#lang typed/racket/base (require racket/match) (require (prefix-in core: "main.rkt")) (provide transition at-meta-level delete-endpoint send-message send-feedback quit sequence-actions (rename-out [core:wild wild])) (: transition : (All (State) State (core:ActionTree State) * -> (core:Transition State))) (define (transition state . actions) ((inst core:transition State) state actions)) (: at-meta-level : (All (State) (core:PreAction State) * -> (core:ActionTree State))) (define (at-meta-level . preactions) (match preactions [(cons preaction '()) (core:at-meta-level preaction)] [_ ((inst map (core:Action State) (core:PreAction State)) core:at-meta-level preactions)])) (define (delete-endpoint #{id : Any} [#{reason : Any} #f]) (core:delete-endpoint (cast id core:PreEID) (cast reason core:Reason))) (: send-message : (case-> [Any -> core:send-message] [Any core:Orientation -> core:send-message])) (define (send-message body [#{orientation : core:Orientation} 'publisher]) (core:send-message (cast body core:Message) orientation)) (define (send-feedback #{body : Any}) (core:send-message (cast body core:Message) 'subscriber)) (: quit : (case-> [-> core:quit] [(Option core:PID) -> core:quit] [(Option core:PID) Any -> core:quit])) (define (quit [#{who : (Option core:PID)} (ann #f (Option core:PID))] [#{reason : Any} #f]) (core:quit who (cast reason core:Reason))) (: sequence-actions : (All (State) (core:Transition State) (U (core:ActionTree State) (State -> (core:Transition State))) * -> (core:Transition State))) (define (sequence-actions t . more-actions-and-transformers) (match-define (core:transition initial-state initial-actions) t) (let loop ((state initial-state) (actions initial-actions) (items more-actions-and-transformers)) (match items ['() (core:transition state actions)] [(cons item remaining-items) (if (or (pair? item) (eq? item #f) (void? item) (null? item) (core:add-endpoint? item) (core:delete-endpoint? item) (core:send-message? item) (core:spawn? item) (core:quit? item) (core:yield? item) (core:at-meta-level? item)) ;; ^ This is ugly, but necessary to let Typed Racket ;; correctly deduce the type of item in the expression ;; (item state) in the false branch of this conditional. ;; Because the type Action is parameterized, there's no ;; sensible way of factoring out the big or here into a ;; reusable predicate. (loop state ((inst cons (core:ActionTree State) (core:ActionTree State)) actions item) remaining-items) (match (item state) [(core:transition new-state more-actions) (loop new-state (cons actions more-actions) remaining-items)]))])))