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(* Lightweight thread library for Objective Caml
* http://www.ocsigen.org/lwt
* Module Lwt_term
* Copyright (C) 2009 Jérémie Dimino
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, with linking exceptions;
* either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version. See COPYING file for details.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
(** Terminal control *)
(** This modules allow you to write interactive programs using the
terminal. *)
val with_raw_mode : (unit -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
(** [with_raw_mode f] executes [f] while the terminal is in ``raw
mode''. Raw mode means that character are returned as the user
type them (otherwise only complete line are returned to the
If the terminal is already in raw mode, it just calls [f]. *)
val raw_mode : unit -> bool
(** Returns wether the terminal is currently in raw mode *)
val enter_drawing_mode : unit -> unit Lwt.t
(** Put the terminal into drawing mode *)
val leave_drawing_mode : unit -> unit Lwt.t
(** Restore the state of the terminal *)
val show_cursor : unit -> unit Lwt.t
(** [show_cursor ()] makes the cursor visible *)
val hide_cursor : unit -> unit Lwt.t
(** [hide_cursor ()] makes the cursor invisible *)
val clear_screen : unit -> unit Lwt.t
(** [clear_screen ()] clears the entire screen *)
val clear_line : unit -> unit Lwt.t
(** [clear_line ()] clears the current line *)
val goto_beginning_of_line : int -> unit Lwt.t
(** [goto_beginning_of_line n] put the cursor at the beginning of
the [n]th previous line.
- [goto_beginning_of_line 0] goes to the beginning of the current line
- [goto_beginning_of_line 1] goes to the beginning of the previous line
- ...
(** {6 Terminal informations} *)
(** Terminal sizes: *)
type size = {
lines : int;
columns : int;
val size : size React.signal
(** Size of the terminal. *)
val columns : int React.signal
(** Number of columns of the terminal *)
val lines : int React.signal
(** Number of lines of the terminal *)
(** {6 Keys} *)
val parse_key_raw : Text.t Lwt_stream.t -> Text.t Lwt.t
(** [parse_key_raw st] recognize escape sequence in a stream of
unicode character.
It returns either:
- either single characters, like ["a"], ["é"], ...
- either escape sequences
(** Type of ``decoded'' keys.
This list is not exhaustive, but at least it should works on all
terminals: *)
type key =
| Key of Text.t
(** A unicode character or an uninterpreted sequence *)
| Key_up
| Key_down
| Key_left
| Key_right
| Key_f of int
| Key_next_page
| Key_previous_page
| Key_home
| Key_end
| Key_insert
| Key_delete
| Key_control of char
(** A control key *)
val string_of_key : key -> string
(** [string_of_key key] string representation of a key *)
val control_mapping : (int * char) list
(** Mapping from control key codes to character codes.
Here is the list of control keys:
| Char | Oct | Dec | Name | Hex | Key | Comment |
| '@' | 0o00 | 0 | NUL | 0x00 | ^@ \0 | Null byte |
| 'a' | 0o01 | 1 | SOH | 0x01 | ^A | Start of heading |
| 'b' | 0o02 | 2 | STX | 0x02 | ^B | Start of text |
| 'c' | 0o03 | 3 | ETX | 0x03 | ^C | End of text |
| 'd' | 0o04 | 4 | EOT | 0x04 | ^D | End of transmission |
| 'e' | 0o05 | 5 | ENQ | 0x05 | ^E | Enquiry |
| 'f' | 0o06 | 6 | ACK | 0x06 | ^F | Acknowledge |
| 'g' | 0o07 | 7 | BEL | 0x07 | ^G | Ring terminal bell |
| 'h' | 0o10 | 8 | BS | 0x08 | ^H \b | Backspace |
| 'i' | 0o11 | 9 | HT | 0x09 | ^I \t | Horizontal tab |
| 'j' | 0o12 | 10 | LF | 0x0a | ^J \n | Line feed |
| 'k' | 0o13 | 11 | VT | 0x0b | ^K | Vertical tab |
| 'l' | 0o14 | 12 | FF | 0x0c | ^L \f | Form feed |
| 'm' | 0o15 | 13 | CR | 0x0d | ^M \r | Carriage return |
| 'n' | 0o16 | 14 | SO | 0x0e | ^N | Shift out |
| 'o' | 0o17 | 15 | SI | 0x0f | ^O | Shift in |
| 'p' | 0o20 | 16 | DLE | 0x10 | ^P | Data link escape |
| 'q' | 0o21 | 17 | DC1 | 0x11 | ^Q | Device control 1 (XON) |
| 'r' | 0o22 | 18 | DC2 | 0x12 | ^R | Device control 2 |
| 's' | 0o23 | 19 | DC3 | 0x13 | ^S | Device control 3 (XOFF) |
| 't' | 0o24 | 20 | DC4 | 0x14 | ^T | Device control 4 |
| 'u' | 0o25 | 21 | NAK | 0x15 | ^U | Negative acknowledge |
| 'v' | 0o26 | 22 | SYN | 0x16 | ^V | Synchronous idle |
| 'w' | 0o27 | 23 | ETB | 0x17 | ^W | End of transmission block |
| 'x' | 0o30 | 24 | CAN | 0x18 | ^X | Cancel |
| 'y' | 0o31 | 25 | EM | 0x19 | ^Y | End of medium |
| 'z' | 0o32 | 26 | SUB | 0x1a | ^Z | Substitute character |
| '[' | 0o33 | 27 | ESC | 0x1b | ^[ | Escape |
| '\' | 0o34 | 28 | FS | 0x1c | ^\ | File separator, Information separator four |
| ']' | 0o35 | 29 | GS | 0x1d | ^] | Group separator, Information separator three |
| '^' | 0o36 | 30 | RS | 0x1e | ^^ | Record separator, Information separator two |
| '_' | 0o37 | 31 | US | 0x1f | ^_ | Unit separator, Information separator one |
| '?' | 0o177 | 127 | DEL | 0x7f | ^? | Delete |
val key_enter : key
(** [key_enter = Key_control 'j'] *)
val key_escape : key
(** [key_escape = Key_control '\['] *)
val key_tab : key
(** [key_escape = Key_control 'i'] *)
val key_backspace : key
(** [key_backspace = Key_control '?'] *)
val sequence_mapping : (Text.t * key) list
(** Mapping from sequence to keys *)
val decode_key : Text.t -> key
(** Decode a key. *)
val standard_input : Text.t Lwt_stream.t
(** The input stream used by {!read_key} *)
val read_key : unit -> key Lwt.t
(** Get and decode a key from {!standard_input} *)
(** {6 Styles} *)
type color = int
(** Type of a color. Most modern terminals support either 88 or
256 colors. *)
val set_color : color -> int * int * int -> unit Lwt.t
(** [set_color num (red, green, blue)] sets the three components of
the color number [num] *)
(** {8 Standard colors} *)
val default : color
val black : color
val red : color
val green : color
val yellow : color
val blue : color
val magenta : color
val cyan : color
val white : color
(** {8 Light colors} *)
(** Note: these colors are not supposed to works on all terminals, but
in practice it works with all modern ones. By the way, using
standard colors + bold mode will give the same result as using a
light color. *)
val lblack : color
val lred : color
val lgreen : color
val lyellow : color
val lblue : color
val lmagenta : color
val lcyan : color
val lwhite : color
(** {8 Text with styles} *)
(** Elmement of a styled-text *)
type styled_text_instruction =
| Text of Text.t
(** Some text *)
| Reset
(** Resets all styles to default *)
| Bold
| Underlined
| Blink
| Inverse
| Hidden
| Foreground of color
| Background of color
type styled_text = styled_text_instruction list
(** A styled text is a list of instructions *)
val textf : ('a, unit, string, styled_text_instruction) format4 -> 'a
(** [textf fmt] formats a texts with [fmt] and returns [Text txt] *)
val text : Text.t -> styled_text_instruction
val reset : styled_text_instruction
val bold : styled_text_instruction
val underlined : styled_text_instruction
val blink : styled_text_instruction
val inverse : styled_text_instruction
val hidden : styled_text_instruction
val fg : color -> styled_text_instruction
(** [fg col = Foreground col] *)
val bg : color -> styled_text_instruction
(** [bg col = Background col] *)
val strip_styles : styled_text -> Text.t
(** Drop all styles *)
val styled_length : styled_text -> int
(** Returns the length (in unicode character) of the given styled
text. The following equality holds for all styled-texts:
[styled_length st = Text.length (strip_styles st)]
val write_styled : Lwt_text.output_channel -> styled_text -> unit Lwt.t
(** [write_styled oc st] writes [st] on [oc] using escape
sequences. *)
val printc : styled_text -> unit Lwt.t
(** [printc st] prints the given styled text on standard output. If
stdout is not a tty, then styles are stripped.
The text is encoded to the system encoding before being
output. *)
val eprintc : styled_text -> unit Lwt.t
(** Same as [printc] but prints on stderr. *)
val printlc : styled_text -> unit Lwt.t
(** [printlc st] prints [st], then reset styles and prints a
newline *)
val eprintlc : styled_text -> unit Lwt.t
(** Same as [printlc] but prints on stderr *)
(** {6 Rendering} *)
(** Character styles *)
type style = {
bold : bool;
underlined : bool;
blink : bool;
inverse : bool;
hidden : bool;
foreground : color;
background : color;
(** A character on the screen: *)
type point = {
char : Text.t;
(** The character. *)
style : style;
(** The character style *)
val blank : point
(** A space with default color and styles *)
val render : point array array -> unit Lwt.t
(** Render an offscreen array to the terminal. *)
val render_update : point array array -> point array array -> unit Lwt.t
(** [render_update displayed to_display] does the same as [render
to_display] but assumes that [displayed] contains the current
displayed text. This reduces the amount of text sent to the
terminal. *)
(** {6 Drawing} *)
(** Off-screen zones *)
module Zone : sig
type t = {
points : point array array;
(** The off-screen matrix *)
x : int;
y : int;
(** Absolute coordinates of the top-left corner of the zone *)
width : int;
height : int;
(** Dimmensions of the zone *)
val points : t -> point array array
val x : t -> int
val y : t -> int
val width : t -> int
val height : t -> int
val make : width : int -> height : int -> t
(** Make a new zone where all points are initialized to
{!blank} *)
val sub : zone : t -> x : int -> y : int -> width : int -> height : int -> t
(** [sub ~zone ~x ~y ~width ~height] creates a sub-zone of
[zone]. [x] and [y] are relatives to the zone top left corner.
@raise Invalid_argument if the sub zone is not included in
val inner : t -> t
(** [inner zone] returns the inner part of [zone] *)
(** Drawing helpers *)
module Draw : sig
(** Note: except for {!get}, all function ignore points that are
outside the zone *)
val get : zone : Zone.t -> x : int -> y : int -> point
(** [get ~zone ~x ~y] returns the point at relative position [x]
and [y].
@raise Invalid_argument if the coordinates are outside the
zone *)
val set : zone : Zone.t -> x : int -> y : int -> point : point -> unit
(** [set ~zone ~x ~y ~popint] sets point at relative position [x]
and [y]. *)
val map : zone : Zone.t -> x : int -> y : int -> (point -> point) -> unit
(** [map ~zone ~x ~y f] replace the point at coordinates [(x, y)]
by the result of [f] applied on it. *)
val text : zone : Zone.t -> x : int -> y : int -> text : Text.t -> unit
(** Draw the given text at the given positon *)
val textf : Zone.t -> int -> int -> ('a, unit, string, unit) format4 -> 'a
(** Same as {!text} but uses a format string *)
val textc : zone : Zone.t -> x : int -> y : int -> text : styled_text -> unit
(** Same as {!text} but takes a text with styles *)