
216 lines
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#lang typed/racket/base
;; Timer driver.
;; Uses mutable state internally, but because the scope of the
;; mutation is limited to each timer process alone, it's easy to show
;; correct linear use of the various pointers.
(require racket/set)
(require racket/match)
(require "../sugar-typed.rkt")
(require "../support/event.rkt")
(require "../support/pseudo-substruct.rkt")
(require/typed typed/racket/base
[wrap-evt (Evt (Any -> Real) -> Evt)])
;; (pending-timer AbsoluteSeconds Any Boolean)
;; An outstanding timer being managed by the timer-driver.
(struct: pending-timer ([deadline : Real]
[label : TimerLabel])
(require/typed data/heap
[opaque Heap heap?]
[make-heap ((pending-timer pending-timer -> Boolean) -> Heap)]
[heap-count (Heap -> Exact-Nonnegative-Integer)]
[heap-min (Heap -> pending-timer)]
[heap-remove-min! (Heap -> Void)]
[heap-add! (Heap pending-timer * -> Void)])
(require/typed typed/racket/base
[alarm-evt (Real -> Evt)])
(provide TimerLabel
(struct-out set-timer-repr)
(struct-out timer-expired-repr)
(define-type TimerLabel Any)
(define-type TimerKind (U 'relative 'absolute))
;; The timer driver and timer relays listen for messages of this type,
;; and when they hear one, they set an alarm that will later send a
;; corresponding timer-expired message.
(struct: (TLabel TMsecs TKind)
set-timer-repr ([label : TLabel]
[msecs : TMsecs]
[kind : TKind])
(pseudo-substruct: (set-timer-repr TimerLabel Real TimerKind)
SetTimer set-timer set-timer?)
(pseudo-substruct: (set-timer-repr (U Wild TimerLabel)
(U Wild Real)
(U Wild TimerKind))
SetTimerPattern set-timer-pattern set-timer-pattern?)
;; Message sent by the timer driver or a timer relay upon expiry of a
;; timer. Contains the label specified in the corresponding set-timer
;; message, and also the current absolute time from the outside world.
(struct: (TLabel TMsecs)
timer-expired-repr ([label : TLabel]
[msecs : TMsecs])
(pseudo-substruct: (timer-expired-repr TimerLabel Real)
TimerExpired timer-expired timer-expired?)
(pseudo-substruct: (timer-expired-repr (U Wild TimerLabel) (U Wild Real))
TimerExpiredPattern timer-expired-pattern timer-expired-pattern?)
;; State of a timer-driver, including the identifier of the driver,
;; the currently-active subscription to ground time events (if any),
;; and the heap of all remaining timers.
(struct: driver-state ([heap : Heap]) #:transparent)
(define-type DriverState driver-state)
(define-type RelayKey Exact-Nonnegative-Integer)
;; State of a timer-relay, including the next timer number and a
;; mapping from timer number to timer label.
(struct: relay-state ([next-counter : RelayKey]
[active-timers : (HashTable RelayKey TimerLabel)])
(define-type RelayState relay-state)
;; Note that (set-timer 'current-time 0 #f) causes an immediate reply
;; of (timer-expired 'current-time (current-inexact-milliseconds)),
;; which can be used for an event-oriented interface to reading the
;; system clock.
;; Racket's alarm-evt is almost the right design for timeouts: its
;; synchronisation value should be the (or some) value of the clock
;; after the asked-for time. That way it serves as timeout and
;; clock-reader in one.
(: timer-evt : Real -> Evt)
(define (timer-evt msecs)
(wrap-evt (alarm-evt msecs)
(lambda (_) (current-inexact-milliseconds))))
(: make-timer-heap : -> Heap)
(define (make-timer-heap)
(make-heap (lambda (t1 t2) (<= (pending-timer-deadline t1) (pending-timer-deadline t2)))))
;; Retrieves the earliest-deadline timer from the heap, if there is
;; one.
(: next-timer! : Heap -> (Option pending-timer))
(define (next-timer! heap)
(if (zero? (heap-count heap))
(heap-min heap)))
;; Retrieves (and removes) all timers from the heap that have deadline
;; earlier or equal to the time passed in.
(: fire-timers! : Heap Real -> (Listof SendMessage))
(define (fire-timers! heap now)
(if (zero? (heap-count heap))
(let ((m (heap-min heap)))
(if (<= (pending-timer-deadline m) now)
(begin (heap-remove-min! heap)
(cons (send-message (timer-expired (pending-timer-label m) now))
(fire-timers! heap now)))
;; Process for mapping this-level timer requests to ground-level timer
;; events and back.
(: timer-driver : (All (ParentState) -> (Spawn ParentState)))
(define (timer-driver)
(name-process 'timer-driver
(spawn: #:parent : ParentState
#:child : DriverState
(transition: (driver-state (make-timer-heap)) : DriverState
(subscriber: DriverState (set-timer-pattern (wild) (wild) (wild))
(match-state state
[(set-timer label msecs 'relative)
(install-timer! state label (+ (current-inexact-milliseconds) msecs))]
[(set-timer label msecs 'absolute)
(install-timer! state label msecs)])))
(publisher: DriverState (timer-expired-pattern (wild) (wild)))))))
(: install-timer! : DriverState TimerLabel Real -> (Transition DriverState))
(define (install-timer! state label deadline)
(heap-add! (driver-state-heap state) (pending-timer deadline label))
(update-time-listener! state))
(: update-time-listener! : DriverState -> (Transition DriverState))
(define (update-time-listener! state)
(define next (next-timer! (driver-state-heap state)))
(transition: state : DriverState
(delete-endpoint 'time-listener)
(and next
(name-endpoint 'time-listener
(subscriber: DriverState (cons (timer-evt (pending-timer-deadline next)) (wild))
(match-state state
[(cons (? evt?) (? real? now))
(let ((to-send (fire-timers! (driver-state-heap state) now)))
;; Note: compute to-send before recursing, because of side-effects on heap
(sequence-actions (transition: state : DriverState)
;; Process for mapping this-level timer requests to meta-level timer
;; requests. Useful when running nested VMs: essentially extends timer
;; support up the branches of the VM tree toward the leaves.
(: timer-relay : (All (ParentState) Symbol -> (Spawn ParentState)))
(define (timer-relay self-id)
(name-process `(timer-relay ,self-id)
(spawn: #:parent : ParentState
#:child : RelayState
(transition: (relay-state 0 (make-immutable-hash '())) : RelayState
(at-meta-level: RelayState
(subscriber: RelayState (timer-expired-pattern (wild) (wild))
(match-state (relay-state next-counter active-timers)
[(timer-expired (list (== self-id) (? exact-nonnegative-integer? counter))
(transition: (relay-state next-counter (hash-remove active-timers counter))
: RelayState
(and (hash-has-key? active-timers counter)
(send-message (timer-expired (hash-ref active-timers counter)
(subscriber: RelayState (set-timer-pattern (wild) (wild) (wild))
(match-state (relay-state next-counter active-timers)
[(set-timer label msecs kind)
(transition: (relay-state (+ next-counter 1)
(hash-set active-timers next-counter label))
: RelayState
(at-meta-level: RelayState
(send-message (set-timer (list self-id next-counter) msecs kind))))])))
(publisher: RelayState (timer-expired-pattern (wild) (wild)))))))