#lang scribble/manual @require[racket/include] @include{prelude.inc} @title{Concepts} Marketplace integrates ideas from both distributed systems and virtualized operating system designs to obtain an architecture of nested @emph{virtual machines} (VMs). Each nested layer is equipped with its own publish/subscribe network that also propagates @emph{presence} information about the (dis)appearance of services. Throughout this manual, diagrams such as the following will illustrate various process structures: @vm-figure[(vm (vm-label "Ground Virtual Machine") (network-label "Ground-level Network Language") (process "A Process") (process "Another Process") (parameterize ((process-height (* 2/3 (process-height))) (vm-height (* 2 (vm-height)))) (vm (vc-append (vm-label "Nested VMs are") (vm-label "processes too")) (network-label "App-specific language") (process "Process") (process "Process") (process "Process"))) (parameterize ((process-height (* 5/4 (process-height)))) (process "Yet another process")) (parameterize ((process-height (* 2/3 (process-height)))) (vm (vm-label "Another Nested VM") (network-label "Another language") (process "Process") (process "Process"))))] Rectangular boxes represent VMs. The processes running within each VM are placed atop its box. The narrow rectangular strip at the top of each VM's box represents the network connecting all the VM's processes to each other; it will frequently contain a short description of the protocols used for communication across the represented network. A central feature of Marketplace is that VMs are nothing more than regular processes, making them recursively nestable. Each VM supports a collection of processes all its own, and its internal IPC medium carries a VM-specific protocol that is often different from the protocol spoken by its containing VM. The outermost VM is called the @emph{ground VM}. The protocol spoken by processes running within the ground VM is a simple protocol relating Racket's @tech{synchronizable events} to Marketplace network messages. See @secref{writing-new-drivers} and @secref{Drivers} for information on using Racket events from Marketplace programs. @section{What is a process, what are event handlers?} A Marketplace @deftech{process} is a collection of @deftech{event handlers}, plus a piece of private @deftech{process state}. Every process@note{The exception to this rule is the Ground VM, which plays a special role.} runs within a containing VM. When an event occurs that is relevant to a process, one of its event handlers is called with the process's current state and a description of the event. The handler is expected to return an updated state value and a collection of actions for the containing VM to perform. An event handler, then, has the following approximate type: @centered{@italic{State} × @italic{Event} → @italic{State} × (Listof @italic{Action})} Event handlers are registered with the VM by creating @tech{endpoints} using the @racket[endpoint] macro (described in @secref{Actions}) or the low-level @racket[add-endpoint] structure (described in @secref{endpoints-and-messages}). @deftech{Events}, passed to event handlers, describe the results of actions from the outside world, neighbouring processes in the VM, or the VM itself. They are implemented as @racket[struct]s. See @secref{endpoint-events} for a description of the available event structures. @deftech{Actions}, passed back to the VM by event handlers, describe actions the process wishes to perform. See @secref{Actions} for the possible actions a process can take. @section{What is a VM?} @deftech[#:key "vm"]{Virtual Machines (VMs)} are simply a collection of processes, plus a shared medium of communication that the contained processes use to communicate with each other. VMs offer access to both their own @emph{internal} network as well as to the @emph{external} network owned by the VM's own containing VM.@note{Again, the only exception here is the Ground VM, which interfaces to the underlying Racket system and so has no containing VM.} @section{Endpoints: Subscription and Advertisement} The Marketplace operating system's inter-process communication facility is structured around @deftech[#:key "pub/sub"]{publish/subscribe (pub/sub)} messaging.@note{For a survey of pub/sub messaging, see @hyperlink["http://www.cs.ru.nl/~pieter/oss/manyfaces.pdf"]{"The Many Faces of Publish/Subscribe"}, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 35, No. 2, June 2003, pp. 114–131. There's also plenty out there on the Internet; a good starting point is to google for @hyperlink["https://www.google.com/search?q=pub/sub message-oriented middleware"]{pub/sub message-oriented middleware}.} @deftech{Endpoints} are the representation of a process's engagement in some protocol. They pair a description of the process's @tech{role} in a conversation with an @tech{event handler} that responds to events relating to that role. A @deftech{role} describes the role some process is playing in a conversation. Concretely, roles are represented by @racket[Role] structures. A role can be used by the currently-running process to describe some role it wishes to play, or can be carried in some @racket[EndpointEvent] to describe the role some @emph{peer} process is playing in a conversation. Roles have three parts: @itemlist[ @item{An @deftech{orientation} (type @racket[Orientation]) describes whether this role is concerned primarily with @emph{producing} or @emph{consuming} messages.} @item{A @deftech{topic} is a @deftech{pattern} over messages. Topics perform double duty: they both scope conversations and filter incoming messages. More on topics below.} @item{An @deftech{interest-type} (type @racket[InterestType]) determines whether the endpoint playing the given role is genuinely a participant in matching conversations or is simply observing the real participants. See @secref{endpoint-dsl} for more on interest-types.} ] @deftech{Messages} are simply Racket data structures. They can be any value for which @racket[equal?] is defined, any @racket[#:prefab] structure, most @racket[#:transparent] structures, or any non-object structure for which @racket[prop:struct-map] can be defined. As mentioned above, topics are simply patterns over messages. They are represented as normal data structures @emph{with embedded wildcards}. Use @racket[?] or @racket[(wild)] to construct a wildcard. For example, given the following definition, @racketblock[(struct chat-message (speaker text) #:transparent)] we can not only create instances that might be used with @racket[send-message], @racketblock[(chat-message "Tony" "Hello World!")] but also create topic patterns using @racket[?]. For example, this pattern matches anything said by @racket["Tony"]: @racketblock[(chat-message "Tony" ?)] This pattern matches chat-messages sent by anyone saying "Hello": @racketblock[(chat-message ? "Hello")] And finally, this pattern matches any chat-message at all: @racketblock[(chat-message ? ?)] Patterns can be nested. For instance, given the above definition of @racket[chat-message], the following pattern matches any chat message greeting anybody at all: @racketblock[(struct greeting (target) #:transparent) (chat-message ? (greeting ?))] @section{Presence} @deftech{Presence} (respectively its opposite, @deftech{absence}) is an indication that a matching conversational partner exists (resp. no longer exists) in the network. Presence can be used to synchronize conversations, setting up a conversational context before messages are sent. The term "presence" itself is lifted from Instant Messaging protocols like XMPP, where it describes the online/offline status of one's chat buddies. Here, it describes the online/offline status of peer processes, in terms of which conversations they are willing to engage in. The system derives presence information from the set of active pub/sub subscription and advertisement endpoints a process has created. Creating a new endpoint with a topic pattern that matches some other process's endpoint and an orientation @emph{opposite} to the other process's endpoint causes @racket[presence-event]s to be sent to both endpoints, informing them of the presence of the other. When a process crashes, or an endpoint is withdrawn with @racket[delete-endpoint], a corresponding @racket[absence-event] is sent to the remaining endpoint. @section{Nesting, relaying, and levels of discourse}