open Unix open Printf open Thread open Sexp let connection_count = ref 0 let endpoint_name n = match n with | ADDR_INET (host, port) -> sprintf "%s:%d" (string_of_inet_addr host) port | _ -> "??unknown??" let flush_output mtx flush_control cout = let rec loop () = match Event.poll (Event.receive flush_control) with | Some () -> () | None -> let ok = Util.with_mutex0 mtx (fun () -> try flush cout; true with _ -> false) in if ok then (Thread.delay 0.1; loop ()) else () in loop () let connection_main class_name peername cin cout issue_banner boot_fn node_fn mainloop = ("Accepted "^class_name) [Str (endpoint_name peername)]; if issue_banner cin cout then let mtx = Mutex.create () in let flush_control = Event.new_channel () in ignore (Util.create_thread (endpoint_name peername ^ " flush") None (flush_output mtx flush_control) cout); let shared_state = boot_fn (peername, mtx, cin, cout) in let n = Node.make class_name (node_fn shared_state) in (try mainloop shared_state n with | End_of_file -> ("Disconnecting "^class_name^" normally") [Str (endpoint_name peername)] | Sys_error message -> Log.warn ("Disconnected "^class_name^" by Sys_error") [Str (endpoint_name peername); Str message] | exn -> Log.error ("Uncaught exception in "^class_name) [Str (Printexc.to_string exn)] ); Node.unbind_all n; Event.sync (Event.send flush_control ()) else Log.error ("Disconnected "^class_name^" by failed initial handshake") [] let start_connection' class_name issue_banner boot_fn node_fn mainloop (s, peername) = let cin = in_channel_of_descr s in let cout = out_channel_of_descr s in connection_count := !connection_count + 1; connection_main class_name peername cin cout issue_banner boot_fn node_fn mainloop; connection_count := !connection_count - 1; (try flush cout with _ -> ()); close s let start_connection class_name issue_banner boot_fn node_fn mainloop (s, peername) = Util.create_thread (endpoint_name peername ^ " input") None (start_connection' class_name issue_banner boot_fn node_fn mainloop) (s, peername)