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(* Lightweight thread library for Objective Caml
* http://www.ocsigen.org/lwt
* Module Lwt_stream
* Copyright (C) 2009 Jérémie Dimino
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, with linking exceptions;
* either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version. See COPYING file for details.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
open Lwt
exception Empty
type 'a t = {
next : unit -> 'a option Lwt.t;
(* The source of the stream *)
queue : 'a option Queue.t;
(* Queue of pending elements, which are not yet consumed *)
clones : 'a option Queue.t Weak.t ref;
(* List of queues of all clones of this event (including this
event) *)
mutex : Lwt_mutex.t;
(* Mutex to prevent concurrent access to [next] *)
let add_clone wa q =
let len = Weak.length !wa in
(* loop search for a free cell in [wa] and fill it with [q]: *)
let rec loop i =
if i = len then begin
(* Growing *)
let clones = Weak.create (len + 1) in
Weak.blit !wa 0 clones 0 len;
wa := clones;
Weak.set clones len (Some q)
end else if Weak.check !wa i then
loop (i + 1)
Weak.set !wa i (Some q)
loop 0
let clone s =
let s' = {
next = s.next;
queue = Queue.copy s.queue;
clones = s.clones;
mutex = s.mutex;
} in
add_clone s'.clones s'.queue;
let from f =
let s = {
next = f;
queue = Queue.create ();
clones = ref(Weak.create 1);
mutex = Lwt_mutex.create ();
} in
Weak.set !(s.clones) 0 (Some s.queue);
let of_list l =
let l = ref l in
from (fun () ->
match !l with
| [] -> return None
| x :: l' -> l := l'; return (Some x))
let of_array a =
let len = Array.length a and i = ref 0 in
from (fun () ->
if !i = len then
return None
else begin
let c = Array.unsafe_get a !i in
incr i;
return (Some c)
let of_string s =
let len = String.length s and i = ref 0 in
from (fun () ->
if !i = len then
return None
else begin
let c = String.unsafe_get s !i in
incr i;
return (Some c)
module EQueue :
type 'a t
val create : unit -> 'a t * ('a option -> unit)
val pop : 'a t -> 'a option Lwt.t
end =
type 'a state =
| No_mail
| Waiting of 'a option Lwt.u
| Full of 'a option Queue.t
type 'a t = {
mutable state : 'a state;
let create () =
let box = { state = No_mail } in
let weak_box = Weak.create 1 in
Weak.set weak_box 0 (Some box);
let push v =
match Weak.get weak_box 0 with
| None -> ()
| Some box ->
match box.state with
| No_mail ->
let q = Queue.create () in
Queue.push v q;
box.state <- Full q
| Waiting wakener ->
box.state <- No_mail;
wakeup_later wakener v
| Full q ->
Queue.push v q
(box, push)
let pop b = match b.state with
| No_mail ->
let waiter, wakener = task () in
Lwt.on_cancel waiter (fun () -> b.state <- No_mail);
b.state <- Waiting wakener;
| Waiting _ ->
(* Calls to next are serialized, so this case will never
happened *)
assert false
| Full q ->
let v = Queue.take q in
if Queue.is_empty q then b.state <- No_mail;
return v
let create () =
let box, push = EQueue.create () in
(from (fun () -> EQueue.pop box), push)
let push_clones wa x =
for i = 0 to Weak.length wa - 1 do
match Weak.get wa i with
| Some q ->
Queue.push x q
| None ->
let peek s =
if Queue.is_empty s.queue then
Lwt_mutex.with_lock s.mutex begin fun () ->
if Queue.is_empty s.queue then begin
lwt result = s.next () in
push_clones !(s.clones) result;
return result
end else
return (Queue.top s.queue)
return (Queue.top s.queue)
let rec force n s =
if Queue.length s.queue >= n then
return ()
Lwt_mutex.with_lock s.mutex begin fun () ->
if Queue.length s.queue >= n then
return false
else begin
lwt result = s.next () in
push_clones !(s.clones) result;
if result = None then
return false
return true
end >>= function
| true ->
force n s
| false ->
return ()
let npeek n s =
lwt () = force n s in
let l, _ =
(fun (l, n) x ->
if n > 0 then
match x with
| Some x -> (x :: l, n - 1)
| None -> (l, n)
(l, n))
([], n) s.queue
return (List.rev l)
let rec get s =
if Queue.is_empty s.queue then
Lwt_mutex.with_lock s.mutex begin fun () ->
if Queue.is_empty s.queue then begin
lwt x = s.next () in
(* This prevent from calling s.next when the stream has
terminated: *)
if x = None then Queue.push None s.queue;
let wa = !(s.clones) in
for i = 0 to Weak.length wa - 1 do
match Weak.get wa i with
| Some q when q != s.queue ->
Queue.push x q
| _ ->
return x
end else begin
let x = Queue.take s.queue in
if x = None then Queue.push None s.queue;
return x
else begin
let x = Queue.take s.queue in
if x = None then Queue.push None s.queue;
return x
let nget n s =
let rec loop n =
if n <= 0 then
return []
get s >>= function
| Some x ->
lwt l = loop (n - 1) in
return (x :: l)
| None ->
return []
loop n
let get_while f s =
let rec loop () =
peek s >>= function
| Some x ->
let test = f x in
if test then begin
ignore (Queue.take s.queue);
lwt l = loop () in
return (x :: l)
end else
return []
| None ->
return []
loop ()
let get_while_s f s =
let rec loop () =
peek s >>= function
| Some x ->
lwt test = f x in
if test then begin
ignore (Queue.take s.queue);
lwt l = loop () in
return (x :: l)
end else
return []
| None ->
return []
loop ()
let next s = get s >>= function
| Some x -> return x
| None -> raise_lwt Empty
let last_new s =
match Lwt.state (peek s) with
| Return None ->
raise_lwt Empty
| Sleep ->
next s
| Fail exn ->
raise_lwt exn
| Return(Some x) ->
let _ = Queue.take s.queue in
let rec loop last =
match Lwt.state (peek s) with
| Sleep | Return None ->
return last
| Return(Some x) ->
let _ = Queue.take s.queue in
loop x
| Fail exn ->
raise_lwt exn
loop x
let to_list s =
let rec loop () =
get s >>= function
| Some x ->
lwt l = loop () in
return (x :: l)
| None ->
return []
loop ()
let to_string s =
let buf = Buffer.create 42 in
let rec loop () =
get s >>= function
| Some x ->
Buffer.add_char buf x;
loop ()
| None ->
return (Buffer.contents buf)
loop ()
let junk s =
lwt _ = get s in
return ()
let njunk n s =
let rec loop n =
if n <= 0 then
return ()
lwt _ = get s in
loop (n - 1)
loop n
let junk_while f s =
let rec loop () =
peek s >>= function
| Some x ->
let test = f x in
if test then begin
ignore (Queue.take s.queue);
loop ()
end else
return ()
| None ->
return ()
loop ()
let junk_while_s f s =
let rec loop () =
peek s >>= function
| Some x ->
lwt test = f x in
if test then begin
ignore (Queue.take s.queue);
loop ()
end else
return ()
| None ->
return ()
loop ()
let junk_old s =
let rec loop () =
match Lwt.state (peek s) with
| Sleep ->
return ()
| _ ->
ignore (Queue.take s.queue);
loop ()
loop ()
let get_available s =
let rec loop () =
match Lwt.state (peek s) with
| Sleep | Return None ->
| Return(Some x) ->
ignore (Queue.take s.queue);
x :: loop ()
| Fail exn ->
raise exn
loop ()
let get_available_up_to n s =
let rec loop = function
| 0 ->
| n ->
match Lwt.state (peek s) with
| Sleep | Return None ->
| Return(Some x) ->
ignore (Queue.take s.queue);
x :: loop (n - 1)
| Fail exn ->
raise exn
loop n
let is_empty s = peek s >|= fun x -> x = None
let map f s =
from (fun () -> get s >>= function
| Some x ->
let x = f x in
return (Some x)
| None ->
return None)
let map_s f s =
from (fun () -> get s >>= function
| Some x ->
lwt x = f x in
return (Some x)
| None ->
return None)
let filter f s =
let rec next () =
get s >>= function
| Some x as result ->
let test = f x in
if test then
return result
next ()
| None ->
return None
from next
let filter_s f s =
let rec next () =
get s >>= function
| Some x as result ->
lwt test = f x in
if test then
return result
next ()
| None ->
return None
from next
let filter_map f s =
let rec next () =
get s >>= function
| Some x ->
let x = f x in
(match x with
| Some _ ->
return x
| None ->
next ())
| None ->
return None
from next
let filter_map_s f s =
let rec next () =
get s >>= function
| Some x ->
lwt x = f x in
(match x with
| Some _ ->
return x
| None ->
next ())
| None ->
return None
from next
let map_list f s =
let pendings = ref [] in
let rec next () =
match !pendings with
| [] ->
get s >>= (function
| Some x ->
let l = f x in
pendings := l;
next ()
| None ->
return None)
| x :: l ->
pendings := l;
return (Some x)
from next
let map_list_s f s =
let pendings = ref [] in
let rec next () =
match !pendings with
| [] ->
get s >>= (function
| Some x ->
lwt l = f x in
pendings := l;
next ()
| None ->
return None)
| x :: l ->
pendings := l;
return (Some x)
from next
let flatten s =
map_list (fun l -> l) s
let fold f s acc =
let rec loop acc =
get s >>= function
| Some x ->
let acc = f x acc in
loop acc
| None ->
return acc
loop acc
let fold_s f s acc =
let rec loop acc =
get s >>= function
| Some x ->
lwt acc = f x acc in
loop acc
| None ->
return acc
loop acc
let iter f s =
let rec loop () =
get s >>= function
| Some x ->
let () = f x in
loop ()
| None ->
return ()
loop ()
let iter_s f s =
let rec loop () =
get s >>= function
| Some x ->
lwt () = f x in
loop ()
| None ->
return ()
loop ()
let iter_p f s =
let rec loop () =
get s >>= function
| Some x ->
f x <&> loop ()
| None ->
return ()
loop ()
let find f s =
let rec loop () =
get s >>= function
| Some x as result ->
let test = f x in
if test then
return result
loop ()
| None ->
return None
loop ()
let find_s f s =
let rec loop () =
get s >>= function
| Some x as result ->
lwt test = f x in
if test then
return result
loop ()
| None ->
return None
loop ()
let rec find_map f s =
let rec loop () =
get s >>= function
| Some x ->
let x = f x in
(match x with
| Some _ ->
return x
| None ->
loop ())
| None ->
return None
loop ()
let rec find_map_s f s =
let rec loop () =
get s >>= function
| Some x ->
lwt x = f x in
(match x with
| Some _ ->
return x
| None ->
loop ())
| None ->
return None
loop ()
let rec combine s1 s2 =
let next () =
lwt n1 = get s1 and n2 = get s2 in
match n1, n2 with
| Some x1, Some x2 ->
return (Some(x1, x2))
| _ ->
return None
from next
let append s1 s2 =
let current_s = ref s1 and s1_finished = ref false in
let rec next () =
get !current_s >>= function
| Some _ as result ->
return result
| None ->
if !s1_finished then
return None
else begin
s1_finished := true;
current_s := s2;
next ()
from next
let concat s_top =
let current_s = ref(from(fun () -> return None)) in
let rec next () =
get !current_s >>= function
| Some _ as result ->
return result
| None ->
get s_top >>= function
| Some s ->
current_s := s;
next ()
| None ->
return None
from next
let choose streams =
let source s = (s, peek s >|= fun x -> (s, x)) in
let streams = ref (List.rev_map source streams) in
let rec next () =
match !streams with
| [] ->
return None
| l ->
lwt s, x = Lwt.choose (List.map snd l) in
let l = List.remove_assq s l in
match x with
| Some _ ->
lwt () = junk s in
streams := source s :: l;
return x
| None ->
next ()
from next
let parse s f =
let s' = clone s in
f s
with exn ->
Queue.clear s.queue;
Queue.transfer s'.queue s.queue;
raise_lwt exn
let hexdump stream =
let buf = Buffer.create 80 and num = ref 0 in
from begin fun _ ->
nget 16 stream >>= function
| [] ->
return None
| l ->
Buffer.clear buf;
Printf.bprintf buf "%08x| " !num;
num := !num + 16;
let rec bytes pos = function
| [] ->
blanks pos
| x :: l ->
if pos = 8 then Buffer.add_char buf ' ';
Printf.bprintf buf "%02x " (Char.code x);
bytes (pos + 1) l
and blanks pos =
if pos < 16 then begin
if pos = 8 then
Buffer.add_string buf " "
Buffer.add_string buf " ";
blanks (pos + 1)
bytes 0 l;
Buffer.add_string buf " |";
List.iter (fun ch -> Buffer.add_char buf (if ch >= '\x20' && ch <= '\x7e' then ch else '.')) l;
Buffer.add_char buf '|';
return (Some(Buffer.contents buf))