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(* Lightweight thread library for Objective Caml
* http://www.ocsigen.org/lwt
* Interface Lwt_engine
* Copyright (C) 2011 Jérémie Dimino
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, with linking exceptions;
* either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version. See COPYING file for details.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
(** Lwt unix main loop engine *)
(** {6 Events} *)
type event
(** Type of events. An event represent a callback registered to be
called when some event occurs. *)
val stop_event : event -> unit
(** [stop_event event] stops the given event. *)
val fake_event : event
(** Event which does nothing when stopped. *)
(** {6 Event loop functions} *)
val iter : bool -> unit
(** [iter block] performs one iteration of the main loop. If [block]
is [true] the function must blocks until one event become
available, otherwise it should just check for available events
and return immediatly. *)
val on_readable : Unix.file_descr -> (event -> unit) -> event
(** [on_readable fd f] calls [f] each time [fd] becomes readable. *)
val on_writable : Unix.file_descr -> (event -> unit) -> event
(** [on_readable fd f] calls [f] each time [fd] becomes writable. *)
val on_timer : float -> bool -> (event -> unit) -> event
(** [on_timer delay repeat f] calls [f] one time after [delay]
seconds. If [repeat] is [true] then [f] is called each [delay]
seconds, otherwise it is called only one time. *)
val readable_count : unit -> int
(** Returns the number of events waiting for a file descriptor to
become readable. *)
val writable_count : unit -> int
(** Returns the number of events waiting for a file descriptor to
become writable. *)
val timer_count : unit -> int
(** Returns the number of registered timers. *)
val fake_io : Unix.file_descr -> unit
(** Simulates activity on the given file descriptor. *)
(** {6 Engines} *)
(** An engine represent a set of functions used to register different
kind of callbacks for different kind of events. *)
(** Abstract class for engines. *)
class virtual abstract : object
method destroy : unit
(** Destroy the engine, remove all its events and free its
associated resources. *)
method transfer : abstract -> unit
(** [transfer engine] moves all events from the current engine to
[engine]. Note that timers are reset in the destination
engine, i.e. if a timer with a delay of 2 seconds was
registered 1 second ago it will occurs in 2 seconds in the
destination engine. *)
(** {6 Event loop methods} *)
method virtual iter : bool -> unit
method on_readable : Unix.file_descr -> (event -> unit) -> event
method on_writable : Unix.file_descr -> (event -> unit) -> event
method on_timer : float -> bool -> (event -> unit) -> event
method fake_io : Unix.file_descr -> unit
method readable_count : int
method writable_count : int
method timer_count : int
(** {6 Backend methods} *)
(** Notes:
- the callback passed to register methods is of type [unit ->
unit] and not [event -> unit]
- register methods returns a lazy value which unregister the
event when forced
method virtual private cleanup : unit
(** Cleanup resources associated to the engine. *)
method virtual private register_readable : Unix.file_descr -> (unit -> unit) -> unit Lazy.t
method virtual private register_writable : Unix.file_descr -> (unit -> unit) -> unit Lazy.t
method virtual private register_timer : float -> bool -> (unit -> unit) -> unit Lazy.t
(** Type of engines. *)
class type t = object
inherit abstract
method iter : bool -> unit
method private cleanup : unit
method private register_readable : Unix.file_descr -> (unit -> unit) -> unit Lazy.t
method private register_writable : Unix.file_descr -> (unit -> unit) -> unit Lazy.t
method private register_timer : float -> bool -> (unit -> unit) -> unit Lazy.t
(** {6 Predefined engines} *)
type ev_loop
(** Type of libev loops. *)
(** Engine based on libev. If not compiled with libev support, the
creation of the class will raise {!Lwt_sys.Not_available}. *)
class libev : object
inherit t
val loop : ev_loop
(** The libev loop used for this engine. *)
method loop : ev_loop
(** Returns [loop]. *)
(** Engine based on [Unix.select]. *)
class select : t
(** Abstract class for engines based on a select-like function. *)
class virtual select_based : object
inherit t
method private virtual select : Unix.file_descr list -> Unix.file_descr list -> float -> Unix.file_descr list * Unix.file_descr list
(** [select fds_r fds_w timeout] waits for either:
- one of the file descriptor of [fds_r] to become readable
- one of the file descriptor of [fds_w] to become writable
- timeout to expire
and returns the list of readable file descriptor and the list
of writable file descriptors. *)
(** Abstract class for engines based on a poll-like function. *)
class virtual poll_based : object
inherit t
method private virtual poll : (Unix.file_descr * bool * bool) list -> float -> (Unix.file_descr * bool * bool) list
(** [poll fds tiomeout], where [fds] is a list of tuples of the
form [(fd, check_readable, check_writable)], waits for either:
- one of the file descriptor with [check_readable] set to
[true] to become readable
- one of the file descriptor with [check_writable] set to
[true] to become writable
- timeout to expire
and returns the list of file descriptors with their readable
and writable status. *)
(** {6 The current engine} *)
val get : unit -> t
(** [get ()] returns the engine currently in use. *)
val set : ?transfer : bool -> ?destroy : bool -> #t -> unit
(** [set ?transfer ?destroy engine] replaces the current engine by
the given one.
If [transfer] is [true] (the default) all events from the
current engine are transferred to the new one.
If [destroy] is [true] (the default) then the current engine is
destroyed before being replaced. *)