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2013-03-29 03:00:29 +00:00
#lang racket/base
;; Copyright (C) 2012 Tony Garnock-Jones <>
;; Pretty hex dump output of a Bytes.
(provide dump-bytes!)
;; Exact Exact -> String
;; Returns the "0"-padded, width-digit hex representation of n
(define (hex width n)
(define s (number->string n 16))
(define slen (string-length s))
((< slen width) (string-append (make-string (- width slen) #\0) s))
((= slen width) s)
((> slen width) (substring s 0 width))))
;; Bytes Exact -> Void
;; Prints a pretty hex/ASCII dump of bs on (current-output-port).
(define (dump-bytes! bs [requested-count (bytes-length bs)] #:base [baseaddr 0])
(define count (min requested-count (bytes-length bs)))
(define clipped (subbytes bs 0 count))
(define (dump-hex i)
(if (< i count)
(display (hex 2 (bytes-ref clipped i)))
(display " "))
(display #\space))
(define (dump-char i)
(if (< i count)
(let ((ch (bytes-ref clipped i)))
(if (<= 32 ch 127)
(display (integer->char ch))
(display #\.)))
(display #\space)))
(define (for-each-between f low high)
(do ((i low (+ i 1)))
((= i high))
(f i)))
(define (dump-line i)
(display (hex 8 (+ i baseaddr)))
(display #\space)
(for-each-between dump-hex i (+ i 8))
(display ": ")
(for-each-between dump-hex (+ i 8) (+ i 16))
(display #\space)
(for-each-between dump-char i (+ i 8))
(display " : ")
(for-each-between dump-char (+ i 8) (+ i 16))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 16)))
((>= i count))
(dump-line i)))