#lang typed/racket/base ;; DNS drivers using marketplace. ;; ;;; Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Tony Garnock-Jones ;;; ;;; This file is part of marketplace-dns. ;;; ;;; marketplace-dns is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; marketplace-dns is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with marketplace-dns. If not, see ;;; . (require racket/set) (require racket/match) (require "codec.rkt") (require marketplace/sugar-typed) (require marketplace/drivers/udp) (require marketplace/support/pseudo-substruct) (provide (struct-out bad-dns-packet-repr) BadDnsPacket bad-dns-packet bad-dns-packet? BadDnsPacketPattern bad-dns-packet-pattern bad-dns-packet-pattern? (struct-out dns-request-repr) DNSRequest dns-request dns-request? DNSRequestPattern dns-request-pattern dns-request-pattern? (struct-out dns-reply-repr) DNSReply dns-reply dns-reply? DNSReplyPattern dns-reply-pattern dns-reply-pattern? dns-read-driver dns-write-driver dns-spy) (struct: (TDetail TSource TSink TReason) bad-dns-packet-repr ([detail : TDetail] [source : TSource] [sink : TSink] [reason : TReason]) #:transparent) (pseudo-substruct: (bad-dns-packet-repr Any UdpAddress UdpAddress Symbol) BadDnsPacket bad-dns-packet bad-dns-packet?) (pseudo-substruct: (bad-dns-packet-repr Any (U Wild UdpAddressPattern) (U Wild UdpAddressPattern) (U Wild Symbol)) BadDnsPacketPattern bad-dns-packet-pattern bad-dns-packet-pattern?) (struct: (TMessage TSource TSink) dns-request-repr ([message : TMessage] [source : TSource] [sink : TSink]) #:transparent) (pseudo-substruct: (dns-request-repr DNSMessage UdpAddress UdpAddress) DNSRequest dns-request dns-request?) (pseudo-substruct: (dns-request-repr (U Wild DNSMessage) (U Wild UdpAddressPattern) (U Wild UdpAddressPattern)) DNSRequestPattern dns-request-pattern dns-request-pattern?) (struct: (TMessage TSource TSink) dns-reply-repr ([message : TMessage] [source : TSource] [sink : TSink]) #:transparent) (pseudo-substruct: (dns-reply-repr DNSMessage UdpAddress UdpAddress) DNSReply dns-reply dns-reply?) (pseudo-substruct: (dns-reply-repr (U Wild DNSMessage) (U Wild UdpAddressPattern) (U Wild UdpAddressPattern)) DNSReplyPattern dns-reply-pattern dns-reply-pattern?) (: dns-read-driver : UdpAddress -> (Transition Void)) (define (dns-read-driver s) (transition: (void) : Void (at-meta-level (endpoint: : Void #:subscriber (udp-packet-pattern (wild) s (wild)) [(udp-packet source (== s) #"") (begin (log-info "Debug dump packet received") (send-message `(debug-dump)))] [(udp-packet source (== s) body) (send-message (with-handlers ((exn:fail? (lambda (e) (bad-dns-packet body source s 'unparseable)))) (define message (packet->dns-message body)) (case (dns-message-direction message) ((request) (dns-request message source s)) ((response) (dns-reply message source s)))))])))) (: dns-write-driver : UdpAddress -> (Transition Void)) (define (dns-write-driver s) (: translate : DNSMessage UdpAddress -> (ActionTree Void)) (define (translate message sink) (with-handlers ((exn:fail? (lambda (e) (send-message (bad-dns-packet message s sink 'unencodable))))) (at-meta-level (send-message (udp-packet s sink (dns-message->packet message)))))) (transition: (void) : Void (endpoint: : Void #:subscriber (dns-request-pattern (wild) s (wild)) [(dns-request message (== s) sink) (translate message sink)]) (endpoint: : Void #:subscriber (dns-reply-pattern (wild) s (wild)) [(dns-reply message (== s) sink) (translate message sink)]))) (: dns-spy : -> (Transition Void)) (define (dns-spy) (transition: (void) : Void (endpoint: : Void #:subscriber (wild) #:observer [(dns-request message source sink) (begin (log-info (format "DNS: ~v asks ~v ~v~n : ~v" source sink (dns-message-id message) (dns-message-questions message))) (void))] [(dns-reply message source sink) (begin (log-info (format "DNS: ~v answers ~v~n : ~v" source sink message)) (void))] [x (begin (log-info (format "DNS: ~v" x)) (void))])))