
59 lines
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open Sexp
let nmessages = 500000
let receiver ch =
let low = ref 10000000 in
let high = ref 0 in
let sum = ref (Int64.zero) in
let count = ref 0 in
while !count < nmessages do
let m = Squeue.pop ch in
let now = Unix.gettimeofday () in
match (Message.message_of_sexp m) with
| Message.Post (_, Str starttime_str, _) ->
let starttime = float_of_string starttime_str in
let delta_us = int_of_float ((now -. starttime) *. 1000000.0) in
count := !count + 1;
if delta_us < !low then low := delta_us else ();
if delta_us > !high then high := delta_us else ();
sum := Int64.add (!sum) (Int64.of_int delta_us);
| _ ->
Log.info (Printf.sprintf "Stats: low %d us, high %d us, average %d us"
(Int64.to_int (Int64.div (!sum) (Int64.of_int (!count))))) []
let sender () =
let ch = Squeue.create 1000 in
ignore (Util.create_thread "Speed test receiver" None receiver ch);
let n = Node.make "speedtest" (fun _ m -> Squeue.add m ch) in
ignore (Node.bind("speedtest", n));
let starttime = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let rec sendloop remaining =
if remaining = 0
then ()
let now = Unix.gettimeofday () in
Node.post_ignore "speedtest" (Str "test_message") (Str (string_of_float now)) (Str "");
sendloop (remaining - 1)
sendloop nmessages;
let stoptime = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let delta = stoptime -. starttime in
Log.info (Printf.sprintf "Speedtest took %d ms (%d Hz)"
(int_of_float (delta *. 1000.0))
(int_of_float ((float_of_int nmessages) /. delta))) []
with exn -> Log.error "Uncaught exception in speedtest" [Str (Printexc.to_string exn)]);
Node.unbind_all n
let init () =
ignore (Util.create_thread
"Speed test"