#lang typed/racket/base ;; UDP driver. (require racket/set) (require racket/match) (require racket/udp) (require "../sugar-typed.rkt") (require "../support/event.rkt") (require "../support/pseudo-substruct.rkt") (provide (struct-out udp-remote-address-repr) UdpRemoteAddress udp-remote-address udp-remote-address? UdpRemoteAddressPattern udp-remote-address-pattern udp-remote-address-pattern? (struct-out udp-handle-repr) UdpHandle udp-handle udp-handle? UdpHandlePattern udp-handle-pattern udp-handle-pattern? (struct-out udp-listener-repr) UdpListener udp-listener udp-listener? UdpListenerPattern udp-listener-pattern udp-listener-pattern? UdpAddress UdpAddressPattern UdpLocalAddress udp-address? udp-address-pattern? udp-local-address? (struct-out udp-packet-repr) UdpPacket udp-packet udp-packet? UdpPacketPattern udp-packet-pattern udp-packet-pattern? udp-driver) ;; A UdpAddress is one of ;; -- a (udp-address String Uint16), representing a remote socket ;; -- a (udp-handle Any), representing a local socket on a kernel-assigned port ;; -- a (udp-listener Uint16), representing a local socket on a user-assigned port ;; Note that udp-handle-ids must be chosen carefully: they are scoped ;; to the local VM, i.e. shared between processes in that VM, so ;; processes must make sure not to accidentally clash in handle ID ;; selection. (struct: (THost TPort) udp-remote-address-repr ([host : THost] [port : TPort]) #:prefab) (pseudo-substruct: (udp-remote-address-repr String Natural) UdpRemoteAddress udp-remote-address udp-remote-address?) (pseudo-substruct: (udp-remote-address-repr (U Wild String) (U Wild Natural)) UdpRemoteAddressPattern udp-remote-address-pattern udp-remote-address-pattern?) (struct: (TId) udp-handle-repr ([id : TId]) #:prefab) (pseudo-substruct: (udp-handle-repr Any) UdpHandle udp-handle udp-handle?) (pseudo-substruct: (udp-handle-repr (U Wild Any)) UdpHandlePattern udp-handle-pattern udp-handle-pattern?) (struct: (TPort) udp-listener-repr ([port : TPort]) #:prefab) (pseudo-substruct: (udp-listener-repr Natural) UdpListener udp-listener udp-listener?) (pseudo-substruct: (udp-listener-repr (U Wild Natural)) UdpListenerPattern udp-listener-pattern udp-listener-pattern?) (define-type UdpAddress (U UdpRemoteAddress UdpHandle UdpListener)) (define-type UdpAddressPattern (U Wild UdpRemoteAddressPattern UdpHandlePattern UdpListenerPattern)) (define-type UdpLocalAddress (U UdpHandle UdpListener)) (define-predicate udp-address? UdpAddress) (define-predicate udp-address-pattern? UdpAddressPattern) (define-predicate udp-local-address? UdpLocalAddress) ;; A UdpPacket is a (udp-packet UdpAddress UdpAddress Bytes), and ;; represents a packet appearing on our local "subnet" of the full UDP ;; network, complete with source, destination and contents. (struct: (TSource TDestination TBody) udp-packet-repr ([source : TSource] [destination : TDestination] [body : TBody]) #:prefab) (pseudo-substruct: (udp-packet-repr UdpAddress UdpAddress Bytes) UdpPacket udp-packet udp-packet?) (pseudo-substruct: (udp-packet-repr UdpAddressPattern UdpAddressPattern (U Wild Bytes)) UdpPacketPattern udp-packet-pattern udp-packet-pattern?) ;; A HandleMapping is a record describing a mapping between a local ;; UdpAddress and its underlying UDP socket. It's private to the ;; implementation of the driver. (struct: (TAddress TSocket) handle-mapping-repr ([address : TAddress] [socket : TSocket]) #:prefab) (pseudo-substruct: (handle-mapping-repr UdpLocalAddress Any) ;; ^ TODO: Want to use UDP-Socket instead of Any here HandleMapping handle-mapping handle-mapping?) (pseudo-substruct: (handle-mapping-repr (U Wild UdpLocalAddress) (U Wild Any)) HandleMappingPattern handle-mapping-pattern handle-mapping-pattern?) ;; TODO: BUG?: Routing packets between two local sockets won't work ;; because the patterns aren't set up to recognise that situation. ;; represents any remote address (: any-remote : UdpAddressPattern) (define any-remote (udp-remote-address-pattern (wild) (wild))) (define-type DriverState (Setof UdpLocalAddress)) (define-type SocketManagerState Boolean) ;; Process acting as a UDP socket factory. (: udp-driver : (All (ParentState) -> (Spawn ParentState))) (define (udp-driver) (: handle-presence : Topic DriverState -> (Transition DriverState)) (define (handle-presence topic active-handles) (match-define (udp-packet-pattern _ (? udp-local-address? local-addr) _) topic) (cond [(set-member? active-handles local-addr) (transition: active-handles : DriverState)] [else (transition: (set-add active-handles local-addr) : DriverState (udp-socket-manager local-addr))])) (spawn: #:debug-name 'udp-driver #:parent : ParentState #:child : DriverState (transition: ((inst set UdpLocalAddress)) : DriverState (endpoint: active-handles : DriverState #:publisher (udp-packet-pattern any-remote (udp-handle-pattern (wild)) (wild)) #:observer #:conversation topic #:on-presence (handle-presence topic active-handles)) (endpoint: active-handles : DriverState #:publisher (udp-packet-pattern any-remote (udp-listener-pattern (wild)) (wild)) #:observer #:conversation topic #:on-presence (handle-presence topic active-handles)) (endpoint: active-handles : DriverState #:subscriber (udp-packet-pattern any-remote (udp-handle-pattern (wild)) (wild)) #:observer #:conversation topic #:on-presence (handle-presence topic active-handles)) (endpoint: active-handles : DriverState #:subscriber (udp-packet-pattern any-remote (udp-listener-pattern (wild)) (wild)) #:observer #:conversation topic #:on-presence (handle-presence topic active-handles)) (endpoint: active-handles : DriverState #:subscriber (handle-mapping-pattern (wild) (wild)) #:observer #:conversation (handle-mapping local-addr socket) #:on-absence (transition: (set-remove active-handles local-addr) : DriverState)) ))) (: bind-socket! : UDP-Socket UdpLocalAddress -> Void) (define (bind-socket! s local-addr) (match local-addr [(udp-listener port) (udp-bind! s #f port)] [(udp-handle _) (udp-bind! s #f 0)] [else (void)])) (: valid-port-number? : Any -> Boolean : Natural) (define (valid-port-number? x) ;; Eventually TR will know about ranges (exact-nonnegative-integer? x)) (: udp-socket-manager : UdpLocalAddress -> (Spawn DriverState)) (define (udp-socket-manager local-addr) (define s (udp-open-socket #f #f)) (bind-socket! s local-addr) (define buffer (make-bytes 65536)) ;; TODO: buffer size control (: handle-absence : SocketManagerState -> (Transition SocketManagerState)) (define (handle-absence socket-is-open?) (transition: #f : SocketManagerState (quit) (when socket-is-open? (spawn: #:debug-name `(udp-socket-closer ,local-addr) #:parent : SocketManagerState #:child : Void (begin (udp-close s) (transition: (void) : Void (quit))))))) (spawn: #:debug-name `(udp-socket-manager ,local-addr) #:parent : DriverState #:child : SocketManagerState (transition: #t : SocketManagerState ;; Offers a handle-mapping on the local network so that ;; the driver/factory can clean up when this process dies. (endpoint: : SocketManagerState #:publisher (handle-mapping local-addr s)) ;; If our counterparty removes either of their endpoints ;; as the subscriber end of the remote-to-local stream or ;; the publisher end of the local-to-remote stream, shut ;; ourselves down. Also, relay messages published on the ;; local-to-remote stream out on the actual socket. (endpoint: socket-is-open? : SocketManagerState #:publisher (udp-packet-pattern any-remote local-addr (wild)) #:on-absence (handle-absence socket-is-open?)) (endpoint: socket-is-open? : SocketManagerState #:subscriber (udp-packet-pattern local-addr any-remote (wild)) #:on-absence (handle-absence socket-is-open?) [(udp-packet (== local-addr) (udp-remote-address remote-host remote-port) body) (begin (udp-send-to s remote-host remote-port body) (transition: socket-is-open? : SocketManagerState))]) ;; Listen for messages arriving on the actual socket using ;; a ground event, and relay them at this level. (endpoint: : SocketManagerState #:subscriber (cons (udp-receive!-evt s buffer) (wild)) [(cons (? evt?) (list (? exact-integer? packet-length) (? string? remote-host) (? valid-port-number? remote-port))) (let ((packet (subbytes buffer 0 packet-length))) (send-message (udp-packet (udp-remote-address remote-host remote-port) local-addr packet)))]))))