Pictures and a little more text

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2013-05-08 08:24:32 -04:00
parent fce69a7d57
commit 21f192318b
4 changed files with 165 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -66,14 +66,20 @@ Programs can handle exceptions to @emph{contain} partial failure:
Partial failures interact with shared, mutable state in unpredictable
ways, especially in larger programs that combine stateful subprograms.
Programmers often ignore issues of security and trust between
subprograms within a larger program. Most programming languages
entirely lack any means of securely isolating subprograms from each
other, leading to predictable failures. Even memory-safe languages
such as Racket, Java and .NET only offer weak techniques for securely
composing mutually suspicious subprograms. Techniques such as avoiding
@emph{ambient authority} and using @emph{object capabilities} to
compose subprograms
@note{For a good overview of PL-based approaches to security and
trust, see Mark S. Miller's
composition: Towards a unified approach to access control and
concurrency control}" and Jonathan A. Rees's
Security Kernel Based on the Lambda-Calculus}".} Programmers often
ignore issues of security and trust between subprograms within a
larger program. Most programming languages entirely lack any means of
securely isolating subprograms from each other, leading to predictable
failures. Even memory-safe languages such as Racket, Java and .NET
only offer weak techniques for securely composing mutually suspicious
subprograms. Techniques such as avoiding @emph{ambient authority} and
using @emph{object capabilities} to compose subprograms
@ -81,22 +87,29 @@ TODO ^
Programs which engage in I/O are very obviously part of a network:
@racketblock[(define username (read-line))
(printf "Hello, ~a!\n" username)]
@racketblock[(define (greet-user)
(define username (read-line))
(define greeting (format "Hello, ~a!\n" username))
(display greeting)
But look closely! There is a difference here between the kind of communication
Here, the network has two components: the program, and the user at the
This program is more obviously composed of a number of moving pieces:
But look closely! There is a difference here between the kind of
communication between this program and its @emph{peer} and the
communication @emph{internal} to the program itself. Portions of the
program relay information from the outside world, translating it to
and from an internal representation as they go, while other portions
perform computations on the relayed information.
@interaction[(let ((b (box 3)))
(set-box! b (+ (unbox b) 4))
(unbox b))]
@interaction[(define (add-three-to b)
(set-box! b (+ (unbox b) 3)))
(define (add-four-to b)
(set-box! b (+ (unbox b) 4)))
(define my-box (box 0))
(add-three-to my-box)
(add-four-to my-box)
(unbox my-box)]
@vm-figure[(vm (vm-label "Operating System")
(network-label "")
(process "User")
(vm (vm-label "Program")
(network-label "")
(process "Read line")
(process "Format greeting")
(process "Print greeting")))]

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@ -4,16 +4,15 @@
We integrate ideas from both distributed systems
and virtualized operating system designs to obtain a novel
architecture of nested virtual machines. Each nested layer is equipped with
its own publish/subscribe network that also propagates information
about the (dis)appearance of services.
Marketplace integrates ideas from both distributed systems and
virtualized operating system designs to obtain an architecture of
nested @emph{virtual machines}. Each nested layer is equipped with its
own publish/subscribe network that also propagates @emph{presence}
information about the (dis)appearance of services.
The result suggests a @emph{
marketplace} metaphor, where communicating programs exist in a
noisy, crowded, even chaotic context, rather than in a quiet place
systematically going through their inboxes.
The result suggests a @emph{marketplace} metaphor, where communicating
programs exist in a noisy, crowded, even chaotic context, rather than
in a quiet place systematically going through their inboxes.
@section{What is a process, what are event handlers?}

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@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
(require scribble/racket
(for-syntax racket)
(for-label typed/racket/base))
@ -17,3 +21,6 @@
desc ...)]
[(_ t d desc ...)
#`(defthing #:kind "type" t d desc ...)])))
(define (vm-figure p)
(centered (to-element (render (scale p 1.2) #:target 'pict))))

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@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
#lang racket/base
(require (only-in racket/math pi))
(require slideshow/pict)
(require file/convertible)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define default-process-height 98)
(define default-font (make-parameter 'roman))
(define final-border (make-parameter 1))
(define process-angle (make-parameter 90))
(define process-width (make-parameter 24))
(define process-corner (make-parameter 6))
(define process-height (make-parameter default-process-height))
(define process-gap (make-parameter 6))
(define process-fill-color (make-parameter "white"))
(define PROCESS-SHADED (list #xdd #xdd #xdd))
(define leg-offset (make-parameter 4))
(define leg-width (make-parameter 2))
(define leg-spot-width (make-parameter 4))
(define (default-leg-height)
(/ (network-height) 2))
(define (meta-leg-height)
(+ (default-leg-height) (vm-height) (network-height)))
(define network-height (make-parameter 12))
(define vm-height (make-parameter 27))
(define process-label-size (make-parameter 12))
(define network-label-size (make-parameter 9))
(define vm-label-size (make-parameter 12))
(define ellipsis-size (make-parameter 24))
(define (process label)
(colorize (filled-rounded-rectangle (process-width) (process-height) (process-corner))
(rounded-rectangle (process-width) (process-height) (process-corner))
(vc-append (text label (default-font) (process-label-size) (d2r (process-angle)))
(blank (/ (- (process-width) (process-label-size)) 2)))))
(define (process-group . ps)
(apply hb-append (process-gap) ps))
(define (process-space [n 1])
(blank (+ (* (- n 1) (/ (process-width) 2))
(- (/ (process-width) 2) (* 2 (process-gap)))) (process-height)))
(define (vm-label str)
(text str (default-font) (vm-label-size) (d2r 0)))
(define (network-label str)
(text str (default-font) (network-label-size) (d2r 0)))
(define (vm label net-label . ps)
(define ps-pict (apply process-group ps))
(define label-width (max (pict-width label) (pict-width net-label)))
(define width (max (+ label-width (* 2 (max (vm-label-size) (network-label-size))))
(pict-width ps-pict)))
(vl-append ps-pict
(cb-superimpose (colorize (filled-rectangle width (network-height))
(rectangle width (network-height))
(cc-superimpose (colorize (filled-rectangle width (vm-height))
(rectangle width (vm-height))
(define (process-ellipsis)
(cc-superimpose (text ". . ." (default-font) (ellipsis-size) 0)
(blank 0 (process-height))))
(define (d2r d)
(* pi (/ d 180.0)))
(define (leg p offset height)
(define x (+ (/ (pict-width p) 2) (* offset (leg-offset))))
(define y (pict-height p))
(define leg-pict (vc-append (vline (leg-width) (- height (/ (leg-spot-width) 2)))
(disk (leg-spot-width) #:draw-border? #f)))
(pin-over p (- x (/ (pict-width leg-pict) 2)) y leg-pict))
(define (relay-legs p)
(leg (leg p 1 (default-leg-height)) -1 (meta-leg-height)))
(define (local-leg p)
(leg p 0 (default-leg-height)))
(define (render p #:target [target (string->symbol (or (getenv "VM_PICTURES_TARGET") "eps"))])
(define final-pict (cc-superimpose (blank (+ (pict-width p) (* 2 (final-border)))
(+ (pict-height p) (* 2 (final-border))))
(panorama p)))
(case target
;; FFS. This connects to the display even if you don't use it.
;; (local-require racket/gui/base)
;; (show-pict final-pict 800 600)
(log-error "You need to uncomment a couple of lines in vm-pictures.rkt")
(display (convert final-pict 'png-bytes))]
(display (convert final-pict 'eps-bytes))]))