More flexible sexp reading.

This commit is contained in:
Tony Garnock-Jones 2012-04-29 16:33:32 -04:00
parent daeea89e36
commit e8a89b0818
1 changed files with 52 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -44,6 +44,20 @@ let rec output_sexp ch x =
List.iter (output_sexp ch) xs;
output_char ch ')'
let rec stream_of_sexp x =
Stringstream.make (fun () ->
match x with
| Str s ->
Some (string_of_int (String.length s) ^ ":", false, Stringstream.const s)
| Hint {hint = h; body = b} ->
Some ("[", false,
Stringstream.seq (stream_of_sexp h)
(Stringstream.seq (Stringstream.const "]")
(stream_of_sexp b)))
| Arr xs ->
Some ("(", false,
Stringstream.seq ( stream_of_sexp xs) (Stringstream.const ")")))
let output_char_escaped ch c =
if c = '\"'
then output_string ch "\\\""
@ -79,44 +93,48 @@ let char_whitespace c = c <= ' '
let digit_val c = (int_of_char c) - (int_of_char '0')
let input_bytes count ch =
let input_bytes ch count =
let buf = String.create count in (* mutable strings?!?! *)
really_input ch buf 0 count;
Str buf
let syntax_error explanation = raise (Syntax_error explanation)
let rec input_simple_string len ch =
match input_char ch with
| ':' -> input_bytes len ch
| b when char_numeric b -> input_simple_string (len * 10 + digit_val b) ch
let input_sexp_outer input_char input_bytes =
let rec input_simple_string len =
match input_char () with
| ':' -> Str (input_bytes len)
| b when char_numeric b -> input_simple_string (len * 10 + digit_val b)
| _ -> syntax_error "Bad simple-string length character"
let rec input_sexp_list ch =
let rec input_sexp_list () =
let rec collect acc =
match input_sexp_inner ch with
match input_sexp_inner () with
| None -> Arr (List.rev acc)
| Some v -> collect (v :: acc)
in collect []
and input_sexp_inner ch =
match input_char ch with
| '(' -> Some (input_sexp_list ch)
and input_sexp_inner () =
match input_char () with
| '(' -> Some (input_sexp_list ())
| ')' -> None
| '[' ->
let hint = input_simple_string 0 ch in
(match input_char ch with
| ']' -> Some (Hint {hint = hint; body = input_simple_string 0 ch})
let hint = input_simple_string 0 in
(match input_char () with
| ']' -> Some (Hint {hint = hint; body = input_simple_string 0})
| _ -> syntax_error "Missing close-bracket in display hint")
| b when char_numeric b ->
Some (input_simple_string (digit_val b) ch)
Some (input_simple_string (digit_val b))
| b when char_whitespace b ->
(* Convenience for testing *)
input_sexp_inner ch
input_sexp_inner ()
| _ ->
syntax_error "Bad SEXP input character"
let input_sexp ch =
match input_sexp_inner ch with
match input_sexp_inner () with
| None -> syntax_error "Unexpected end of list"
| Some v -> v
let input_sexp ch = input_sexp_outer (fun () -> input_char ch) (input_bytes ch)
let parse b = input_sexp_outer (fun () -> Ibuffer.next_char b) (Ibuffer.next_chars b)
let sexp_of_string s = parse (Ibuffer.of_string s)
let string_of_sexp x = Stringstream.to_string (stream_of_sexp x)