#lang typed/racket/base (require racket/match) (require "types.rkt") (require "roles.rkt") (require "vm.rkt") (require "log-typed.rkt") (require "process.rkt") (require "action-add-endpoint.rkt") (require "action-delete-endpoint.rkt") (require "action-send-message.rkt") (require "action-spawn.rkt") (require "action-quit.rkt") (require "list-utils.rkt") (require (rename-in "tr-struct-copy.rkt" [tr-struct-copy struct-copy])) ;; PR13149 workaround (provide run-vm) (: dump-state : vm -> Any) (define (dump-state state) `(vm (next-pid ,(vm-next-process-id state)) (processes ,@(for/fold: : Any ([acc '()]) ([pid (in-hash-keys (vm-processes state))]) (cons (list pid (let ((wp (hash-ref (vm-processes state) pid))) (unwrap-process State Any (p wp) (list (match (process-state p) [(? vm? v) (dump-state v)] [v v]) (process-spawn-ks p) (process-endpoints p) (process-meta-endpoints p) (process-pending-actions p))))) acc))))) (: run-vm : vm -> (Transition vm)) (define (run-vm state) ;; for each pid, ;; extract the corresponding process. ;; run through its work items, collecting external actions. ;; put the process back. ;; return the new state and the external actions (let next-process ((remaining-pids ((inst hash-keys PID Process) (vm-processes state))) (state state) (external-actions ((inst empty-quasiqueue (Action vm))))) (match remaining-pids ['() (let ((state (collect-dead-processes state)) (action-tree (quasiqueue->cons-tree external-actions))) (transition state (if (vm-idle? state) action-tree (cons (yield run-vm) action-tree))))] [(cons pid remaining-pids) (let-values (((state wp) (extract-process state pid))) (if (not wp) (next-process remaining-pids state external-actions) (unwrap-process State (transition vm) (p wp) (let next-action ([remaining-actions (quasiqueue->list (process-pending-actions p))] [p (reset-pending-actions p)] [state state] [external-actions external-actions]) (match remaining-actions ['() (next-process remaining-pids (inject-process state (mkProcess p)) external-actions)] [(cons action remaining-actions) (matrix-log 'debug "PID ~v (~a) Action: ~v" pid (process-debug-name p) action) (let-values (((p state new-external-actions) (perform-action action p state))) (if p (next-action remaining-actions p state (quasiqueue-append external-actions new-external-actions)) (next-process remaining-pids state (quasiqueue-append external-actions new-external-actions))))])))))]))) (: collect-dead-processes : vm -> vm) (define (collect-dead-processes state) (: process-alive? : (All (State) (process State) -> Boolean)) (define (process-alive? p) (or (not (null? (process-spawn-ks p))) (positive? (hash-count (process-endpoints p))) (positive? (hash-count (process-meta-endpoints p))) (not (quasiqueue-empty? (process-pending-actions p))))) (struct-copy vm state [processes (for/fold: : (HashTable PID Process) ([processes (ann #hash() (HashTable PID Process))]) ([pid (in-hash-keys (vm-processes state))]) (define wp (hash-ref (vm-processes state) pid)) (unwrap-process State (HashTable PID Process) (p wp) (if (process-alive? p) (hash-set processes pid wp) (begin (matrix-log 'info "PID ~v (~a) garbage-collected" pid (process-debug-name p)) processes))))])) (: vm-idle? : vm -> Boolean) (define (vm-idle? state) (andmap (lambda (#{pid : PID}) (define wp (hash-ref (vm-processes state) pid)) (unwrap-process State Boolean (p wp) (quasiqueue-empty? (process-pending-actions p)))) (hash-keys (vm-processes state)))) (: perform-action : (All (State) (Action State) (process State) vm -> (Values (Option (process State)) vm (QuasiQueue (Action vm))))) (define (perform-action action p state) (match action [(at-meta-level preaction) ((inst transform-meta-action State) preaction p state)] [(yield k) (let ((p (run-ready p k))) (values p state (empty-quasiqueue)))] [(quit maybe-pid reason) (do-quit (or maybe-pid (process-pid p)) reason p state)] [_ (define-values (new-p new-state) (match action [(add-endpoint pre-eid role handler) (do-add-endpoint pre-eid role handler p state)] [(delete-endpoint pre-eid reason) (do-delete-endpoint pre-eid reason p state)] [(send-message body orientation) (do-send-message orientation body p state)] [(spawn spec k debug-name) (do-spawn spec k p debug-name state)])) (values new-p new-state (empty-quasiqueue))])) (: wrap-trapk : eid -> (Handler vm)) (define (((wrap-trapk target-eid) event) state) (match-define (eid pid pre-eid) target-eid) (run-vm (let-values (((state wp) (extract-process state pid))) (if (not wp) state (unwrap-process State vm (p wp) (define ep (hash-ref (process-meta-endpoints p) pre-eid always-false)) (if (not ep) (inject-process state (mkProcess p)) (let ((p (run-ready p (send-to-user p (e) (quit-interruptk e) ((endpoint-handler ep) event))))) (inject-process state (mkProcess p))))))))) (: dispatch-spawn-k : PID Integer -> (TrapK PID vm)) (define (((dispatch-spawn-k pid spawn-k-id) new-pid) state) (run-vm (let-values (((state wp) (extract-process state pid))) (if (not wp) state (unwrap-process State vm (p wp) (match (assoc spawn-k-id (process-spawn-ks p)) [#f (inject-process state (mkProcess p))] [(and entry (cons _ k)) (define interruptk (send-to-user p (e) (quit-interruptk e) (k new-pid))) (define p1 (struct-copy process p [spawn-ks (remq entry (process-spawn-ks p))])) (inject-process state (mkProcess (run-ready p1 interruptk)))])))))) (: transform-meta-action : (All (State) (PreAction State) (process State) vm -> (Values (Option (process State)) vm (QuasiQueue (Action vm))))) (define (transform-meta-action pa p state) (match pa [(add-endpoint pre-eid role unwrapped-handler) (define new-eid (eid (process-pid p) pre-eid)) (values (struct-copy process p [meta-endpoints (hash-set (process-meta-endpoints p) pre-eid ((inst endpoint State) new-eid role unwrapped-handler))]) state (quasiqueue (add-endpoint (cast new-eid PreEID) role (wrap-trapk new-eid))))] [(delete-endpoint pre-eid reason) (define old-eid (eid (process-pid p) pre-eid)) (values (struct-copy process p [meta-endpoints (hash-remove (process-meta-endpoints p) pre-eid)]) state (quasiqueue (delete-endpoint (cast old-eid PreEID) reason)))] [(send-message body orientation) (values p state (quasiqueue (send-message body orientation)))] [(spawn spec k debug-name) (define pid (process-pid p)) (if k (let ((spawn-k-id (+ 1 (list-max (map (inst car Integer (TrapK PID State)) (process-spawn-ks p)))))) (values (struct-copy process p [spawn-ks (cons (cons spawn-k-id k) (process-spawn-ks p))]) state (quasiqueue (spawn spec (dispatch-spawn-k pid spawn-k-id) debug-name)))) (values p state (quasiqueue ((inst spawn vm) spec #f debug-name))))] [(quit maybe-pid reason) (values p state (quasiqueue (quit maybe-pid reason)))]))