
31 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#lang racket/base
(require feature-profile/plug-in-lib
(only-in profile/render-text render)
(only-in profile/analyzer analyze-samples)
(provide marketplace-feature feature?)
(define marketplace-feature
(feature "Marketplace" marketplace-continuation-mark-key values ; no grouper. no basic analysis.
(lambda (f-p)
(define intern (make-interner))
;; add thread id and timestamp back on each core sample
(define post-processed
(for/list ([c-s (feature-report-core-samples f-p)]
[p-s (cdr (feature-report-raw-samples f-p))])
;; process identifiers are the full ancestry of a process,
;; starting at the ground VM. computed from core samples.
(define processed
(let loop ([vs (filter values c-s)]) ; remove absent marks
(if (null? vs) '(ground) (cons vs (loop (cdr vs))))))
(list* (car p-s) (cadr p-s) ; thread id + timestamp
(for/list ([v processed])
;; analyzer expects (id . srcloc) pairs
;; car may not actually be an id, but that's ok
(intern (cons v #f))))))
;; call the edge profiler
(newline) (newline) (displayln "Marketplace Processes\n")
(render (analyze-samples (cons (feature-report-total-time f-p) post-processed))))))