network-reply (== referral-id) #f) ;; name-error/NXDOMAIN
(transition: w : QHState
(delete-endpoint referral-id)
(send-message (answered-question q #f)))]
[(network-reply (== referral-id) ans)
(let-values (((new-zone ignored-timers)
(incorporate-complete-answer ans zone #f)))
(when (log-level? (current-logger) 'debug)
(log-debug (format "Referral ~v results in origin ~v:~n"
referral-id zone-origin))
(for ([k (set-union (list->set (hash-keys zone))
(list->set (hash-keys new-zone)))]
#:when (in-bailiwick? k zone-origin))
(log-debug (format "Old ~v ~v~nNew ~v ~v"
k (hash-ref zone k (lambda () 'missing))
k (hash-ref new-zone k (lambda () 'missing)))))
(log-debug "=-=-=-=-=-="))
(define nameserver-names
(for/list: : (Listof DomainName)
([rr nameserver-rrs])
(rr-rdata-domain-name rr))))
(retry-question (struct-copy question-state w
[nameservers-tried (set-union nameservers-tried
[zone new-zone]
[retry-count (+ old-retry-count 1)]))
(delete-endpoint referral-id)))])))))]
[(? complete-answer? ans)
(transition: w : QHState (send-message (answered-question q ans)))]
[(partial-answer base cnames)
(transition: (expanding-cnames q base (length cnames)) : QHState
((inst map (ActionTree QHState) DomainName)
(lambda: ([cname : DomainName])
;; TODO: record chains of CNAMEs to avoid pathologically-long chains
(define cname-q (cname-question cname q))
(list (send-message cname-q)
(let-fresh (subscription-id)
(name-endpoint subscription-id
(subscriber: QHState (answered-question-pattern cname-q (wild))
(match-state (expanding-cnames q acc remaining)
[(answered-question (== cname-q) ans)
(let ()
(define new-acc (if ans (merge-answers acc ans) acc))
(define new-remaining (- remaining 1))
(define new-w (expanding-cnames q new-acc new-remaining))
(transition: new-w : QHState
(delete-endpoint subscription-id)
(if (zero? new-remaining)
(send-message (answered-question q new-acc))
(require "test-rrs.rkt")
(require racket/file)
(file-stream-buffer-mode (current-output-port) 'none)
(start-proxy (test-port-number)
(if (file-exists? "")
(bit-string->zone (file->bytes ""))
(compile-zone-db test-roots))
(compile-zone-db test-roots))