open Datastructures type t = { mutable live: bool; uuid: Uuid.t; filter: Sexp.t; sink: string; name: Sexp.t } type set_t = t StringMap.t ref let new_set () = ref StringMap.empty let create subs filter sink name reply_sink reply_name = let uuid = Uuid.create () in let sub = { live = true; uuid = uuid; filter = filter; sink = sink; name = name } in subs := StringMap.add uuid sub !subs; Node.post_ignore reply_sink reply_name (Message.subscribe_ok (Sexp.Str uuid)) (Sexp.Str ""); sub let delete subs uuid = try let sub = StringMap.find uuid !subs in <- false; subs := StringMap.remove uuid !subs; Some sub with Not_found -> None let lookup subs uuid = try Some (StringMap.find uuid !subs) with Not_found -> None let send_to_subscription' sub body delete_action = if not then false else if sub.sink body (Sexp.Str sub.uuid) then true else (delete_action sub.uuid; false) let send_to_subscription subs sub body = send_to_subscription' sub body (fun (uuid) -> delete subs uuid)