open Sexp let rec sexp_of_json j = match j with | Json.Num f -> Hint {hint = Bytes.of_string "num"; body = Bytes.of_string (Json.to_string j)} | Json.Str s -> str s | Json.Arr js -> Arr ( sexp_of_json js) | Json.Rec kvs -> Arr ((Hint {hint = Bytes.of_string "obj"; body = Bytes.empty}) :: ( (fun (k, v) -> Arr [str k; sexp_of_json v]) kvs)) | Json.Flg f -> Hint {hint = (Bytes.of_string "bool"); body = (Bytes.of_string (string_of_bool f))} | Json.Nil -> Hint {hint = (Bytes.of_string "null"); body = Bytes.empty} let json_of_sexp x = let rec walk x = match x with | Hint {hint = hint; body = n} when hint = Bytes.of_string "num" -> Json.Num (float_of_string (Bytes.to_string n)) | Str s -> Json.Str (Bytes.to_string s) | Arr ((Hint {hint = hint; body = bs}) :: kvs) when hint = Bytes.of_string "obj" && bs = Bytes.empty -> Json.Rec ( (fun kv -> (match kv with | Arr [Str k; v] -> (Bytes.to_string k, walk v) | _ -> raise (Syntax_error "Bad JSON-SEXP key-value"))) kvs) | Arr xs -> Json.Arr ( walk xs) | Hint {hint = hint; body = bs} when hint = Bytes.of_string "bool" -> Json.Flg (bool_of_string (Bytes.to_string bs)) | Hint {hint = hint; body = bs} when hint = Bytes.of_string "null" && bs = Bytes.empty -> Json.Nil | Hint {hint = h; body = b} -> Json.Rec ["_hint", Json.Str (Bytes.to_string h); "_body", Json.Str (Bytes.to_string b)] in Lwt.wrap1 walk x