/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WebSocket client driver var DEFAULT_RECONNECT_DELAY = 100; var MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY = 30000; var DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 300000; // 5 minutes var DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL = DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT - 10000; function WebSocketConnection(label, wsurl, shouldReconnect) { this.label = label; this.wsurl = wsurl; this.shouldReconnect = shouldReconnect ? true : false; this.reconnectDelay = DEFAULT_RECONNECT_DELAY; this.localRoutes = []; this.peerRoutes = []; this.prevPeerRoutesMessage = null; this.sock = null; this.deduplicator = new Deduplicator(); this.activityTimestamp = 0; this.idleTimeout = DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT; this.pingInterval = DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL; this.idleTimer = null; this.pingTimer = null; } WebSocketConnection.prototype.clearHeartbeatTimers = function () { if (this.idleTimer) { clearTimeout(this.idleTimer); this.idleTimer = null; } if (this.pingTimer) { clearTimeout(this.pingTimer); this.pingTimer = null; } }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.recordActivity = function () { var self = this; this.activityTimestamp = +(new Date()); this.clearHeartbeatTimers(); this.idleTimer = setTimeout(function () { self.forceclose(); }, this.idleTimeout); this.pingTimer = setTimeout(function () { self.safeSend(JSON.stringify("ping")) }, this.pingInterval); }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.statusRoute = function (status) { return pub([this.label + "_state", status]); }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.relayRoutes = function () { // fresh copy each time, suitable for in-place extension/mutation return [this.statusRoute(this.isConnected() ? "connected" : "disconnected"), pub([this.label, __, __], 0, 1000), sub([this.label, __, __], 0, 1000)]; }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.aggregateRoutes = function () { var rs = this.relayRoutes(); for (var i = 0; i < this.peerRoutes.length; i++) { var r = this.peerRoutes[i]; rs.push(new Route(r.isSubscription, // TODO: This is a horrible syntactic hack // (in conjunction with the numberness-test // in handleEvent's routes handler) for // distinguishing routes published on behalf // of the remote side from those published // by the local side. See (**HACK**) mark // below. [this.label, __, r.pattern], r.metaLevel, r.level)); } // console.log("WebSocketConnection.aggregateRoutes", this.label, rs); return rs; }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.boot = function () { this.reconnect(); }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.trapexit = function () { this.forceclose(); }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.isConnected = function () { return this.sock && this.sock.readyState === this.sock.OPEN; }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.safeSend = function (m) { try { if (this.isConnected()) { this.sock.send(m); } } catch (e) { console.warn("Trapped exn while sending", e); } }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.sendLocalRoutes = function () { this.safeSend(JSON.stringify(encodeEvent(updateRoutes(this.localRoutes)))); }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.handleEvent = function (e) { // console.log("WebSocketConnection.handleEvent", e); switch (e.type) { case "routes": this.localRoutes = []; for (var i = 0; i < e.routes.length; i++) { var r = e.routes[i]; if (r.pattern.length && r.pattern.length === 3 && r.pattern[0] === this.label // TODO: This is a horrible syntactic hack (in // conjunction with the use of __ in in // aggregateRoutes) for distinguishing routes // published on behalf of the remote side from those // published by the local side. See (**HACK**) mark // above. && typeof(r.pattern[1]) === "number") { this.localRoutes.push(new Route(r.isSubscription, r.pattern[2], r.pattern[1], r.level)); } } this.sendLocalRoutes(); break; case "message": var m = e.message; if (m.length && m.length === 3 && m[0] === this.label && typeof(m[1]) === "number") { var encoded = JSON.stringify(encodeEvent(sendMessage(m[2], m[1], e.isFeedback))); if (this.deduplicator.accept(encoded)) { this.safeSend(encoded); } } break; } }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.forceclose = function (keepReconnectDelay) { if (!keepReconnectDelay) { this.reconnectDelay = DEFAULT_RECONNECT_DELAY; } this.clearHeartbeatTimers(); if (this.sock) { console.log("WebSocketConnection.forceclose called"); this.sock.close(); this.sock = null; } }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.reconnect = function () { var self = this; this.forceclose(true); this.sock = new WebSocket(this.wsurl); this.sock.onopen = World.wrap(function (e) { return self.onopen(e); }); this.sock.onmessage = World.wrap(function (e) { return self.onmessage(e); }); this.sock.onclose = World.wrap(function (e) { return self.onclose(e); }); }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.onopen = function (e) { console.log("connected to " + this.sock.url); this.reconnectDelay = DEFAULT_RECONNECT_DELAY; this.sendLocalRoutes(); }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.onmessage = function (wse) { // console.log("onmessage", wse); this.recordActivity(); var j = JSON.parse(wse.data); if (j === "ping") { this.safeSend(JSON.stringify("pong")); return; } else if (j === "pong") { return; // recordActivity already took care of our timers } var e = decodeAction(j); switch (e.type) { case "routes": if (this.prevPeerRoutesMessage !== wse.data) { this.prevPeerRoutesMessage = wse.data; this.peerRoutes = e.routes; World.updateRoutes(this.aggregateRoutes()); } break; case "message": if (this.deduplicator.accept(wse.data)) { World.send([this.label, e.metaLevel, e.message], 0, e.isFeedback); } break; } }; WebSocketConnection.prototype.onclose = function (e) { var self = this; console.log("onclose", e); // Update routes to give clients some indication of the discontinuity World.updateRoutes(this.aggregateRoutes()); if (this.shouldReconnect) { console.log("reconnecting to " + this.wsurl + " in " + this.reconnectDelay + "ms"); setTimeout(World.wrap(function () { self.reconnect(); }), this.reconnectDelay); this.reconnectDelay = this.reconnectDelay * 1.618 + (Math.random() * 1000); this.reconnectDelay = this.reconnectDelay > MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY ? MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY + (Math.random() * 1000) : this.reconnectDelay; } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Wire protocol representation of events and actions function encodeEvent(e) { switch (e.type) { case "routes": var rs = []; for (var i = 0; i < e.routes.length; i++) { rs.push(e.routes[i].toJSON()); } return ["routes", rs]; case "message": return ["message", e.message, e.metaLevel, e.isFeedback]; } } function decodeAction(j) { switch (j[0]) { case "routes": var rs = []; for (var i = 0; i < j[1].length; i++) { rs.push(Route.fromJSON(j[1][i])); } return updateRoutes(rs); case "message": return sendMessage(j[1], j[2], j[3]); default: throw { message: "Invalid JSON-encoded action: " + JSON.stringify(j) }; } }