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2013-03-29 03:00:29 +00:00
#lang racket/base
(require racket/set)
(require racket/match)
(require (only-in racket/class object?))
(require "struct-map.rkt")
(provide (struct-out variable)
(struct-out canonical-variable)
;; A Subst is a Maybe<AList<Variable,Any>>.
;; TODO: semantics
;; Compared by eq?, not equal?. In particular, info is not involved in
;; equivalence.
(struct variable (info)
#:property prop:custom-write
(lambda (v port mode)
(display "?" port)
(write (variable-info v) port)))
;; Compared by equal?, not eq?. The number is a part of the
;; appropriate equivalence relation for canonical-variables.
(struct canonical-variable (index) #:transparent
#:property prop:custom-write
(lambda (v port mode)
(display "?!" port)
(write (canonical-variable-index v) port)))
;; -> Variable
;; Create a fresh (and hence unconstrained) variable.
(define (wild [base-name '_])
(variable (gensym base-name)))
;; Any -> Boolean
;; True iff the argument is a variable or canonical-variable.
(define (wild? x)
(or (variable? x) (canonical-variable? x)))
;; Any -> Boolean
;; True iff the argument is neither a variable nor a canonical-variable.
(define (non-wild? x)
(not (wild? x)))
;; Any -> Boolean
;; Racket objects are structures, so we reject them explicitly for
;; now, leaving them opaque to unification.
(define (non-object-struct? x)
(and (struct? x)
(not (object? x))))
;; Any -> Set<Variable>
(define (variables-in x)
(let walk ((x x) (acc (set)))
[(wild? x) (set-add acc x)]
[(pair? x) (walk (car x) (walk (cdr x) acc))]
[(vector? x) (foldl walk acc (vector->list x))]
[(non-object-struct? x) (walk (struct->vector x #f) acc)]
[else acc])))
;; Any -> Boolean
;; True iff the term is completely ground, that is has no variables or
;; canonical-variables in it.
(define (ground? x)
(let walk ((x x))
[(wild? x) #f]
[(pair? x) (and (walk (car x)) (walk (cdr x)))]
[(vector? x) (andmap walk (vector->list x))]
[(non-object-struct? x) (walk (struct->vector x #f))]
[else #t])))
;; Variable Any -> Boolean
(define (occurs? var val)
(let walk ((x val))
[(eq? var x) #t]
[(pair? x) (or (walk (car x)) (walk (cdr x)))]
[(vector? x) (ormap walk (vector->list x))]
[(non-object-struct? x) (walk (struct->vector x #f))]
[else #f])))
;; Variable Any Subst -> Subst
(define (extend-subst var val env)
[(eq? var val)
;; Avoid trivial tautologies. Less trivial ones are not detected,
;; but are harmless.
[(occurs? var val)
;; Occurs check.
(cons (cons var val) env)]))
;; Any Subst Set<Variable> -> Any
(define (chase x env seen)
(if (variable? x)
(cond [(set-member? seen x) x]
[(assq x env) => (lambda (cell) (chase (cdr cell) env (set-add seen x)))]
[else x])
;; Any Any -> Subst
(define (unify a b)
(unify/env a b '()))
;; Any Any Subst -> Subst
(define (unify/env a0 b0 env)
(let walk ((a0 a0) (b0 b0) (env env))
(and env
(let ((a (chase a0 env (set)))
(b (chase b0 env (set))))
[(variable? a) (extend-subst a b env)]
[(variable? b) (extend-subst b a env)]
[(and (pair? a) (pair? b))
(walk (car a) (car b) (walk (cdr a) (cdr b) env))]
[(and (vector? a) (vector? b) (= (vector-length a) (vector-length b)))
(for/fold ([env env]) ([ea a] [eb b]) (walk ea eb env))]
[(and (non-object-struct? a) (non-object-struct? b))
(walk (struct->vector a #f) (struct->vector b #f) env)]
[else (and (equal? a b) env)])))))
;; Any -> (values Any AList<Symbol,Variable>)
;; Converts upper-case symbols to variables, making sure that
;; eq? symbols map to eq? variables.
(define (upper-case-symbols->variables x)
(let walk ((x x) (env '()))
[(upper-case-symbol? x)
(cond [(assq x env) => (lambda (cell) (values (cdr cell) env))]
[else (let ((v (variable x))) (values v (cons (cons x v) env)))])]
[(pair? x)
(define-values (a env1) (walk (car x) env))
(define-values (d env2) (walk (cdr x) env1))
(values (cons a d) env2)]
[(vector? x)
(define result (make-vector (vector-length x)))
(values result (for/fold ([env env]) ([i (vector-length x)])
(define-values (val env1) (walk (vector-ref x i) env))
(vector-set! result i val)
[(non-object-struct? x) (struct-map/accumulator walk env x)]
[else (values x env)])))
;; Any -> Any
(define (upper-case-symbols->canonical t)
(define env (make-hash)) ;; cheeky use of mutation
(let walk ((t t))
[(or (upper-case-symbol? t) (wild? t))
(cond [(hash-ref env t #f)]
[else (define v (canonical-variable (hash-count env))) (hash-set! env t v) v])]
[(pair? t) (cons (walk (car t)) (walk (cdr t)))]
[(vector? t) (list->vector (map walk (vector->list t)))]
[(non-object-struct? t) (struct-map walk t)]
[else t])))
;; Any -> Boolean
(define (upper-case-symbol? x)
(and (symbol? x)
(let ((name (symbol->string x)))
(and (positive? (string-length name))
(char-upper-case? (string-ref name 0))))))
;; AList<A,B> -> AList<B,A>
(define (flip-env env)
(map (lambda (x) (cons (cdr x) (car x))) env))
;; Any Any -> Subst
;; Like unify after upper-case-symbols->variables on both arguments.
(define (unify/vars a b)
(define-values (processed env) (upper-case-symbols->variables (cons a b)))
(define s (unify (car processed) (cdr processed)))
(and s (apply-subst s env)))
;; Any Any -> Subst
;; Like unify-match after upper-case-symbols->variables on both
;; arguments, extracting bindings only from the first argument.
(define (unify-match/vars a b)
(define-values (pa a-env) (upper-case-symbols->variables a))
(define-values (pb b-env) (upper-case-symbols->variables b))
(define s (unify pa pb))
(and s (apply-subst s a-env)))
;; Utility used by freshen and canonicalize below.
;; Must visit the term in the order specified by canonicalize
;; below. Here we rely both upon Racket's left-to-right evaluation
;; order and upon defined struct-mappers traversing their arguments in
;; some deterministic order.
(define (freshen* t var-handler canon-handler)
(define env (make-hash)) ;; cheeky use of mutation
(let walk ((t t))
[(wild? t)
(cond [(hash-ref env t #f)]
[else (define v ((if (canonical-variable? t) canon-handler var-handler) t env))
(hash-set! env t v)
[(pair? t) (cons (walk (car t)) (walk (cdr t)))]
[(vector? t) (list->vector (map walk (vector->list t)))]
[(non-object-struct? t) (struct-map walk t)]
[else t])))
;; Any -> Any
;; Freshens a term by substituting out variables in the term with
;; fresh variables to produce an arbitrary member of the term's
;; alpha-equivalence-class that shares no variables with the original.
;; Treats canonical-variables just like regular ones, freshening them
;; with new ordinary (non-canonical) variables.
(define (freshen t)
(freshen* t
(lambda (var env) (variable (variable-info var)))
(lambda (var env) (variable (canonical-variable-index var)))))
;; Any -> Any
;; Canonicalizes a term by substituting out variables in the term with
;; canonical-variables to produce a canonical member of the term's
;; alpha-equivalence-class.
;; Canonical variables are used in a structurally-determined order
;; related to print order: generally, all unseen variables to the left
;; of a term's print representation are given canonical equivalents
;; before those to the right.
;; Canonical-variables may not appear in the input term.
(define (canonicalize t)
(freshen* t
(lambda (var env) (canonical-variable (hash-count env)))
(lambda (var env) (canonical-variable (hash-count env)))))
;; Any Any -> Any
;; If the arguments unify, applies the substitution to one of them,
;; yielding a most general unifier, and then freshens the result.
(define (mgu-freshen a b)
(define sub (unify a b))
(and sub (freshen (apply-subst sub a))))
;; Any Any -> Any
;; If the arguments unify, applies the substitution to one of them,
;; yielding a most general unifier, and then canonicalizes the result.
(define (mgu-canonical a b)
(define sub (unify a b))
(and sub (canonicalize (apply-subst sub a))))
;; Subst Any -> Any
(define (apply-subst env x)
(let walk ((x0 x))
(define x (chase x0 env (set)))
[(pair? x) (cons (walk (car x)) (walk (cdr x)))]
[(vector? x) (list->vector (map walk (vector->list x)))]
[(non-object-struct? x) (struct-map walk x)]
[else x])))
;; True iff a is a specialization (or instance) of b.
(define (specialization? a b)
(let walk ((a a) (b b))
[(wild? b) #t]
[(wild? a) #f]
[(and (pair? a) (pair? b))
(and (walk (car a) (car b)) (walk (cdr a) (cdr b)))]
[(and (vector? a) (vector? b) (= (vector-length a) (vector-length b)))
(for/and ([aa a] [bb b]) (walk aa bb))]
[(and (non-object-struct? a) (non-object-struct? b))
(walk (struct->vector a #f) (struct->vector b #f))]
[else (equal? a b)])))
(require racket/trace)
(trace ;;unify/env