#lang racket/base (require racket/set) (require racket/match) (require racket/class) (require racket/async-channel) (require racket/gui/base) (require racket/date) (require racket/format) (require racket/math) (require images/icons/control) (require images/icons/arrow) (require images/icons/symbol) (require images/icons/misc) (require images/icons/style) (require racket/pretty) (require (prefix-in core: "../types.rkt")) (provide any-state? open-debugger) ;; Frame ;; Toolbar ;; Rewind one step - moves without executing ;; Fast-forward one step - moves without executing ;; -- ;; Stop ;; Run one step ;; Play ;; -- ;; Select history depth ;; -- ;; Kill this process ;; State display ;; If the state is (vm?), special display; permits spawning debuggers on nested processes ;; Endpoints display ;; Shows ID and role ;; Permits deletion of endpoint ;; Permits interaction with endpoint?? ;; Trace display ;; Selection of a row rewinds to that point (struct historical-moment (alive? state endpoints) #:transparent) (define (any-state? x) #t) (define (open-debugger name) (define to-debugger (make-channel)) (define from-debugger (make-semaphore 0)) (parameterize ((current-eventspace (make-eventspace))) (new debugger% [name name] [from-vm to-debugger] [to-vm from-debugger])) (values (lambda (t) (channel-put to-debugger t)) (lambda () (semaphore-wait from-debugger)))) (define debugger% (class object% (init-field name) (init-field from-vm) (init-field to-vm) (define mutex (make-semaphore 1)) (define stepping? #t) (define waiting? #f) (define current-historical-moment (historical-moment #t (void) '())) (define displayed-endpoints '()) (define booted? #f) (define frame (new frame% [label (format "~a" name)] [width 480] [height 700])) (define menu-bar (new menu-bar% [parent frame])) (define edit-menu (new menu% [label "Edit"] [parent menu-bar])) (append-editor-operation-menu-items edit-menu #f) (define toolbar (new horizontal-pane% [parent frame] [stretchable-height #f] [alignment '(right center)])) (define state-panel (new horizontal-panel% [parent frame])) (define endpoints (new list-box% [style '(single column-headers)] [label #f] [choices '()] [parent frame] [columns '("ID" "" "" "" "Topic")])) (define events (new list-box% [style '(single column-headers)] [callback (lambda (lb e) (define sel (or (send lb get-selection) (- (send lb get-number) 1))) (define m (and sel (send lb get-data sel))) (when m (select-historical-moment m)))] [label #f] [choices '()] [parent frame] [columns '("Time" "Dir" "Type" "Detail")])) (define FIXED-COLUMN-WIDTH 40) (send endpoints set-column-width 1 FIXED-COLUMN-WIDTH FIXED-COLUMN-WIDTH FIXED-COLUMN-WIDTH) (send endpoints set-column-width 2 FIXED-COLUMN-WIDTH FIXED-COLUMN-WIDTH FIXED-COLUMN-WIDTH) (send endpoints set-column-width 3 FIXED-COLUMN-WIDTH FIXED-COLUMN-WIDTH FIXED-COLUMN-WIDTH) (send events set-column-width 1 FIXED-COLUMN-WIDTH FIXED-COLUMN-WIDTH FIXED-COLUMN-WIDTH) (define (toolbar-button label [handler void]) (new button% [label label] [min-width 32] [parent toolbar] [callback handler])) (define (toolbar-spacer) (new pane% [parent toolbar] [min-width 16] [stretchable-width #f])) ;; (toolbar-button (left-over-arrow-icon #:color syntax-icon-color)) ;; (toolbar-button (right-over-arrow-icon #:color syntax-icon-color)) ;; (toolbar-spacer) (define pause-button (toolbar-button (pause-icon #:color halt-icon-color) (lambda (b e) (send pause-button enable #f) (send play-button enable #t) (send step-button enable #t) (call-with-semaphore mutex (lambda () (set! stepping? #f)))))) (define play-button (toolbar-button (play-icon #:color run-icon-color) (lambda (b e) (send pause-button enable #t) (send play-button enable #f) (send step-button enable #f) (call-with-semaphore mutex (lambda () (set! stepping? #t) (when waiting? (set! waiting? #f) (semaphore-post to-vm))))))) (toolbar-spacer) (define step-button (toolbar-button (step-icon #:color run-icon-color) (lambda (b e) (call-with-semaphore mutex (lambda () (when waiting? (set! waiting? #f) (semaphore-post to-vm))))))) (send play-button enable #f) (send step-button enable #f) ;; (toolbar-spacer) ;; (toolbar-button "Settings...") ;; (toolbar-spacer) ;; (toolbar-button (stop-sign-icon)) (define status-indicator (new canvas% [parent toolbar] [min-width 32] [min-height 32] [stretchable-width #f] [style '(transparent no-focus)] [paint-callback (lambda (c dc) (define mx (/ (send c get-width) 2)) (define my (/ (send c get-height) 2)) (define r (/ (min mx my) 2)) (send dc set-brush (if (historical-moment-alive? current-historical-moment) "green" "red") 'solid) (send dc draw-ellipse (- mx r) (- my r) (* r 2) (* r 2)))])) (define state-text (new text%)) (define state-canvas (new editor-canvas% [parent state-panel] [editor state-text] [label "State"])) (define (select-historical-moment m) (match-define (historical-moment alive? state new-endpoints) m) (when (not (equal? displayed-endpoints new-endpoints)) (send endpoints clear) (for [(ep (in-list new-endpoints))] (match-define (list pre-eid meta? (core:role orientation topic interest-type)) ep) (define n (send endpoints get-number)) (send endpoints append (~v pre-eid)) (send endpoints set-string n (if meta? "Meta" "") 1) (send endpoints set-string n (case orientation [(publisher) "Pub"] [(subscriber) "Sub"]) 2) (send endpoints set-string n (case interest-type [(participant) ""] [(observer) "Obs"] [(everything) "***"]) 3) (send endpoints set-string n (~v topic) 4)) (set! displayed-endpoints new-endpoints)) (send state-canvas set-canvas-background (if alive? (make-color #xff #xff #xff) (make-color #xff #xd0 #xd0))) (send status-indicator refresh) (send state-text erase) (send state-text insert (pretty-format state))) (define controller-thread (thread (lambda () (controller-thread-loop)))) (define (current-timestamp) (define (p n w) (~a (exact-truncate n) #:width w #:align 'right #:pad-string "0")) (define d (current-date)) (format "~a:~a:~a.~a ~a-~a-~a" (p (date-hour d) 2) (p (date-minute d) 2) (p (date-second d) 2) (p (/ (date*-nanosecond d) 1000000.0) 3) (date-year d) (p (date-month d) 2) (p (date-day d) 2))) (define (record-event! stamp dir type detail) (define n (send events get-number)) (send events append stamp) (send events set-data n current-historical-moment) (send events set-string n dir 1) (send events set-string n type 2) (send events set-string n (~a detail) 3) (define current-selection (send events get-selection)) (when (or (not current-selection) (= current-selection (- n 1))) (send events set-first-visible-item n) (send events set-selection n) (select-historical-moment current-historical-moment))) (define (format-action action) (cond [(core:yield? action) (values "Yield" "")] [(core:at-meta-level? action) (format-preaction "Meta" (core:at-meta-level-preaction action))] [else (format-preaction "" action)])) (define (format-preaction layer preaction) (define-values (type detail) (match preaction [(core:add-endpoint pre-eid role handler) (values "Sub" (string-append (format-role role) " " (~a pre-eid)))] [(core:delete-endpoint pre-eid reason) (values "Unsub" (format "~a ~v" pre-eid reason))] [(core:send-message body 'publisher) (values "Send" (~v body))] [(core:send-message body 'subscriber) (values "Feedback" (~v body))] [(core:spawn spec maybe-k child-debug-name) (values "Spawn" (~v child-debug-name))] [(core:quit #f reason) (values "Exit" (~v reason))] [(core:quit pid reason) (values "Kill" (format "~a ~v" pid reason))])) (values (string-append layer type) detail)) (define (format-role r) (match-define (core:role orientation topic interest-type) r) (format "~a/~a ~v" (string-ref (symbol->string orientation) 0) (string-ref (symbol->string interest-type) 0) topic)) (define (apply-action! a) (cond [(core:yield? a) (void)] [(core:at-meta-level? a) (apply-preaction! #t (core:at-meta-level-preaction a))] [else (apply-preaction! #f a)])) (define (apply-preaction! meta? p) (match p [(core:quit #f reason) (set! current-historical-moment (struct-copy historical-moment current-historical-moment [alive? #f]))] [(core:add-endpoint pre-eid role handler) (set! current-historical-moment (struct-copy historical-moment current-historical-moment [endpoints (append (filter (lambda (e) (not (equal? (car e) pre-eid))) (historical-moment-endpoints current-historical-moment)) (list (list pre-eid meta? role)))]))] [(core:delete-endpoint pre-eid reason) (set! current-historical-moment (struct-copy historical-moment current-historical-moment [endpoints (filter (lambda (e) (not (equal? (car e) pre-eid))) (historical-moment-endpoints current-historical-moment))]))] [_ (void)])) (define (handle-from-vm x) (define now (current-timestamp)) (match x [(core:transition state actions) (when (or (not booted?) (not (equal? state (historical-moment-state current-historical-moment)))) (set! booted? #t) (set! current-historical-moment (struct-copy historical-moment current-historical-moment [state state])) (record-event! now "Txn" "State" (~v state))) (let loop ((a actions)) (cond [(pair? a) (loop (car a)) (loop (cdr a))] [(or (null? a) (eq? a #f) (void? a)) (void)] [else (define-values (type detail) (format-action a)) (apply-action! a) (record-event! now "Act" type detail)])) (call-with-semaphore mutex (lambda () (if stepping? (semaphore-post to-vm) (set! waiting? #t))))] [(cons meta? e) (define prefix (if meta? "Meta" "")) (match e [(core:presence-event role) (record-event! now "Evt" (string-append prefix "Presence") (format-role role))] [(core:absence-event role reason) (record-event! now "Evt" (string-append prefix "Absence") (string-append (format-role role) " " (~v reason)))] [(core:message-event _ message) (record-event! now "Evt" (string-append prefix "Recv") (~v message))])])) (define (controller-thread-loop) (sync (handle-evt from-vm (lambda (x) (queue-callback (lambda () (handle-from-vm x))) (controller-thread-loop))))) (super-new) (select-historical-moment current-historical-moment) (send frame show #t) ))