#lang scribble/manual @require[racket/include] @include{prelude.inc} @require[(for-label "../main.rkt")] @title[#:tag "low-level-interface"]{Low-level interface} @defmodule[marketplace] At its heart, the interface between each @tech{process} and its containing @tech{VM} is based on @tech{handler functions} exchanging @tech{event} and @tech{action} structures with the VM. Both events and actions are simple Racket structures. This low-level interface between a VM and a process is analogous to the @emph{system call interface} of a Unix-like operating system. The @secref{high-level-interface} corresponds to the @emph{C library interface} of a Unix-like operating system. @section[#:tag "handler-functions"]{Handler Functions} Each @deftech{handler function} is always associated with a particular @tech{endpoint}, registered with the VM via @racket[endpoint]/@racket[endpoint:]/@racket[add-endpoint]. A handler function for a given process with state type @racket[State] has type: @racketblock[(EndpointEvent -> State -> (Transition State))] That is, given an @racket[EndpointEvent] followed by the process's current state, the handler should reply with a @racket[Transition] containing a new process state and a collection of @racket[Action]s. @deftogether[( @deftype[(Handler State) (TrapK State)] @deftype[(TrapK State) (EndpointEvent -> (InterruptK State))] @deftype[(InterruptK State) (State -> (Transition State))] )]{ Typed Racket types capturing various notions of handler function. } @section{Topics and Roles} @deftype[Topic Any]{ As previously mentioned, @tech{topics} are ordinary Racket values which may have embedded wildcards. } @defthing[? Topic]{ Each time @racket[?] is used in an expression context, it produces a fresh topic wildcard, suitable for use in a topic pattern. } @deftogether[( @defstruct*[role ([orientation Orientation] [topic Topic] [interest-type InterestType]) #:prefab] @deftype[Role role] )]{ Roles are almost always constructed by the @racket[endpoint]/@racket[endpoint:] macros or by the VM implementations themselves. User programs generally only need to destructure @racket[role] instances. TODO: Role } @deftype[Orientation (U 'publisher 'subscriber)]{ TODO: Orientation } @deftype[InterestType (U 'participant 'observer 'everything)]{ TODO: InterestType } @section[#:tag "endpoint-events"]{Endpoint Events} @deftogether[( @deftype[EndpointEvent (U PresenceEvent AbsenceEvent MessageEvent)] @deftype[PresenceEvent presence-event] @deftype[AbsenceEvent absence-event] @deftype[MessageEvent message-event] )]{ Endpoint events are passed to handler functions by VMs, conveying some change in the world the process lives in. An endpoint event can signal the arrival or departure of a conversational peer, or can deliver a message that has been sent on a VM's IPC facility. } @defstruct*[presence-event ([role Role]) #:prefab]{ Indicates the arrival of a new conversational partner: an endpoint with a topic that intersects our own, with @racket[Orientation] opposite to our own. The @racket[presence-event-role] describes the arriving peer, or more precisely, describes the shared interest between ourselves and the new peer. In particular, the @racket[role-orientation] of the @racket[presence-event-role] is the orientation that the @emph{peer} supplied in its @racket[add-endpoint] structure. } @defstruct*[absence-event ([role Role] [reason Any]) #:prefab]{ Indicates the departure of an existing conversational partner, through either an explicit @racket[delete-endpoint] action or the implicit deleting of all of a process's endpoints when a process exits. The @racket[absence-event-role] describes the departing peer, analogously to @racket[presence-event-role]. } @defstruct*[message-event ([role Role] [message Message]) #:prefab]{ Indicates the arrival of a message matching the topic pattern in the handler's @tech{endpoint}. } @section{Actions} @deftogether[( @deftype[(Action State) (U (PreAction State) (yield State) (at-meta-level State))] @deftype[(PreAction State) (U (add-endpoint State) delete-endpoint send-message (spawn State) quit)] )]{ Actions are requests from a process to its containing VM. If wrapped in an @racket[at-meta-level] structure, the action is to apply to @emph{the VM's own containing VM}; otherwise, the action applies to the process's containing VM. } @deftogether[( @defstruct*[at-meta-level ([preaction (PreAction State)]) #:prefab] @deftype[(AtMetaLevel State) (at-meta-level State)] )]{ An @racket[at-meta-level] structure wraps a plain action, and makes it apply to the outer VM instead of the inner VM (the default). } @deftogether[( @defstruct*[yield ([k (InterruptK State)]) #:prefab] @deftype[(Yield State) (yield State)] )]{ Because current VM implementations are cooperatively scheduled, it can sometimes be necessary to explicitly yield the CPU to other processes using a @racket[yield] action. When control returns to the yielding process, the @racket[yield-k] is invoked. } @subsection[#:tag "endpoints-and-messages"]{Endpoints and Messages} @deftogether[( @defstruct*[add-endpoint ([pre-eid Any] [role Role] [handler (Handler State)]) #:prefab] @deftype[(AddEndpoint State) (add-endpoint State)] )]{ Creates a new endpoint subscribing to the given @racket[Role]. When events pertaining to the given role occur, the @racket[Handler] is invoked.@note{If invoked @racket[at-meta-level], subscribes to events in the containing VM's container.} The name of the new endpoint will be the @racket[pre-eid]; it must be unique within the current process, but otherwise can be any value at all. If the endpoint's name matches an existing endpoint, and the new role is the same as the existing endpoint's role, the handler function is @emph{replaced} in the existing endpoint. To delete an endpoint, perform a @racket[delete-endpoint] action built with the name of the endpoint to delete. } @deftogether[( @defstruct*[delete-endpoint ([pre-eid Any] [reason Any]) #:prefab] @deftype[DeleteEndpoint delete-endpoint] )]{ Deletes an existing endpoint named @racket[pre-eid]. The given @racket[reason] is passed along to peer endpoints as part of an @racket[absence-event]. If no specific reason is needed, it is conventional to supply @racket[#f] as the @racket[delete-endpoint-reason]. } @deftogether[( @defstruct*[send-message ([body Message] [orientation Orientation]) #:prefab] @deftype[SendMessage send-message] )]{ Sends a message to peers.@note{Or, if @racket[at-meta-level], peers of the containing VM.} The given @racket[Orientation] should describe the role the sender is playing when sending this message: usually, it will be @racket['publisher], but when the message is @emph{feedback} for some publisher, it will be @racket['subscriber]. See also @racket[send-feedback]. } @subsection{Process Management} @deftogether[( @defstruct*[spawn ([spec process-spec] [k (Option (PID -> (InterruptK State)))] [debug-name Any]) #:prefab] @defstruct*[process-spec ([boot (PID -> CoTransition)]) #:prefab] @deftype[CoTransition (All (Result) (All (State) (Transition State) -> Result) -> Result)] @deftype[(Spawn State) (spawn State)] @deftype[ProcessSpec process-spec] )]{ A @racket[spawn] requests the creation of a sibling process@note{If wrapped in an @racket[at-meta-level], the new process will instead be a sibling of the creating process's VM.}. The @racket[spawn-k] runs in the context of the @emph{creating} process, communicating to it the PID of the new process. The @racket[spawn-spec] describes the new process to be created. Its @racket[process-spec-boot] field is a function taking the PID of the new process and returning a "cotransition". Cotransitions use a second-order encoding of existential types to guarantee that the VM remains oblivious to the specific process state type of the new process. The downside of this approach is its syntactic and type complexity: see @racket[spawn:] for an easier-to-use, higher-level approach. } @deftogether[( @defstruct*[quit ([pid (Option PID)] [reason Any]) #:prefab] @deftype[Quit quit] )]{ Kills a sibling process.@note{Or, if @racket[at-meta-level], a sibling process of the containing VM.} If @racket[quit-pid] is @racket[#f], kills the current process; otherwise, kills the process with the given PID. The @racket[quit-reason] is passed on to peers of currently-active endpoints in the process to be killed, as part of a @racket[absence-event], just as if each active endpoint were deleted manually before the process exited. If no specific reason is needed, it is conventional to supply @racket[#f] as the @racket[quit-reason]. } @deftype[PID Number]{ In the current VM implementations, process IDs are simply numbers. PIDs are scoped to and allocated by each individual VM instance. }