#lang scribble/manual @require[racket/include] @include{prelude.inc} @title[#:tag "high-level-interface"]{High-level interface} @declare-exporting[#:use-sources (marketplace/sugar)] This high-level interface between a VM and a process is analogous to the @emph{C library interface} of a Unix-like operating system. The @secref{low-level-interface} corresponds to the @emph{system call interface} of a Unix-like operating system. @section[#:tag "hashlang-variations"]{Using @tt{#lang marketplace} and friends} @;{ @defmodulelang*[(marketplace marketplace/flow-control marketplace/typed marketplace/typed/flow-control)] } @defmodulelang[marketplace] Programs written for Marketplace differ from normal Racket modules only in their selection of language. A Racket module written with @tt{#lang marketplace}, such as the echo server in @secref["echo-server-example"], specifies a sequence of definitions and startup @tech{actions} for an application. Typically, initial actions spawn application processes and nested VMs, which in turn subscribe to sources of events from the outside world. At present, there's just @tt{#lang marketplace}. In future, there will be a variation for Typed Racket, and languages providing greater support for flow control, responsibility transfer, and other networking concepts. For now, Typed Racket programs must be written as @tt{#lang typed/racket} programs using @racket[(require marketplace)] and @racket[ground-vm:] explicitly. @;{ @itemlist[ @item{@racket[marketplace] is for @emph{untyped} programs, and uses the @secref{tcp-bare} TCP driver;} @item{@racket[marketplace/flow-control] is like @racket[marketplace], but uses the flow-controlled @secref{tcp} driver;} @item{@racket[marketplace/typed] is like @racket[marketplace], but for @emph{typed} programs;} @item{@racket[marketplace/typed/flow-control] is like @racket[marketplace/flow-control], but for typed programs.} ] } @section{Using Marketplace as a library} @defmodule*[(marketplace/sugar) #:use-sources (marketplace/sugar)] Instead of using Racket's @tt{#lang} feature, ordinary Racket programs can use Marketplace features by requiring Marketplace modules directly. Such programs need to use @racket[ground-vm]/@racket[ground-vm:] to start the ground-level VM explicitly. They also need to explicitly start any drivers they need; for example, the file @filepath{examples/echo-plain.rkt} uses @racket[ground-vm] along with @racket[tcp] and an initial @racket[endpoint] action: @racketblock[ (ground-vm tcp (subscriber (tcp-channel ? (tcp-listener 5999) ?) (match-conversation (tcp-channel from to _) (on-presence (spawn (echoer from to)))))) ] @deftogether[( @defform[(ground-vm maybe-boot-pid-binding maybe-initial-state initial-action ...)] @defform[(ground-vm: maybe-boot-pid-binding maybe-typed-initial-state initial-action ...) #:grammar [(maybe-boot-pid-binding (code:line) (code:line #:boot-pid id)) (maybe-initial-state (code:line) (code:line #:initial-state expr)) (maybe-typed-initial-state (code:line) (code:line #:initial-state expr : type)) (initial-action expr)]] )]{ Starts the ground VM, in untyped and typed programs, respectively. If @racket[#:boot-pid] is specified, the given identifier is bound within the form to the PID of the @emph{primordial process} that performs the initial actions. If @racket[#:initial-state] is specified (with a type, for @racket[ground-vm:]), it is used as the initial state for the primordial process; if it is not supplied, the primordial process is given @racket[(void)] as its initial state (and @racket[Void] as its state type). } @section[#:tag "constructing-transitions"]{Constructing transitions} @declare-exporting[#:use-sources (marketplace marketplace/sugar)] @deftogether[( @defform[(transition new-state action-tree ...)] @defform[(transition: new-state : State action-tree ...)] @defform[(transition/no-state action-tree ...)] )]{ Each of these forms produces a @racket[Transition] structure. The first is for untyped code, the second for typed code (where the mandatory @racket[State] is the type of the transitioning process's private state), and the third for either. Each @racket[action-tree] must be an @racket[(ActionTree State)]. It's fine to include @emph{no} action-trees, in which case the transition merely updates the state of the process without taking any actions. In the case of @racket[transition/no-state], the type @racket[Void] and value @racket[(void)] is used for the process state. @racket[transition/no-state] is useful for processes that are stateless other than the implicit state of their endpoints. } @deftogether[( @defstruct*[transition ([state State] [actions (ActionTree State)]) #:transparent] @deftype[(Transition State) (transition State)] )]{ A transition structure. The @racket[transition-state] field is the new private state the process will have after the transition is applied, and the @racket[transition-actions] are the actions that will be performed by the VM in order to apply the transition. } @deftogether[( @deftype[(ActionTree State) (Constreeof (Action State))] @deftype[(Constreeof X) (Rec CT (U X (Pairof CT CT) False Void Null))] )]{ An action-tree is a @deftech{cons-tree} of @racket[Action]s. When performing actions, a VM will traverse an action-tree in left-to-right order. @racket['()], @racket[(void)], and @racket[#f] may also be present in action-trees: when the VM reaches such a value, it ignores it and continues with the next leaf in the tree. For example, all of the following are valid action trees which will send messages @racket[1], @racket[2] and @racket[3] in that order: @racketblock[(list (send-message 1) (send-message 2) (send-message 3))] @racketblock[(list (list (send-message 1)) (cons (send-message 2) (cons '() (send-message 3))))] @racketblock[(cons (cons (send-message 1) (send-message 2)) (list #f #f (send-message 3)))] Because @racket[#f] and @racket[(void)] are valid, ignored, members of an action-tree, @racket[and] and @racket[when] can be used to selectively include actions in an action-tree: @racketblock[(list (first-action) (when (condition?) (optional-action)) (final-action))] @racketblock[(list (first-action) (and (condition?) (optional-action)) (final-action))] Finally, these inert placeholders can be used to represent "no action at all" in a transition: @racketblock[(transition new-state) (code:comment "No action-trees at all") (transition new-state '()) (transition new-state (void)) (transition new-state #f)] } @defproc[(sequence-actions [initial-transition (Transition State)] [item (U (ActionTree State) (State -> (Transition State)))] ...) (Transition State)]{ Returns a transition formed from the @racket[initial-transition] extended with new actions, possibly updating its carried state. Each of the supplied @racket[item]s is examined: if it is an @racket[ActionTree], it is appended to the pending transition's actions; if it is a procedure, it is called with the @emph{state} of the pending transition, and is expected to return an updated transition. For example, @racketblock[(sequence-actions (transition 'x (send-message (list 'message 0))) (send-message (list 'message 1)) (send-message (list 'message 2)) (lambda (old-state) (transition (cons 'y old-state) (send-message (list 'message 3)))) (send-message (list 'message 4)))] produces the equivalent of @racketblock[(transition (cons 'y 'x) (send-message (list 'message 0)) (send-message (list 'message 1)) (send-message (list 'message 2)) (send-message (list 'message 3)) (send-message (list 'message 4)))] } @section[#:tag "endpoint-dsl"]{Creating endpoints} The primitive action that creates new endpoints is @racket[add-endpoint], but because endpoints are the most flexible and complex point of interaction between a process and its VM, a collection of macros helps streamline endpoint setup. @deftogether[( @defform[(publisher topic handler ...)] @defform[(publisher: State topic handler ...)] @defform[(subscriber topic handler ...)] @defform[(subscriber: State topic handler ...)] @defform[(observe-subscribers topic handler ...)] @defform[(observe-subscribers: State topic handler ...)] @defform[(observe-publishers topic handler ...)] @defform[(observe-publishers: State topic handler ...)] @defform[(observe-subscribers/everything topic handler ...)] @defform[(observe-subscribers/everything: State topic handler ...)] @defform[(observe-publishers/everything topic handler ...)] @defform[(observe-publishers/everything: State topic handler ...)] @defform[(build-endpoint pre-eid role handler ...)] @defform[(build-endpoint: State pre-eid role handler ...)] )]{ The many variations on the core @racket[build-endpoint]/@racket[build-endpoint:] form exist to give good control over @racket[InterestType] in the endpoint under construction; see @secref{participating-vs-observing}. Almost everything is optional in an endpoint definition. The only mandatory part is the topic, unless you're using Typed Racket, in which case the process state type must also be specified. For example, a minimal endpoint subscribing to all messages would be: @racketblock[(subscriber ?)] or in Typed Racket, for a process with @racket[Integer] as its process state type, @racketblock[(subscriber: Integer ?)] A minimal publishing endpoint would be: @racketblock[(publisher ?) (publisher: Integer ?)] While topic patterns are ordinary Racket data with embedded @racket[?] wildcards (see @secref{messages-and-topics}), all the other patterns in an endpoint definition are @racket[match]-patterns. In particular note that @racket[?] is a wildcard in a topic pattern, while @racket[_] is a wildcard in a @racket[match]-pattern. @subsection{Receiving messages} @defform[(on-message [pattern expr ...] ...)]{ Supply an @racket[on-message] handler clause to an endpoint definition to handle incoming message events (as distinct from presence- or absence-events). The following endpoint @emph{subscribes} to all messages, but only @emph{handles} some of them: @racketblock[(subscriber ? (on-message ['ping (send-message 'pong)] ['hello (list (send-message 'goodbye) (quit))]))] } } @subsection{Action-only vs. State updates} @defform[(match-state pattern handler ...)]{ If a group of handlers is wrapped in @racket[match-state], then all the wrapped handlers are expected to return @seclink["constructing-transitions"]{transition structures}. If not, however, the handler expressions are expected to return plain @racket[ActionTree]s. This way, simple handlers that do not need to examine the process state, and simply act in response to whichever event triggered them, can be written without the clutter of threading the process state value through the code. For example, a simple endpoint could be written either as @racketblock[(subscriber 'ping (on-message ['ping (send-message 'pong)]))] or, explicitly accessing the endpoint's process's state, @racketblock[(subscriber 'ping (match-state old-state (on-message ['ping (transition old-state (send-message 'pong))])))] } @subsection{Handling presence and absence events} @deftogether[( @defform[(on-presence expr ...)] @defform[(on-absence expr ...)] )]{ Other endpoints (in this or other processes) may have matching topics and complementary orientations to the current endpoint. When such endpoints come and go, presence and absence events are generated in the current endpoint. By default, no actions are taken on such events, but @racket[on-presence] and @racket[on-absence] handlers override this behaviour. For example, say process A establishes the following endpoint: @racketblock[(subscriber 'ping (on-presence (send-message 'pinger-arrived)) (on-absence (send-message 'pinger-departed)) (on-message ['ping (send-message 'pong)]))] Some time later, process B takes the following endpoint-establishing action: @racketblock[(let-fresh (ping-endpoint-name pong-waiter-name) (name-endpoint ping-endpoint-name (publisher 'ping (on-presence (list (name-endpoint pong-waiter-name (subscriber 'pong (on-message ['pong (list (delete-endpoint ping-endpoint-name) (delete-endpoint pong-waiter-name))]))) (send-message 'ping))))))] The sequence of events will be: @itemlist[ @item{Process A's @racket[on-presence] handler will run, and the @racket['pinger-arrived] message will be sent. At the same time,@note{In the current implementation, one happens before the other, but it is nondeterministic which is run first.} process B's @racket[on-presence] handler runs, installing a second endpoint and sending the @racket['ping] message.} @item{Process A's endpoint receives the @racket['ping] message, and sends the @racket['pong] message.} @item{Process B's second endpoint receives the @racket['pong] message, and deletes both of process B's endpoints.} @item{The @racket[on-absence] handler in process A runs, sending the @racket['pinger-departed] message.} #:style 'ordered] One possible trace of messages in the VM containing processes A and B is @racketblock['pinger-arrived 'ping 'pong 'pinger-departed] By sending the @racket['ping] message @emph{only} once the @racket[on-presence] handler has fired, process B ensures that someone is listening for pings. This way, if process B starts before process A, then B will automatically wait until A is ready to receive ping requests before issuing any. } @subsection{Exit reasons} @defform[(match-reason pattern handler ...)]{ If a handler is wrapped in a @racket[match-reason] form, then the exit reason supplied to the @racket[delete-endpoint] or @racket[quit] action that led to the @racket[absence-event] is available to the endpoint's @racket[on-absence] handler expression. } @subsection[#:tag "updating-endpoints"]{Updating endpoints} If, when an endpoint is created, an existing endpoint with an @racket[equal?] name is already present, then if the existing and to-be-added endpoints have exactly equal roles (meaning equal orientations, interest-types, and topic patterns), the @emph{handlers} for the endpoint are @emph{updated} without emitting presence or absence notifications. This dubious feature can be used to avoid "glitching" of presence signals. A future release of this library will include better automatic support for avoiding such transients. @subsection{Who am I talking to?} @deftogether[( @defform[(match-orientation pattern handler ...)] @defform[(match-conversation pattern handler ...)] @defform[(match-interest-type pattern handler ...)] )]{ Wrapping a handler in @racket[match-orientation], @racket[match-conversation], and/or @racket[match-interest-type] gives a handler access to the contents of the @racket[role] structure carried in the triggering @racket[EndpointEvent]. The carried role describes the @emph{intersection of interests} between the current endpoint and the peer endpoint, and so can proxy for the identity of the other party. It is in a sense a description of the scope of the current conversation. It is most common to simply use @racket[match-conversation] to extract the @racket[role-topic] alone, since it is seldom necessary to examine @racket[role-orientation] (since it's guaranteed to be complementary to the orientation of the current endpoint) or @racket[role-interest-type]. See @secref{Examples} for examples of the use of @racket[match-conversation] and friends. } @subsection[#:tag "participating-vs-observing"]{Participating in a conversation vs. observing conversations} The core @racket[build-endpoint] form takes an expression evaluating to a @racket[role], rather than a simple topic. This gives full control over the new endpoint's @racket[Orientation] and @racket[InterestType]. The other forms exist for convenience, since usually the orientation and interest-type is known statically, and only the topic varies dynamically: @itemlist[ @item{@racket[publisher] and @racket[subscriber] (and typed variations ending in @tt{:}) are for ordinary @emph{participation} in conversations;} @item{@racket[observe-subscribers] and @racket[observe-publishers] are for @emph{observing} conversations without participating in them; and} @item{@racket[observe-subscribers/everything] and @racket[observe-publishers/everything] are like the ordinary @tt{observe-...} variants, but use interest-type @racket['everything] instead of @racket['observer].} ] The @racket[publisher], @racket[observe-subscribers] and @racket[observe-subscribers/everything] forms create @emph{publisher}-oriented endpoints, and @racket[subscriber], @racket[observe-publishers] and @racket[observe-publishers/everything] create @emph{subscriber}-oriented endpoints. The rationale for this is that as a participant, the code should declare the role being played; but as an observer, the code should declare the roles being observed. @subsection[#:tag "naming-endpoints"]{Naming endpoints} Endpoint names can be used to @seclink["updating-endpoints"]{update} or @seclink["deleting-endpoints"]{delete} endpoints. @defproc[(name-endpoint [id Any] [add-endpoint-action AddEndpoint]) AddEndpoint]{ Returns a copy of the passed-in @racket[add-endpoint] action structure, with the @racket[id] field set to the passed-in identifying value. } @defform[(let-fresh (identifier ...) expr ...)]{ Binds the @racket[identifier]s to freshly-gensymmed symbols so that they are available to the @racket[exprs]. @racket[let-fresh] is useful for inventing a guaranteed-unused name for a temporary endpoint: @racketblock[(let-fresh (my-name) (name-endpoint my-name (subscriber ? (on-message [_ (list (delete-endpoint my-name) ...)]))))] } @section[#:tag "deleting-endpoints"]{Deleting endpoints} @defproc[(delete-endpoint [id Any] [reason Any #f]) Action]{ Use this action to delete a previously-added endpoint by name. The @racket[id] given must be @racket[equal?] to the corresponding @racket[add-endpoint-pre-eid]; when @racket[endpoint] was used to construct the endpoint to be deleted, the relevant name is that bound by @racket[#:let-name] or supplied to @racket[#:name]. See @secref{naming-endpoints}. If @racket[reason] is supplied, it is included in the corresponding action, and made available in any resulting @racket[absence-event]s. } @section{Sending messages and feedback} @defproc[(send-message [body Any] [orientation Orientation 'publisher]) Action]{ Constructs a message-sending action with the given orientation. Usually the correct orientation to use is @racket['publisher]; it means that the sender of the message is acting in the "publisher" role. Use @racket['subscriber] instead when acting in the "subscriber" role, i.e. sending feedback. } @defproc[(send-feedback [body Any]) Action]{ Equivalent to @racket[(send-message body 'subscriber)]. } @section{Creating processes} @deftogether[( @defform[(spawn maybe-pid-binding boot-expr)] @defform[(spawn/continue maybe-pid-binding #:parent parent-state-pattern k-expr #:child boot-expr)] @defform[#:literals (:) (spawn: maybe-pid-binding #:parent : ParentStateType #:child : ChildStateType boot-expr)] @defform[#:literals (:) (spawn/continue: maybe-pid-binding #:parent parent-state-pattern : ParentStateType k-expr #:child : ChildStateType boot-expr) #:grammar [(maybe-pid-binding (code:line) (code:line #:pid identifier)) (k-expr expr) (boot-expr expr)]] )]{ Action describing a new process to create. The @racket[boot-expr] should be an expression yielding a @racket[transition] that contains the child process's initial state and initial actions. If @racket[#:pid] is supplied, the associated identifier is bound to the child process's PID in both @racket[boot-expr] and the parent's @racket[k-expr]. The @racket[spawn/continue] and @racket[spawn/continue:] variations include a @racket[k-expr], which will run in the parent process after the child process has been created. Note that @racket[k-expr] must return a @racket[Transition], since @racket[parent-state-pattern] is always supplied for these variations. In Typed Racket, for type system reasons, @racket[spawn:] and @racket[spawn/continue:] require @racket[ParentStateType] to be supplied as well as @racket[ChildStateType]. } @defproc[(name-process [id Any] [spawn-action Spawn]) Spawn]{ Returns a copy of the passed-in @racket[spawn] action structure, with the @racket[debug-name] field set to the passed-in identifying value. The debug name of a process is used in VM debug output. See also @secref{logging}. } @section{Exiting and killing processes} @defproc[(quit [who (Option PID) #f] [reason Any #f]) Action]{ Action causing the termination of a process. If @racket[who] is omitted or @racket[#f], terminates the acting process; otherwise, terminates the peer process having @racket[who] as its PID. If @racket[reason] is supplied, it is included in the corresponding action, and made available in any resulting @racket[absence-event]s. Terminating the current process is as simple as: @racketblock[(quit)] When a process raises an exception that it does not catch, its containing VM catches the exception and turns it into an implicit quit action. In that case, the @racket[reason] will be the raised exception itself. } @section{Cooperative scheduling} @deftogether[( @defform[(yield state-pattern k-expr)] @defform[#:literals (:) (yield: state-pattern : State k-expr)] )]{ Lets other processes in the system run for a step, returning to evaluate @racket[k-expr] only after doing a complete round of the scheduler. The state of the yielding process will be matched against @racket[state-pattern] when the process is resumed, and @racket[k-expr] must evaluate to a @racket[Transition]. } @section{Creating nested VMs} @deftogether[( @defform[(spawn-vm maybe-vm-pid-binding maybe-boot-pid-binding maybe-initial-state maybe-debug-name boot-action-expr ...)] @defform[#:literals (:) (spawn-vm: : ParentStateType maybe-vm-pid-binding maybe-boot-pid-binding maybe-typed-initial-state maybe-debug-name boot-action-expr ...) #:grammar [(maybe-vm-pid-binding (code:line) (code:line #:vm-pid identifier)) (maybe-boot-pid-binding (code:line) (code:line #:boot-pid identifier)) (maybe-initial-state (code:line) (code:line #:initial-state expr)) (maybe-typed-initial-state (code:line) (code:line #:initial-state expr : StateType)) (maybe-debug-name (code:line) (code:line #:debug-name expr)) (boot-action-expr expr)]] )]{ Results in a @racket[spawn] action that starts a nested VM. The primordial process in the new VM executes the boot-actions with the given initial state. (If no initial state is supplied, @racket[(void)] is used.) If @racket[#:vm-pid] is present, the corresponding identifier is bound in the boot-action expressions to the container-relative PID of the new VM itself. If @racket[#:boot-pid] is present, however, the corresponding identifier is bound to the new-VM-relative PID of the primordial process in the new VM. } @section{Relaying across layers} @deftogether[( @defform[(at-meta-level: StateType preaction ...)] @defproc[(at-meta-level [preaction (PreAction State)] ...) (Action StateType)] )]{ Each VM gives its processes access to two distinct IPC facilities: the @emph{internal} one, provided for the VM's processes to talk amongst themselves, and the @emph{external} one, the network that the VM itself is a process within. Marketplace's actions can apply to either of those two networks. By default, actions apply to the VM of the acting process directly, but using @racket[at-meta-level] (or @racket[at-meta-level:] in typed code) to wrap an action @emph{level-shifts} the action to make it apply at the level of the acting process's VM's container instead. For example, wrapping an @racket[endpoint] in @racket[at-meta-level] adds a subscription to the VM's container's network. Instead of listening to sibling processes of the acting process, the new endpoint will listen to sibling processes of the acting process's VM. In this example, the primordial process in the nested VM creates an endpoint in the VM's own network, the ground VM: @racketblock[ (spawn-vm (at-meta-level (subscriber (tcp-channel ? (tcp-listener 5999) ?) ...))) ] In this example, a new process is spawned as a sibling of the nested VM rather than as a sibling of its primordial process: @racketblock[ (spawn-vm (at-meta-level (spawn (transition/no-state (send-message 'hello-world))))) ] Compare to this example, which spawns a sibling of the nested VM's primordial process: @racketblock[ (spawn-vm (spawn (transition/no-state (send-message 'hello-world)))) ] }