open Printf open Datastructures type handle_message_t = t -> Sexp.t -> unit and t = { mutable names: StringSet.t; class_name: string; handle_message: handle_message_t } let directory = ref StringMap.empty let local_container_name () = "server" let make class_name handler = { names = StringSet.empty; class_name = class_name; handle_message = handler } let lookup name = try Some (StringMap.find name !directory) with Not_found -> None let bind (filter, node) = if filter = "" then (printf "WARNING: Binding to empty name forbidden\n%!"; false) else if StringMap.mem filter !directory then false else (directory := StringMap.add filter node !directory; node.names <- StringSet.add filter node.names; printf "INFO: Binding node <<%s>> of class %s\n%!" filter node.class_name; true) (* For use in factory constructor functions, hence the odd return type and values *) let make_named class_name node_name handler = let node = make class_name handler in if bind (node_name, node) then None else Some (Sexp.Str "bind-failed") let unbind name = match lookup name with | Some n -> printf "INFO: Unbinding node <<%s>> of class %s\n%!" name n.class_name; n.names <- StringSet.remove name n.names; directory := StringMap.remove name !directory; true | None -> false let unbind_all n = StringSet.iter (fun name -> ignore (unbind name)) n.names; n.names <- StringSet.empty let send name body = match lookup name with | Some n -> n.handle_message n body; true | None -> false let post name label body token = send name ( (label, body, token)) let bind_ignore (filter, node) = if bind (filter, node) then () else printf "WARNING: Duplicate binding <<%s>>\n%!" filter let send_ignore name body = if send name body then () else (printf "WARNING: send to missing node %s: " name; Sexp.output_sexp Pervasives.stdout body; print_newline ()) let post_ignore name label body token = send_ignore name ( (label, body, token))