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(* Lightweight thread library for Objective Caml
* http://www.ocsigen.org/lwt
* Interface Lwt_log
* Copyright (C) 2002 Shawn Wagner <raevnos@pennmush.org>
* 2009 Jérémie Dimino <jeremie@dimino.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, with linking exceptions;
* either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version. See COPYING file for details.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
(** Logging facility *)
(** This module provides functions to deal with logging.
It support:
- logging to the syslog daemon
- logging to a channel (stderr, stdout, ...)
- logging to a file
- logging to multiple destination at the same time
(** {6 Types} *)
(** Type of log levels. A level determines the importance of a
message *)
type level =
| Debug
(** Debugging message. They can be automatically removed by the
syntax extension. *)
| Info
(** Informational message. Suitable to be displayed when the
program is in verbose mode. *)
| Notice
(** Same as {!Info}, but is displayed by default. *)
| Warning
(** Something strange happend *)
| Error
(** An error message, which should not means the end of the
program. *)
| Fatal
(** A fatal error happened, in most cases the program will end
after a fatal error. *)
type logger
(** Type of a logger. A logger is responsible for dispatching messages
and storing them somewhere.
Lwt provides loggers sending log messages to a file, syslog,
... but you can also create you own logger. *)
type section
(** Each logging message has a section. Sections can be used to
structure your logs. For example you can choose different
loggers according to the section.
Each section carries a level, and messages with a lower log
level than than the section level will be dropped.
Section levels are initialised using the [LWT_LOG] environment
variable, which must contains one or more rules of the form
[pattern -> level] separated by ";". Where [pattern] is a string
that may contain [*].
For example, if [LWT_LOG] contains:
access -> warning;
foo[*] -> error
then the level of the section ["access"] is {!Warning} and the
level of any section matching ["foo[*]"] is {!Error}.
If the pattern is omited in a rule then the pattern ["*"] is
used instead, so [LWT_LOG] may just contains ["debug"] for
If [LWT_LOG] is not defined then the rule ["* -> notice"] is
used instead. *)
val add_rule : string -> level -> unit
(** [add_rule pattern level] adds a rule for sections logging
levels. The rule is added before all other rules. It takes
effect immediatly and affect all sections for which the level
has not been set explicitly with {!Section.set_level}. [pattern]
may contains [*]. For example:
Lwt_log.add_rule "lwt*" Lwt_log.Info
val append_rule : string -> level -> unit
(** [append_rule pattern level] adds the given rule after all other
rules. For example to set the default fallback rule:
Lwt_log.append_rule "*" Lwt_log.Info
(** {6 Logging functions} *)
val log : ?exn : exn -> ?section : section -> ?location : (string * int * int) -> ?logger : logger -> level : level -> string -> unit Lwt.t
(** [log ?section ?logger ~level message] logs a message.
[section] defaults to {!Section.main}. If [logger] is not
specified, then the default one is used instead (see
If [exn] is provided, then its string representation
(= [Printexc.to_string exn]) will be append to the message, and if
possible the backtrace will also be logged.
[location] contains the location of the logging directive, it is
of the form [(file_name, line, column)]. *)
val log_f : ?exn : exn -> ?section : section -> ?location : (string * int * int) -> ?logger : logger -> level : level -> ('a, unit, string, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
(** [log_f] is the same as [log] except that it takes a format
string *)
(** The following functions are the same as {!log} except that their
name determines which level is used.
For example {!info msg} is the same as {!log ~level:Info msg}.
val debug : ?exn : exn -> ?section : section -> ?location : (string * int * int) -> ?logger : logger -> string -> unit Lwt.t
val debug_f : ?exn : exn -> ?section : section -> ?location : (string * int * int) -> ?logger : logger -> ('a, unit, string, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
val info : ?exn : exn -> ?section : section -> ?location : (string * int * int) -> ?logger : logger -> string -> unit Lwt.t
val info_f : ?exn : exn -> ?section : section -> ?location : (string * int * int) -> ?logger : logger -> ('a, unit, string, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
val notice : ?exn : exn -> ?section : section -> ?location : (string * int * int) -> ?logger : logger -> string -> unit Lwt.t
val notice_f : ?exn : exn -> ?section : section -> ?location : (string * int * int) -> ?logger : logger -> ('a, unit, string, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
val warning : ?exn : exn -> ?section : section -> ?location : (string * int * int) -> ?logger : logger -> string -> unit Lwt.t
val warning_f : ?exn : exn -> ?section : section -> ?location : (string * int * int) -> ?logger : logger -> ('a, unit, string, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
val error : ?exn : exn -> ?section : section -> ?location : (string * int * int) -> ?logger : logger -> string -> unit Lwt.t
val error_f : ?exn : exn -> ?section : section -> ?location : (string * int * int) -> ?logger : logger -> ('a, unit, string, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
val fatal : ?exn : exn -> ?section : section -> ?location : (string * int * int) -> ?logger : logger -> string -> unit Lwt.t
val fatal_f : ?exn : exn -> ?section : section -> ?location : (string * int * int) -> ?logger : logger -> ('a, unit, string, unit Lwt.t) format4 -> 'a
(** Sections *)
module Section : sig
type t = section
val make : string -> section
(** [make name] creates a section with the given name. Two calls
to {!make} with the same name will return the same section
object. *)
val name : section -> string
(** [name section] returns the name of [section]. *)
val main : section
(** The main section. It is the section used by default when no
one is provided. *)
val level : section -> level
(** [level section] returns the logging level of [section]. *)
val set_level : section -> level -> unit
(** [set_level section] sets the logging level of the given
section. Modifications of rules using {!add_rule} won't affect
the level of this section after this operation. *)
val reset_level : section -> unit
(** [reset_level section] resets the level of [section] to its
default value, i.e. to the value obtained by applying
rules. *)
(** {6 Log templates} *)
type template = string
(** A template is for generating log messages.
It is a string which may contains variables of the form
[$(var)], where [var] is one of:
- [date] which will be replaced with the current date
- [milliseconds] which will be replaced by the fractionnal part
of the current unix time
- [name] which will be replaced by the program name
- [pid] which will be replaced by the pid of the program
- [message] which will be replaced by the message emited
- [level] which will be replaced by a string representation of
the level
- [section] which will be replaced by the name of the
message's section
- [loc-file] which will be replaced by the file name of the
calling logging function
- [loc-line] which will be replaced by the line number of the
calling logging function
- [loc-column] which will be replaced by the column number of
the calling logging function
For example:
- ["$(name): $(message)"]
- ["$(date) $(name)[$(pid)]: $(message)"]
- ["$(date).$(milliseconds) $(name)[$(pid)]: $(message)"]
- ["$(date): $(loc-file): $(loc-line): $(loc-column): $(message)"]
val render : buffer : Buffer.t -> template : template -> section : section -> level : level -> message : string -> unit
(** [render ~buffer ~template ~section ~level ~message] instantiate
all variables of [template], and store the result in
[buffer]. The location is obtained from threads local
storage. *)
val location_key : (string * int * int) Lwt.key
(** The key for storing current location. *)
(** {6 Loggers} *)
exception Logger_closed
(** Exception raised when trying to use a closed logger *)
val make : output : (section -> level -> string list -> unit Lwt.t) -> close : (unit -> unit Lwt.t) -> logger
(** [make ~output ~close] creates a new logger.
@param output is used to write logs. It is a function which
receive a section, a level and a list lines that must be logged
@param close is used to close the logger. *)
val close : logger -> unit Lwt.t
(** Close the given logger *)
val default : logger ref
(** The default logger. It is used as default when no one is
specified. Initially, it sends messages to the standard output
for error messages. *)
val broadcast : logger list -> logger
(** [broadcast loggers] is a logger which send messages to all the
given loggers.
Note: closing a broadcast logger does not close its
components. *)
val dispatch : (section -> level -> logger) -> logger
(** [dispatch f] is a logger which dispatch logging instructions to
different logger according to their level and/or section.
Here is an example:
let access_logger = Lwt_log.file "access.log"
and error_logger = Lwt_log.file "error.log" in
(fun section level ->
match Lwt_log.Section.name section, level with
| "access", _ -> access_logger
| _, Lwt_log.Error -> error_logger)
(** {6 Predefined loggers} *)
val null : logger
(** Logger which drops everything *)
(** Syslog facility. Look at the SYSLOG(3) man page for a description
of syslog facilities *)
type syslog_facility =
[ `Auth | `Authpriv | `Cron | `Daemon | `FTP | `Kernel
| `Local0 | `Local1 | `Local2 | `Local3 | `Local4 | `Local5 | `Local6 | `Local7
| `LPR | `Mail | `News | `Syslog | `User | `UUCP | `NTP | `Security | `Console ]
val syslog : ?template : template -> ?paths : string list -> facility : syslog_facility -> unit -> logger
(** [syslog ?template ?paths ~facility ()] creates an logger
which send message to the system logger.
@param paths is a list of path to try for the syslogd socket. It
default to [\["/dev/log"; "/var/run/log"\]].
@param template defaults to ["$(date) $(name)[$(pid)]: $(section): $(message)"]
val file : ?template : template -> ?mode : [ `Truncate | `Append ] -> ?perm : Unix.file_perm -> file_name : string -> unit -> logger Lwt.t
(** [desf_file ?template ?mode ?perm ~file_name ()] creates an
logger which will write messages to [file_name].
- if [mode = `Truncate] then the file is truncated and previous
contents will be lost.
- if [mode = `Append], new messages will be appended at the end
of the file
@param mode defaults to [`Append]
@param template defaults to ["$(date): $(section): $(message)"]
val channel :?template : template -> close_mode : [ `Close | `Keep ] -> channel : Lwt_io.output_channel -> unit -> logger
(** [channel ?template ~close_mode ~channel ()] creates a logger
from a channel.
If [close_mode = `Close] then [channel] is closed when the
logger is closed, otherwise it is left open.
@param template defaults to ["$(name): $(section): $(message)"] *)